Rural Health
Resources by Topic: Food security and nutrition
Super Stores' Impact on the Availability of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program-Approved Stores
Examines the effect of new super stores on the survival of existing traditional stores and the cost savings accruing to Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) beneficiaries. Features statistics including SNAP redemptions and share of redemptions by store type from 1992–2017, and impact of super store entry on the number of SNAP-approved stores with breakdowns by urban and rural areas.
Additional links: Executive Summary
Author(s): Michael Ollinger, Michele Ver Ploeg, Chris Dicken
Date: 06/2021
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: USDA Economic Research Service
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Examines the effect of new super stores on the survival of existing traditional stores and the cost savings accruing to Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) beneficiaries. Features statistics including SNAP redemptions and share of redemptions by store type from 1992–2017, and impact of super store entry on the number of SNAP-approved stores with breakdowns by urban and rural areas.
Additional links: Executive Summary
Author(s): Michael Ollinger, Michele Ver Ploeg, Chris Dicken
Date: 06/2021
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: USDA Economic Research Service
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The Food Retail Landscape Across Rural America
Examines changing food retailer trends from 1990 to 2015 in rural areas, discussing food access issues, economic challenges, and health impacts. Provides county-level maps indicating numbers of food retailers and grocery stores, and compares store types and numbers of food retailers for rural, nonmetro large urban, and nonmetro small urban counties.
Author(s): Alexander Stevens, Clare Cho, Metin Cakir, Xiangwen Kong, Michael Boland
Date: 06/2021
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: USDA Economic Research Service
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Examines changing food retailer trends from 1990 to 2015 in rural areas, discussing food access issues, economic challenges, and health impacts. Provides county-level maps indicating numbers of food retailers and grocery stores, and compares store types and numbers of food retailers for rural, nonmetro large urban, and nonmetro small urban counties.
Author(s): Alexander Stevens, Clare Cho, Metin Cakir, Xiangwen Kong, Michael Boland
Date: 06/2021
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: USDA Economic Research Service
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The Influence of Rurality on Fruit and Vegetable Intake and BMI: Findings in Mississippi Are Not Consistent with Those at the National Level
Utilizes data from the 2017 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) to look at fruit and vegetable (FV) intake and BMI in a nationwide sample of over 450,000 people and compares those results with participants within Mississippi. Examines FV intake across four geographic categories: in the center city of metropolitan statistical area (MSA), outside center city of MSA but within its county, inside suburban county of MSA, and not in MSA. Includes graphs of FV intake related to geographic category and discussion of FV intake within rural areas specifically.
Author(s): Danielle Fastring, Danielle Nadorff, Hilary DeShong
Citation: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(9), 5021
Date: 05/2021
Type: Document
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Utilizes data from the 2017 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) to look at fruit and vegetable (FV) intake and BMI in a nationwide sample of over 450,000 people and compares those results with participants within Mississippi. Examines FV intake across four geographic categories: in the center city of metropolitan statistical area (MSA), outside center city of MSA but within its county, inside suburban county of MSA, and not in MSA. Includes graphs of FV intake related to geographic category and discussion of FV intake within rural areas specifically.
Author(s): Danielle Fastring, Danielle Nadorff, Hilary DeShong
Citation: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(9), 5021
Date: 05/2021
Type: Document
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Hunger, Poverty, and Health During COVID-19: Spotlight: Rural Communities
Research brief exploring the impact of the pandemic on rural communities, focusing on hunger, poverty, and health. Includes statistics on weekly deaths from March-November 2020 per 100,000 people ages 20 and over, with breakdowns by 5 levels of population density.
Date: 05/2021
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Food Research & Action Center
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Research brief exploring the impact of the pandemic on rural communities, focusing on hunger, poverty, and health. Includes statistics on weekly deaths from March-November 2020 per 100,000 people ages 20 and over, with breakdowns by 5 levels of population density.
Date: 05/2021
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Food Research & Action Center
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Three Datasets for Nutrition Environment Measures of Food Outlets Located in the Lower Mississippi Delta Region of the United States
Data note providing details of a database containing information on 266 grocery stores, convenience stores, and restaurants located in rural Mississippi towns in the Lower Mississippi Delta region, whose nutrition environments were measured from 2016-2018. Describes the three datasets for the benefit of external researchers.
Author(s): Jessica L. Thomson, Alicia S. Landry
Citation: F1000 Research, 9, 1307
Date: 05/2021
Type: Document
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Data note providing details of a database containing information on 266 grocery stores, convenience stores, and restaurants located in rural Mississippi towns in the Lower Mississippi Delta region, whose nutrition environments were measured from 2016-2018. Describes the three datasets for the benefit of external researchers.
Author(s): Jessica L. Thomson, Alicia S. Landry
Citation: F1000 Research, 9, 1307
Date: 05/2021
Type: Document
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Food Insecurity Among Working-Age Veterans
Examines rates of food insecurity among working-age veterans from 2015-2019, comparing nonmetro, metro, and suburban veterans. Provides data on characteristics of working-age veterans, household information, period of service, metro/nonmetro residence, and other data.
