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Rural Health
Resources by Topic: Public health

Improved Veteran Access to Care Through the Veteran Health Information Exchange (VHIE) Retail Immunization Coordination Project
Presents a study on a coordination between the VA and Walgreens in an attempt to increase access to immunizations for rural veterans. Discusses the number of veterans who benefited from the program, as well as the distance traveled to both the VA and their nearest Walgreens to be vaccinated.
Author(s): Nathan Botts, Eric Pan, Lois Olinger, Margaret Donahue, Nelson Hsing
Citation: AMIA Annual Symposium Proceedings Archive, 2016, 326-331
Date: 2016
Type: Document
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The Two Georgias: Addressing Health Equity in Rural Georgia
A series of articles discussing health disparities between rural and urban Georgia. Includes sections devoted to literature reviews, qualitative research, population science, needs assessments, and public health practices. Topics range from rural hospital closure, access and use of EMS services, and teen pregnancy, to social determinants of health as connected to childcare programs.
Citation: Journal of the Georgia Public Health Association, 5(4), 294-404
Date: 2016
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Georgia Public Health Association
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New Mexico – Sexual Violence Free: A Statewide Strategic Plan for the Primary Prevention of Sexual Violence 2015-2020
Describes a plan to prevent sexual violence across the state of New Mexico. Developed with input from experts and advocates on sexual violence prevention, community members, and service providers, the plan sets forth goals for collaboration among stakeholders to address prevention efforts for priority populations, including but not limited to African Americans, children, people with disabilities, LGBTQ, Native Americans, older adults, and people living in rural communities.
Additional links: Summary
Author(s): Theresa Cruz, Julia Meredith Hess, Leona Woelk, Samantha Bear
Date: 12/2015
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: New Mexico Department of Health
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A Community-Driven Intervention in Tuftonboro, New Hampshire, Succeeds in Altering Water Testing Behavior
Reports on a community-based program coordinating with state-level programs to identify well water contaminants in rural Tuftonboro, New Hampshire. Discusses the different contaminates, their sources, and the potential health effects they cause. Presents research on community engagement and models for community-level interventions.
Author(s): Michael P. Paul, Pierce Rigrod, Steve Wingate, Mark E. Borsuk
Citation: Journal of Environmental Health, 78(5), 30-39
Date: 12/2015
Type: Document
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Syringe Service Programs for Persons Who Inject Drugs in Urban, Suburban, and Rural Areas - United States, 2013
Describes characteristics of syringe service programs in urban, suburban, and rural areas. Includes information on program size, number of syringes exchanged, total funding, and whether public funding supports the program. Discusses the increase in opiate overdoses and prescription opiate use in rural areas and concerns related to the availability of syringe exchange programs in these areas.
Author(s): Don C. Des Jarlais, Ann Nugent, Alisa Solberg, et al.
Citation: MMWR (Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report), 64(48), 1337-41
Date: 12/2015
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
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Lower Respiratory Tract Infection Hospitalizations among American Indian/Alaska Native Children and the General United States Child Population
Analyzes hospital discharge data from 1998 to 2011 to describe the change in hospitalization rates associated with lower respiratory tract infection (LRTI) for American Indian/Alaska Native children and the general U.S. child population under the age of 5 years.
Author(s): Eric M. Foote, Rosalyn J. Singleton, Robert C. Holman, et al.
Citation: International Journal of Circumpolar Health, 74(1)
Date: 11/2015
Type: Document
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Using Photovoice to Understand Barriers to and Facilitators of Cardiovascular Health Among African American Adults and Adolescents, North Carolina, 2011–2012
Reports on how African American adults and adolescents perceive cardiovascular health, and associated barriers and enablers through the use of a community-based participatory research method identified as photovoice to facilitate understanding. Photovoice engages communities by providing cameras for participants to help them demonstrate public health issues and interventions needing to be addressed. Six adults and nine adolescents from rural Lenoir County, North Carolina participated in eight 90-minute transcribed discussions on cardiovascular health.
Author(s): Sarah Kowitt, Briana Woods-Jaeger, Jesse Lomas, et al.
Citation: Preventing Chronic Disease, 12
Date: 10/2015
Type: Document
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Rural Public Health Systems: Challenges and Opportunities for Improving Population Health
Reviews published scientific articles and selected literature from non-commercial publishers concerning rural public health systems and local health departments. Includes key findings on topics such as assessment, policy development, assurance, and accreditation to meet national standards.
Author(s): Nathan L. Hale
Date: 10/2015
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: AcademyHealth
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Motor Vehicle Crashes, Medical Outcomes, and Hospital Charges Among Children Aged 1-12 Years - Crash Outcome Data Evaluation System, 11 States, 2005-2008
Reports on age- and size-appropriate restraint use for children involved in motor vehicle accidents, based on data from 11 states. Lists restraint use for different age groups by the location of the crash in rural compared to urban areas.
Author(s): Erin K. Sauber-Schatz, Andrea M. Thomas, Lawrence J. Cook
Citation: MMWR Surveillance Summaries, 64(SS08), 1-32
Date: 10/2015
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
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Evaluating Adverse Rural Crash Outcomes Using the NHTSA State Data System
Evaluates individual factors associated with severe injury and death after injury has occurred in rural motor vehicle crashes. Analyzes data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and police-reported crashes in 11 states. Includes information on injury severity by rural versus urban location, age, driver or passenger, seat belt use, time of crash, and factors influencing the crash.
Author(s): Christine Peura, Joseph A. Kilch, David E. Clark
Citation: Accident Analysis & Prevention, 82, 257-262
Date: 09/2015
Type: Document
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