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Rural Health
Resources by Topic: Health workforce pipeline

Playbook for Enhancing Indiana's Mental and Behavioral Health Workforce
Provides an overview of strategies to improve the mental and behavioral health workforce in Indiana, with a focus on the health workforce pipeline, school-based behavioral health workforce, clinical training, and the alignment of education, policy, and practice. Includes county-level maps that depict workforce strength, location of behavioral health training programs, and Area Health Education Center (AHEC) regions. Includes data on behavioral health issues in Indiana as well as references to successful programs in other U.S. states.
Author(s): H.L. Maxey, M.M. Tobin
Date: 06/2024
Type: Document
Sponsoring organizations: Bowen Center for Health Workforce Research and Policy, Indiana University School of Medicine
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The Role of Medical Education in Addressing Rural Physician Shortages
Discusses medical education strategies for recruiting rural physicians. Highlights grow-your-own programs, rural track programs, service orientation, and exposing rural kids to health careers.
Author(s): A. Brianna Sheppard
Date: 05/2024
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: National Rural Health Association
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Time for Action: Securing A Strong Nursing Workforce for North Carolina
Offers 8 recommendations for developing the nursing workforce in North Carolina. Discusses the workforce pipeline, professional education, well-being and safety in the workplace, leadership, retention, advocacy, staffing standards, billing, and more. Discusses rural throughout.
Date: 05/2024
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: North Carolina Institute of Medicine
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Transforming Oral Health Care in North Carolina
Makes recommendations for improving oral health access, supporting oral care workforce and providers, and promoting oral health quality and equity in North Carolina. Discusses oral health in rural and underserved areas throughout, including coverage of workforce distribution, dental safety net, and access barriers.
Date: 04/2024
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: North Carolina Institute of Medicine
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Service and Resource Sharing Approaches – Focus on the Public Health Workforce
A recorded webinar that discusses how public health departments can maximize efficiency through service and resource sharing. Focuses on workforce challenges such as capacity, the healthcare pipeline, recruitment, and retention; diversity, equity, and inclusion training; public trust; and more. Includes examples from rural public health systems. Transcript available in tool bar.
Date: 04/2024
Type: Video/Multimedia
Sponsoring organization: Public Health Accreditation Board
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Grow Your Own Toolkit: A Guide to Implementing Workforce Strategies in Washington State's Rural Health Systems
A toolkit for creating grow your own workforce programs for addressing rural healthcare workforce shortages in Washington. Discusses strategies, collaboration opportunities, and implementation tips. Includes case studies from around Washington.
Author(s): Talia Horacek, Sarah Gambrill
Date: 03/2024
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Washington State Department of Health
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North Carolina Healthcare Association Critical Workforce Needs Assessment
Reports on healthcare workforce trends in North Carolina, including discussion of state demographics, policy changes, and strategies influencing workforce needs and availability. Highlights the rural aging population and a need for health workers in rural communities.
Author(s): Patrick McHugh, Alison Bean de Hernandez, Chrystall Davis, Michael Hogan, Sara Nienow
Date: 03/2024
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: North Carolina Healthcare Association
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Addressing the Shortage of Direct Care Workers: Insights from Seven States
Brief assessing efforts for strengthening and identifying federal policy opportunities related to the direct care workforce through interviews with 20 stakeholders in 7 states. Discusses federal funding, collaboration, workforce pipelines, equity, credentials, training, family caregivers, and home- and community-based services. Discusses rural throughout.
Author(s): Barbara Lyons, Molly O'Malley Watts
Date: 03/2024
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Commonwealth Fund
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Design and Impact of a Novel Rural Hospital Alliance
Provides an overview of the University of Arkansas for Medical Science's participation in the Arkansas Rural Health Partnership (ARHP), a southern Arkansas collaborative hospital network. Discusses AHRP program development for clinical network development, workforce recruitment and education, telemedicine, and community outreach initiatives. Highlights the use of partnerships and collaborations to improve hospital operations and health service availability in rural areas throughout.
Author(s): Kristie Hadden, Mellie Boagni, Jon Parham, Cam Patterson, Stephanie Gardner
Citation: Southern Medical Journal, 117(2), 67-71
Date: 02/2024
Type: Document
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2023 Indiana EMS Workforce Assessment
Provides an overview of the emergency medical services (EMS) workforce in Indiana. Focuses on sustainable EMS workforce tracking, pipeline and retention assessments, and county-level workforce needs. Includes county-level data on population characteristics, such as uninsurance, opioid use, and emergency department utilization rates as compared to EMS workforce characteristics and supply in each respective county.
Author(s): Mykayla Tobin, Becky Boustani, Courtney Medlock, Sierra Vaughn, Hannah L. Maxey,
Date: 2024
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Bowen Center for Health Workforce Research and Policy
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