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Rural Health
Resources by Topic: Elderly population

An Analysis of the Costs and Benefits of Providing Increased Mobility to Reduce Social Isolation Among America's Aging Population
Quantifies the cost of providing greater mobility to aging adults through public transportation in small urban and rural communities, using data from 10 states representing different regions of the country with large rural populations or a large percentage of rural residents. Features statistics on population with breakdowns by percentage of rural residents, and operating costs compared with increased Medicare costs due to isolation, with breakdowns by state.
Additional links: Executive Summary
Author(s): Del Peterson, Antonio Molina
Date: 05/2021
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute
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Preferences for Long-Term Care Arrangements among Rural and Urban Older Adults
Describes long-term care preferences of 4,333 older people with functional limitations. Features statistics on characteristics of respondents, with breakdowns by urban or rural location.
Author(s): Carrie Henning-Smith, John Mulcahy, Megan Lahr, Jill Tanem
Date: 05/2021
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: University of Minnesota Rural Health Research Center
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Prevalence of Inflammatory Bowel Disease Among Medicare Fee-For-Service Beneficiaries — United States, 2001-2018
Examines prevalence of Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis among U.S. people aged 67 or more who were enrolled in Medicare Parts A and B and were not enrolled in a health maintenance organization plan. Features statistics with breakdowns by 6 levels of population density.
Author(s): Fang Xu, Susan A. Carlson, Yong Liu, Kurt J. Greenlund
Citation: MMWR (Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report), 70(19), 698–701
Date: 05/2021
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
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Rural-Urban Differences in Health-Related Quality of Life: Patterns for Cancer Survivors Compared to Other Older Adults
Study examining health-related quality of life for older cancer survivors based on data from Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results-Medicare Health Outcomes Survey (SEER-MHOS), comparing quality of life scores in urban and rural areas. Describes implications for interventions to support physical, social, and emotional health-related quality of life for rural older cancer survivors.
Author(s): Jennifer L. Moss, Casey N. Pinto, Scherezade K. Mama, et al.
Citation: Quality of Life Research, 30, 1131-1143
Date: 04/2021
Type: Document
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How Grayson County is Getting Connected
Discusses efforts to build broadband infrastructure in Grayson County, Virginia in rural Appalachia. Describes the planning process, health implications of broadband access in the county, and advice for communities seeking broadband.
Author(s): AARP Livable Communities
Date: 04/2021
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: AARP
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Tribal Transit Study: Demographic Needs Indicators, Funding Needs and Livability
Explores the demographic characteristics that correlate with transportation needs among American Indian and discusses the transit options available in several reservations in North Dakota, South Dakota, and Washington. Breaks down data by demographics such as senior citizen status, disability status, and income, among other factors.
Date: 04/2021
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute
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Evidence-based Health Promotion Programs among American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian Communities
Report details disparities in healthcare access for American Indian (AI), Alaska Native (AN), and Native Hawaiian (NH) communities. Discusses the role the Older American Act has played in providing services to AI/AN/NH populations and highlights the results of a survey of directors and staff of programs funded through the act on its efficacy and challenges. Explores evidence-based practices aimed at health promotion and disease prevention in AI/AN/NH communities and discusses the experience of both program directors and the elders in the community.
Additional links: Perspectives from Older Americans Act Title VI Directors and Staff on Health Promotion Programs in Indigenous Communities, Successful Strategies & Lessons Learned from Implementing Evidence-Based Programs in American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian Communities, The Voices of American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian Elders
Author(s): Collette Adamsen, Becky Bendixen, Melody Woodrich-Fernando, et al.
Date: 03/2021
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: National Council on Aging
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Rural-Urban Disparities in All-cause Mortality among Low-Income Medicare Beneficiaries, 2004–17
Examines the change in all-cause mortality rates among low-income Medicare beneficiaries dually-enrolled in Medicaid between 2004 and 2017. Compares rates between rural and urban beneficiaries by age, ethnicity, insurance type, and census region.
Author(s): Emefah Loccoh, Karen E. Joynt Maddox, Jiaman Xu, et al.
Citation: Health Affairs, 40(2), 289-296
Date: 02/2021
Type: Document
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America at a Glance: 5310 & 5311 Transportation Funding in Rural Counties
Examines how much funding is received by rural counties from the Federal Transit Administration's (FTA) Elderly and Persons with Disabilities (section 5310) and Formula Grants for Rural Areas (section 5311) programs. Discusses the type of agencies that receive section 5310 and 5311 funding in rural counties. Includes a map to highlight geographic differences in funding distribution.
Author(s): Andrew Myers, Ari Lissau
Date: 02/2021
Type: Document
Sponsoring organizations: Research and Training Center on Disability in Rural Communities, University of Montana: Rural Institute for Inclusive Communities
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Meeting the Challenge of Caring for Persons Living with Dementia and Their Care Partners and Caregivers: A Way Forward
Examines the existing evidence on care interventions, services, and supports for people with dementia and their caregivers. Discusses gaps in the current evidence base and opportunities for future research. Describes interventions that can be implemented in a variety of settings to continue to expand the evidence base. Includes rural references and considerations throughout.
Additional links: Read Online
Date: 02/2021
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine
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