Rural Project Examples: Public health
Evidence-Based Examples
Sickness Prevention Achieved through Regional Collaboration (SPARC, Inc.®)
Updated/reviewed July 2023
- Need: Population-based rates of adult vaccinations and cancer screenings are low. Delivery rates are lower still in low-income and minority communities.
- Intervention: SPARC was established to develop and test new community-wide strategies to increase the delivery of clinical preventive services.
- Results: Across the United States in both rural and urban communities, SPARC programs, which broaden the delivery of potentially life-saving preventive services, have been successfully launched, improving residents' health.
Promising Examples
Health without Borders
Updated/reviewed January 2025
- Need: To improve the health of communities in the south central region of New Mexico.
- Intervention: A program was developed to address diabetes prevention and control, behavioral healthcare, and immunization in Luna County.
- Results: During the program, 1,500 immunizations were distributed, baseline measurements of participants improved, and 935 new patients were seen for behavioral health issues.
Updated/reviewed March 2024
- Need: To prevent new cases of HIV in rural Iowa.
- Intervention: TelePrEP provides preventive care via telehealth and prescription delivery.
- Results: Between February 2017 and August 2020, TelePrEP received 456 referrals, with 403 patients completing an initial visit.
Other Project Examples
Heartland OK
Updated/reviewed November 2024
- Need: To reduce rural Oklahoma patients' risks for heart disease and stroke.
- Intervention: Heartland OK was a care coordination model in 20 counties.
- Results: Using a team-based care model increased patients' ability to reduce their blood pressure or achieve blood pressure control.
ADPH Telehealth Program
Updated/reviewed September 2024
- Need: To increase access to healthcare throughout Alabama.
- Intervention: The Alabama Department of Public Health (ADPH) has created telehealth communications at county health departments.
- Results: ADPH telehealth services are currently available in 65 of 67 county health departments.
HCC Network's Project Connect Event
Updated/reviewed June 2024
- Need: To expand public health and human services to adults living in rural West Central Missouri.
- Intervention: HCC Network organizes Project Connect events, daylong resource fairs that offer free public health and human services to underserved adults.
- Results: In 2023, Project Connect events welcomed 140 guests and offered numerous services and resource connections.
Genesee and Orleans County Cross Jurisdictional Sharing Project (GO Health)
Updated/reviewed September 2023
- Need: Two rural upstate New York counties struggled to provide necessary public health leadership and services amid a fluid environment with rising costs and funding limitations.
- Intervention: The Genesee County and Orleans County health departments began a cross jurisdictional sharing relationship that integrated select functions and services, beginning with sharing a director and deputy director.
- Results: By sharing personnel and functions, management personnel costs have been cut in half and both counties have saved over $2 million for the counties combined.
Partners in Health and Wholeness
Updated/reviewed December 2022
- Need: To lessen the impact of chronic disease and associated complications in North Carolina.
- Intervention: Partners in Health and Wholeness, an initiative of the NC Council of Churches, is a faith-based program that integrates healthy living within congregations while offering financial support to launch or expand health initiatives. The program partners with faith communities in North Carolina to fund and support their health initiatives through collaborative partnerships.
- Results: Since its founding in 2009, over 900 churches have become a part of the PHW, many in rural areas, and over 600 mini-grants have been awarded to congregations.
San Luis Valley Public Health Partnership
Updated/reviewed December 2022
- Need: Public health departments in Colorado's rural San Luis Valley region desired to share public health services to improve health outcomes in the region.
- Intervention: Six counties joined in a public health cross-jurisdictional sharing arrangement. The partnership has served as a forum for sharing and evaluating opportunities to improve health access and core public health services.
- Results: The partnership has enabled health departments to share expertise and develop regional projects to provide a broader range of public health services.
For examples from other sources, see: