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Rural Health
Resources by Topic: Health disparities

2015 County Health Rankings Key Findings Report
Provides information on county-level health disparities by analyzing health factors and outcomes throughout the U.S. Covers social and economic factors, including poverty, income inequality, employment, and community safety.
Date: 2015
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: County Health Rankings & Roadmaps
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The Impact of Chronic Disease in Ohio: 2015
Reports the rates of chronic diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes in the state of Ohio by county. Includes statistics and data by age range, gender, income level, education, and risk factors. Offers rural-specific data for health disparities and social determinants of health.
Author(s): Carrie Hornbeck, John Kollman, Tyler Payne, Holly Sobotka
Date: 2015
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Ohio Department of Health
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New England Regional Health Equity Profile & Call to Action
Report of the New England Regional Health Equity Council, identifying disparities in health among racial, ethnic, and disability populations and suggesting pathways for health equity. Includes statistics broken down by race/ethnicity, disability status, gender, age, and urban/rural status.
Author(s): C.E. Drum, K.G. Phillips, K. Chiu
Date: 2015
Type: Document
Sponsoring organizations: National Partnership for Action to End Health Disparities, New England Regional Health Equity Council
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Distribution of Cardiovascular Disease and Associated Risk Factors by County Type and Health Insurance Status: Results from the 2008 Ohio Family Health Survey
Analyzes the health status of Ohio residents living in Appalachia with other rural and non-rural populations in Ohio. Uses 2008 Ohio Family Health Survey data to identify links among county demographics, health insurance coverage, and health outcomes in low-income adult populations.
Author(s): Mbabazi Kariisa, Eric Seiber
Citation: Public Health Reports, 130(1), 87-95
Date: 2015
Type: Document
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Disparities in Life Expectancy of Pacific Northwest American Indians and Alaska Natives: Analysis of Linkage-Corrected Life Tables
Discusses a project in which patient record linkage was used to correct racial misclassification on death certificates issued in Idaho, Oregon, and Washington during 2008-2010, which had resulted in inflation of life expectancy estimates and underreporting of morbidity and mortality measures for American Indians and Alaska Natives living in the Pacific Northwest. Includes statistics with breakdowns including age, sex, state, mortality rates, and rates of death certificate racial misclassification.
Author(s): Jenine Dankovchik, Megan J. Hoopes, Victoria Warren-Mears, Elizabeth Knaster
Citation: Public Health Reports, 130(1), 71-80
Date: 2015
Type: Document
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Rural Healthy People 2020: A Companion Document to Healthy People 2020, Volume 2
Provides a rural focus for the Healthy People 2020 priorities with an overview for each of the top health priorities ranked 11 through 20 identified by rural stakeholders. (Volume 1 discussed the top 10 priorities.) Topics include: cancer, health education, oral health, immunizations and infectious disease, public health, sexual health and family planning, injury and violence prevention, and social determinants of health. Includes reviews of the relevant literature and model programs appropriate for rural communities. Document is available for free download, after providing brief information about intended use.
Author(s): Jane N. Bolin, Gail Bellamy, Alva O. Ferdinand, Bita Kash, Janet W. Helduser
Date: 2015
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Southwest Rural Health Research Center
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Behavioral Health Equity Barometer: United States, 2014
Reports on differences in prevalence of behavioral health disorders, perceptions of risk, and access to treatment for different populations. Includes information for metropolitan and nonmetropolitan residents, as well as by race/ethnicity, income level, and health insurance status.
Date: 2015
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
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Neighborhood Socioeconomic Disadvantage and 30 Day Rehospitalizations: An Analysis of Medicare Data
Examines the association between neighborhood socioeconomic disadvantage and 30-day rehospitalizations for patients discharged with congestive heart failure, pneumonia, or acute myocardial infarction. Includes data by location of patient residence for small town/rural, large town, suburban, and urban core areas.
Author(s): Amy J.H. Kind, Steve Jencks, Jane Brock, et al.
Citation: Annals of Internal Medicine, 161(11), 765-774
Date: 12/2014
Type: Document
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Cancer Disparities Among Alaska Native People, 1970-2011
Examines cancer incidence and mortality data for Alaska Native (AN) people in different categories and varying year ranges from 1970 through 2011, and compares cancer rates for AN and U.S. White populations. Shows that cancer mortality rates among AN people exceeded rates among White people for all cancers combined, for cancers of the lung, stomach, pancreas, kidney, and cervix, and for colorectal cancer.
Author(s): Janet J. Kelly, Anne P. Lanier, Teresa Schade, Jennifer Brantley, B. Michael Starkey
Citation: Preventing Chronic Disease, 11
Date: 12/2014
Type: Document
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The Role of Medicare and the Indian Health Service for American Indians and Alaska Natives: Health, Access and Coverage
Examines the health, healthcare access, income, and education disparities that exist within the Native American and Alaskan Native population, as well as the roles of Medicare and the Indian Health Service (IHS) in addressing these disparities.
Author(s): Cristina Boccuti, Christina Swoope, Samantha Artiga
Date: 12/2014
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: KFF
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