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Rural Health Information Hub

Rural Health
Resources by Topic: Health conditions

2021 New Mexico Emergency Department Data Annual Report
Reports on 2021 New Mexico emergency department (ED) visits by hospital, acute and chronic condition, diagnosis, and rates by age, sex, and race/ethnicity, for each of the five health regions. Includes map to show all counties within these regions.
Author(s): Pei Huang, Roselyn Thalathara, Nora Holzinger, Shandiin Wood
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: New Mexico Department of Health
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Kansas Influenza Vaccination Dashboard
A dashboard that provides information about influenza vaccinations in Kansas, such as total number vaccinated each flu season, each month, and each week. Includes an interactive map that shows county-level percentages of the vaccinated population.
Type: Website
Sponsoring organization: Kansas Department of Health and Environment
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North Carolina Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS): Calendar Year 2022 Results
Provides survey data on health behaviors and health status in North Carolina for the year 2022. Covers access to care, wellness, nutrition, chronic conditions, tobacco use, cancer screening and survivorship, COVID-19, disability, race and ethnicity, and more. Includes breakdowns by urban/suburban/rural county.
Type: Website
Sponsoring organization: North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services
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Idaho Chronic Disease Risk and Burden Map
Interactive map highlights the disease burden in Idaho by county. Details county rankings by risk scores for health outcomes for conditions such as cancer, diabetes, and oral health, among others.
Type: Map/Mapping System
Sponsoring organization: Idaho Department of Health and Welfare
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Prostate Cancer Across North Carolina
Displays National Cancer Institute data on prostate cancer cases and deaths for North Carolina counties via an interactive map and downloadable reports. Reports also contains breakdowns by race and ethnicity.
Type: Website
Sponsoring organizations: Carolina Demography, University of North Carolina Men's Health Program
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Telehealth Guidance and Resources: Communication Access for Deaf, Hard of Hearing and DeafBlind Patients and their Providers
Offers tools and resources for patients, healthcare providers, and American Sign Language interpreters to enable deaf, hard of hearing, and DeafBlind patients to have successful telehealth appointments.
Type: Website
Sponsoring organization: North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services
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South Carolina County Health Profiles
Dashboard providing interactive county health data. Covers births, prenatal care, infant mortality, chronic disease, health behaviors, demographics, healthcare access, and more. Allows county-by-county comparisons.
Type: Database
Sponsoring organization: South Carolina Department of Public Health
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SC Rural Healthcare Resource Dashboard
Dashboard providing a summary table and interactive maps of public health data for South Carolina by county and zip code. Covers topics including provider distribution, health facilities, demographics, diseases and chronic conditions, health behaviors, healthcare utilization patterns, rural definitions, primary care provider need, obstetric service need, and more.
Type: Database
Sponsoring organization: South Carolina Center for Rural and Primary Healthcare
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Kentucky County Data Profiles
Dashboard providing interactive charts and graphs on a variety of topics by county for Kentucky. Covers healthcare, housing, broadband access, economics, workforce, agriculture, and more. Healthcare-specific topics include employment, providers, obesity, smoking, uninsured population, and physical activity.
Type: Database
Sponsoring organization: Community & Economic Development Initiative of Kentucky
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Let's Get Healthy California Goals
Dashboard of data for a variety of health indicators for California residents. Evaluates child health and well-being, chronic diseases, substance use, mental health, end of life, access to healthcare, social determinants of health, and the cost of healthcare. Includes rural and county-level data throughout.
Type: Website
Sponsoring organization: California Department of Public Health
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