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Resources by Topic: Health conditions

Photovoice for Healthy Relationships: Community-Based Participatory HIV Prevention in a Rural American Indian Community
Provides an example of a culturally responsive, community-based project for addressing social determinants of health in rural American Indian communities.
Author(s): Susan F. Markus
Citation: American Indian and Alaska Native Mental Health Research Journal, 19(1), 102-123
Date: 2012
Type: Document
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Alaska Native and Rural Youth Views of Sexual Health: A Focus Group Project on Sexually Transmitted Diseases, HIV/AIDS, and Unplanned Pregnancy
Examines the knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs of rural Alaska youth, both Alaska Native and non-Alaska Native, regarding STDs, HIV/AIDS, and unplanned pregnancy.
Author(s): Jessica D. Leston, Cornelia M. Jessen, Brenna C. Simons
Citation: American Indian and Alaska Native Mental Health Research Journal, 19(1), 1-14
Date: 2012
Type: Document
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Salud es Vida: Development of a Cervical Cancer Education Curriculum for Promotora Outreach With Latina Farmworkers in Rural Southern Georgia
Discusses the development and evaluation of a community health worker curriculum intended to inform Hispanic farmworker women about cervical cancer, human papillomavirus (HPV), and the HPV vaccine.
Author(s): John S. Luque, Mondi Mason, Claudia Reyes-Garcia, et al.
Citation: American Journal of Public Health, 101(12), 2233-2235
Date: 12/2011
Type: Document
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Summary Health Statistics for the U.S. Population: National Health Interview Survey, 2010
Summarizes data from the 2010 National Health Interview Survey (NHIS), and includes estimates on various health measures of the U.S. population such as health status, special education, early intervention services, health insurance coverage, injury, health care access, and limitations in activities. Includes some data by place of residence for large metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs), small MSAs, and nonmetro (not in an MSA) areas.
Date: 12/2011
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: National Center for Health Statistics
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A Randomized Controlled Trial of a Culturally Congruent Intervention to Increase Condom Use and HIV Testing among Heterosexually Active Immigrant Latino Men
Discusses the effectiveness of an HIV prevention intervention to increase condom use and HIV testing among Spanish-speaking, heterosexually active immigrant Latino men living in rural North Carolina. Participants in a small-group HIV prevention intervention were compared to their peers participating in a cancer education intervention to determine consistency in condom use and HIV testing.
Author(s): Scott D. Rhodes, Thomas P. McCoy, Aaron T. Vissman, et al.
Citation: AIDS and Behavior, 15(8), 1764-1775
Date: 11/2011
Type: Document
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Changing Trends in Viral Hepatitis-Associated Hospitalizations in the American Indian/Alaska Native Population, 1995-2007
Documents the success of the Indian Health Service (IHS) hepatitis A immunization program and the associated rise in hepatitis C among American Indian/Alaska Native people. Includes statistics on rates of hospitalization, with breakdowns by sex, age group, IHS region, and hepatitis type.
Author(s): Kathy K. Byrd, John T. Redd, Robert C. Holman, Dana L. Haberling, James E. Cheek
Citation: Public Health Reports, 126(6)
Date: 11/2011
Type: Document
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Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening Patterns Among American Indian Women at IHS Clinics in Montana and Wyoming
Examines rates of mammography and Pap test screening at Indian Health Service facilities in Montana and Wyoming from 2004-2006. Includes breakdowns by age group, type of facility, travel distance, purpose and number of visits, and prevalence of abnormal test results.
Author(s): Robin Taylor Wilson, Jennifer Giroux, Kathryn Rita Kasicky, et al.
Citation: Public Health Reports, 126(6)
Date: 11/2011
Type: Document
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Exploring Geographic Variation in Lung Cancer Incidence in Kentucky Using a Spatial Scan Statistic: Elevated Risk in the Appalachian Coal-Mining Region
Discusses mining-related environmental factors which may contribute to high rates of lung cancer in 30 Kentucky counties. Includes breakdowns by sex, age group, smoking history, county-level lung cancer rates from 1995-2007, and coal production rates from 1983-2007.
Author(s): W. Jay Christian, Bin Huang, John Rinehart, Claudia Hopenhayn
Citation: Public Health Reports, 126(6)
Date: 11/2011
Type: Document
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Feasibility of an Evidence-Based Weight Loss Intervention for a Faith-Based, Rural, African American Population
Discusses a culturally appropriate program created by a coalition of academic and community partners and geared toward adults in three African American churches in the Arkansas Lower Mississippi Delta. Measured effectiveness of recruitment strategies, program retention, implementation ease, participant outcomes, and program satisfaction.
Author(s): Karen Hye-cheon Kim Yeary, Carol E. Cornell, Jerome Turner, et al.
Citation: Preventing Chronic Disease, 8(6)
Date: 11/2011
Type: Document
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Chronic Disease Risk Factors Among American Indian/Alaska Native Women of Reproductive Age
Discusses prevalence of chronic conditions and risk factors among a nationally representative sample of American Indian/Alaska Native women aged 18-44 years and makes comparisons with White women. Includes statistical breakdowns by weight status, physical activity level, cigarette use, and insurance coverage.
Author(s): Pamela Amparo, Sherry L. Farr, Patricia M. Dietz
Citation: Preventing Chronic Disease, 8(6)
Date: 11/2011
Type: Document
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