Author(s): Matthew P. Rabbitt, Michael D. Smith
Date: 05/2021
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: USDA Economic Research Service
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Examines rates of food insecurity among working-age veterans from 2015-2019, comparing nonmetro, metro, and suburban veterans. Provides data on characteristics of working-age veterans, household information, period of service, metro/nonmetro residence, and other data.
Author(s): Matthew P. Rabbitt, Michael D. Smith
Date: 05/2021
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: USDA Economic Research Service
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Rural Child Hunger Summit 2021: Collaborative Planning and Community Engagement Strategies
A recorded webinar that discusses strategies to end child hunger in rural areas, utilizing community-focused strategies, such as collaborative planning, meal delivery, food access in healthcare settings, sustainable planning, the intersection of race/ethnicity and food insecurity, and more.
Additional links: Collaborative Planning and Community Engagement Strategies to Address Rural Child Hunger - Slide Deck, Emerging Strategies in Food Access in Health Care Settings - Slide Deck, Fresh Ideas for Sustainable Programming in Rural Communities - Slide Deck, Inequity in Food Systems: The Impacts of Whiteness and COVID-19 on Food Insecurity, Spotlight on Emergency Meals-to-You: Reimaging Summer Meals in Rural Areas - Slide Deck
Author(s): Mia Medina, Michelle Troup, Evette Tovar-Lugo, Kathy Holt
Date: 04/2021
Type: Video/Multimedia
Sponsoring organization: No Kid Hungry
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A recorded webinar that discusses strategies to end child hunger in rural areas, utilizing community-focused strategies, such as collaborative planning, meal delivery, food access in healthcare settings, sustainable planning, the intersection of race/ethnicity and food insecurity, and more.
Additional links: Collaborative Planning and Community Engagement Strategies to Address Rural Child Hunger - Slide Deck, Emerging Strategies in Food Access in Health Care Settings - Slide Deck, Fresh Ideas for Sustainable Programming in Rural Communities - Slide Deck, Inequity in Food Systems: The Impacts of Whiteness and COVID-19 on Food Insecurity, Spotlight on Emergency Meals-to-You: Reimaging Summer Meals in Rural Areas - Slide Deck
Author(s): Mia Medina, Michelle Troup, Evette Tovar-Lugo, Kathy Holt
Date: 04/2021
Type: Video/Multimedia
Sponsoring organization: No Kid Hungry
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Hunger and the Local Economy: Integrated State-Level Approaches to Food Access
Describes food insecurity challenges in rural America. Explores state policy options to improve food access such as food bucks, food procurement reforms, farm to school programs, cooperative development tax incentives, farmers markets, establishing food hubs, and supporting small grocers. Offers policy recommendations to increase access to healthy food and address food insecurity in rural communities.
Author(s): Nathan Beacom
Date: 04/2021
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Center for Rural Affairs
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Describes food insecurity challenges in rural America. Explores state policy options to improve food access such as food bucks, food procurement reforms, farm to school programs, cooperative development tax incentives, farmers markets, establishing food hubs, and supporting small grocers. Offers policy recommendations to increase access to healthy food and address food insecurity in rural communities.
Author(s): Nathan Beacom
Date: 04/2021
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Center for Rural Affairs
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The Hospital as a Convener in Rural Communities
Examines the traditional and non-traditional role of rural hospitals as conveners that support community health initiatives and population health. Discusses examples of approaches used by rural and urban serving hospitals from Michigan and Virginia. Offers steps for hospitals on becoming a convener, and suggests community stakeholders for forming partnerships to improve health and well-being in their communities.
Date: 04/2021
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: American Hospital Association
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Examines the traditional and non-traditional role of rural hospitals as conveners that support community health initiatives and population health. Discusses examples of approaches used by rural and urban serving hospitals from Michigan and Virginia. Offers steps for hospitals on becoming a convener, and suggests community stakeholders for forming partnerships to improve health and well-being in their communities.
Date: 04/2021
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: American Hospital Association
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Rural Initiatives Addressing Community Social Needs
Describes the role of Critical Access Hospitals (CAHs) in improving population health and addressing social needs in their communities. Profiles two Critical Access Hospital social needs programs: Lakewood Health System's food access initiatives in Minnesota, and Northeastern Vermont Regional Hospital's NEK Prosper. Provides an overview of both programs and highlights best practices of each.
Author(s): Madeleine Pick, Megan Lahr, Ira Moscovice
Date: 03/2021
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Flex Monitoring Team
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Describes the role of Critical Access Hospitals (CAHs) in improving population health and addressing social needs in their communities. Profiles two Critical Access Hospital social needs programs: Lakewood Health System's food access initiatives in Minnesota, and Northeastern Vermont Regional Hospital's NEK Prosper. Provides an overview of both programs and highlights best practices of each.
Author(s): Madeleine Pick, Megan Lahr, Ira Moscovice
Date: 03/2021
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Flex Monitoring Team
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