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Rural Health
Resources by Topic: Public health

Effective Communication and Consistency in Increasing Rural Vaccination Rates
Discusses barriers to vaccination in rural areas and strategies to improve vaccination rates. Features efforts in a Louisiana Rural Health Clinic (RHC) and in rural Kentucky high schools that are increasing vaccination rates.
Author(s): Allee Mead
Citation: Rural Monitor
Date: 09/2019
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Rural Health Information Hub
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Implementation Challenges and Opportunities Related to HPV Vaccination Quality Improvement in Primary Care Clinics in a Rural State
Examines quality improvement interventions to increase human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination rates in a rural Midwestern state. Describes the disparity in HPV vaccination rates between rural and urban areas. Discusses the roles of providers, clinics, and health systems in implementing interventions.
Author(s): Natoshia M. Askelson, Grace Ryan, Laura Seegmiller, et al.
Citation: Journal of Community Health, 44(4), 790-795
Date: 08/2019
Type: Document
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Scaling Up Hepatitis C Prevention and Treatment Interventions for Achieving Elimination in the United States: A Rural and Urban Comparison
Details a study on hepatitis C treatment and prevention interventions for people who use drugs in rural and urban areas. Compares the results of medication-assisted treatment (MAT) and syringe service program (SSP) interventions in rural Perry County, Kentucky and urban San Fransisco, California.
Author(s): Hannah Fraser, Claudia Vellozzi, Thomas J Hoerger, et al.
Citation: American Journal of Epidemiology, 188(8), 1539-1551
Date: 08/2019
Type: Document
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Disparities in Rural Tobacco Use, Smoke-Free Policies, and Tobacco Taxes
Highlights tobacco-related disparities in rural communities such as the prevalence of second-hand smoke, smoke free policies, and taxes on tobacco products. Discusses cigarettes and smokeless tobacco, e-cigarettes, tobacco industry influence, and best practices for rural communities.
Author(s): Kelly Buettner-Schmidt, Donald R. Miller, Brody Maack
Citation: Western Journal of Nursing Research, 41(8), 1184-1202
Date: 08/2019
Type: Document
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Acceptability of Safe Drug Consumption Spaces among People Who Inject Drugs in Rural West Virginia
Presents a study on the acceptability of safe consumption spaces among people who inject drugs in rural West Virginia. Breaks down data by demographic data, overdoses, and drugs used, among other characteristics.
Author(s): Allison O'Rourke, Rebecca Hamilton White, Ju Nyeong Park, et al.
Citation: Harm Reduction Journal, 16, 51
Date: 08/2019
Type: Document
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Doctor Hopping and Doctor Shopping for Prescription Opioids Associated with Increased Odds of High‐Risk Use
Presents a study on doctor hopping by people with opioid use disorder. Defines doctor hopping, a variant of doctor shopping, and uses data from the Arkansas Prescription Drug Monitoring Program to illustrate the behavior and its outcomes. Compares doctor hopping and doctor shopping in both rural and urban areas.
Author(s): Sean G. Young, Corey J. Hayes, Jonathan Aram, Mark A. Tait
Citation: Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety, 28(8), 1117–1124
Date: 08/2019
Type: Document
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Promising Practice: Educational Partnership Reaches Rural California Communities
Details a promising practice that works to expand health literacy among rural Latinos in California through a partnership between the California State Office of Rural Health and the California Department of Public Health's Office of Binational Border Health. Details the way the program is reaching rural Latinos through community health worker/promotores training.
Date: 08/2019
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: National Organization of State Offices of Rural Health
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The Role of Tribal Epidemiology Centers: Podcast with Vanesscia Cresci, MSW, MPA, and Rosalina James, PhD
Podcast discusses the role of tribal epidemiology centers in studying and mitigating health disparities among American Indians and Alaska Natives. Details some of the ways tribal epidemiology centers are able to serve their communities more effectively than outside entities.
Author(s): Camelia Singletary
Citation: JPHMP Direct
Date: 08/2019
Type: Document
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National, Regional, State, and Selected Local Area Vaccination Coverage Among Adolescents Aged 13–17 Years — United States, 2018
Reports on vaccination coverage among U.S. adolescents by age for ages 13 through 17 and overall for 2017 and 2018. Also includes data on vaccination coverage by metropolitan and nonmetropolitan residence and by health insurance status. Includes nonmetro data related to the following vaccines: Tdap (tetanus toxoid, reduced diphtheria toxoid, and acellular pertussis), MenACWY (quadrivalent meningococcal conjugate), HPV (human papillomavirus), MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella), hepatitis B, and varicella.
Author(s): Tanja Y. Walker, Laurie D. Elam-Evans, David Yankey, et al.
Citation: MMWR (Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report), 68(33), 718-723
Date: 08/2019
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
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Iowa's Grants to Counties Program: A Valuable but Underutilized Program for Protecting the Public Health of Private Well Users
Examines spending for Iowa's Grants to Counties program, which offers 7 categories related to wells, including water quality testing. Addresses county-level access to rural water and the impact on Grants to Counties spending. Supports expanded testing for private well water contaminants in partnership with county public health agencies, prioritizing shallow wells, enabling additional funding for addressing unsafe drinking water, and more.
Date: 08/2019
Type: Document
Sponsoring organizations: Center for Health Effects of Environmental Contamination, Center for Social Science Innovation
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