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Rural Health
Resources by Topic: Access

Vermont: A Health-Focused Landscape Analysis
Chartbook examining population health and healthcare access in Vermont, identifying strengths and assets as well as opportunities for improvement. Features demographics and statistics on quality of care, health outcomes, health behaviors, and mortality rates and causes, with breakdowns by rural and urban counties. Includes maps showing locations of Health Professional Shortage Areas, substance use treatment facilities, Rural Health Clinics, Federally Qualified Health Centers, and hospitals.
Author(s): Katherine Ahrens, Amanda Burgess, Carly Milkowski, et al.
Date: 04/2022
Type: Document
Sponsoring organizations: Maine Rural Health Research Center, Northern Border Regional Commission
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New York: A Health-Focused Landscape Analysis
Chartbook examining population health and healthcare access in New York, identifying strengths and assets as well as opportunities for improvement. Features demographics and statistics on quality of care, health outcomes, health behaviors, and mortality rates and causes, with breakdowns by rural and urban counties. Includes maps showing locations of Health Professional Shortage Areas, substance use treatment facilities, Rural Health Clinics, Federally Qualified Health Centers, and hospitals.
Author(s): Katherine Ahrens, Amanda Burgess, Carly Milkowski, et al.
Date: 04/2022
Type: Document
Sponsoring organizations: Maine Rural Health Research Center, Northern Border Regional Commission
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New Hampshire: A Health-Focused Landscape Analysis
Chartbook examining population health and healthcare access in New Hampshire, identifying strengths and assets as well as opportunities for improvement. Features demographics and statistics on quality of care, health outcomes, health behaviors, and mortality rates and causes, with breakdowns by rural and urban counties. Includes maps showing locations of Health Professional Shortage Areas, substance use treatment facilities, Rural Health Clinics, Federally Qualified Health Centers, and hospitals.
Author(s): Katherine Ahrens, Amanda Burgess, Carly Milkowski, et al.
Date: 04/2022
Type: Document
Sponsoring organizations: Maine Rural Health Research Center, Northern Border Regional Commission
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Maine: A Health-Focused Landscape Analysis
Chartbook examining population health and healthcare access in Maine, identifying strengths and assets as well as opportunities for improvement. Features demographics and statistics on quality of care, health outcomes, health behaviors, and mortality rates and causes, with breakdowns by rural and urban counties. Includes maps showing locations of Health Professional Shortage Areas, substance use treatment facilities, Rural Health Clinics, Federally Qualified Health Centers, and hospitals.
Author(s): Katherine Ahrens, Amanda Burgess, Carly Milkowski, et al.
Date: 04/2022
Type: Document
Sponsoring organizations: Maine Rural Health Research Center, Northern Border Regional Commission
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The Northern Border Region: A Health-Focused Landscape Analysis
Chartbook examining population health and healthcare access for Maine, New Hampshire, New York, and Vermont, and for the region overall. Identifies strengths and assets of the Northern Border region states, as well as opportunities for improvement. Features demographics and statistics on quality of care, health outcomes, health behaviors, mortality rates and causes, Health Professional Shortage Areas, telehealth policies, and telehealth grants awarded from 2018-2021. Includes maps showing locations of substance use treatment facilities, Rural Health Clinics, Federally Qualified Health Centers, and hospitals.
Author(s): Katherine Ahrens, Amanda Burgess, Carly Milkowski, et al.
Date: 04/2022
Type: Document
Sponsoring organizations: Maine Rural Health Research Center, Northern Border Regional Commission
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Broadband Access Challenges
Fact sheet highlighting barriers to broadband access for rural and underserved communities, addressing infrastructure and affordability issues. Describes policy efforts to increase access through investments to expand broadband adoption.
Additional links: Exploring Digital Equity Fact Sheets
Date: 04/2022
Type: Document
Sponsoring organizations: AARP, Institute for Local Self-Reliance
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Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on People with Disabilities: Research Findings
Summarizes findings from research funded by the Administration for Community Living's National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR) on the experiences of people with disabilities during the COVID-19 pandemic. Highlights research on rural communities and telehealth.
Date: 04/2022
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Administration for Community Living
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Cancer Screening among Rural People Who Use Drugs: Colliding Risks and Barriers
Examines cancer screening trends related to people who use drugs (PWUD) from 37 participant surveys and 8 follow-up interviews conducted between July 2020 and July 2021. Discusses issues of healthcare access and stigma for PWUD and how these issues impact cancer disparities in rural areas.
Author(s): Wiley D. Jenkins, Jennifer Rose, Yamile Molina, et al.
Citation: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(8)
Date: 04/2022
Type: Document
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Evaluation of the Medicare Care Choices Model: Annual Report 4
Evaluates the Medicare Care Choice Model (MCCM), which tests whether offering eligible Medicare beneficiaries the option to receive supportive services without forgoing payment for treatment of their terminal conditions improved their quality of life and care, increased patient and family satisfaction, and reduced Medicare expenditures. Reports on MCCM beneficiary outcomes through March 2021. Includes information on rural beneficiary participation in the model and compares rural and urban beneficiary outcomes.
Additional links: Findings at a Glance
Date: 04/2022
Type: Document
Sponsoring organizations: Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Mathematica
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Evaluation of the Home Health Value-Based Purchasing (HHVBP) Model: Fifth Annual Report
Evaluates the Home Health Value-Based Purchasing (HHVBP) Model, which tests the impact of providing financial incentives to home health agencies in nine states: Arizona, Florida, Iowa, Massachusetts, Maryland, Nebraska, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Washington. Reports on the experiences of home health agencies and patients through 2020, the fifth performance year of the HHVBP Model, and the third year that agencies in the HHVBP states received a payment adjustment. Examines the impacts of the HHVBP Model on Medicare expenditures, healthcare utilization, quality of care and patient experience, and agency operations. Discusses rural access to high-quality home health agencies and the impact of HHVBP on rural home health patients.
Additional links: Findings at a Glance, Technical Appendices
Author(s): Alyssa Pozniak, Marc Turenne, Eric Lammers, et al.
Date: 04/2022
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
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