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Rural Health Information Hub

Rural Health
Resources by State: Oklahoma

Food Choice Considerations Among American Indians Living in Rural Oklahoma: The THRIVE Study
Reports the findings of a modified Food Choices Values (FCV) Questionnaire administered to 83 American Indian (Chickasaw Nation and Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma) customers who shop at tribally owned convenience stores at least 3 times a week. Questionnaire requested information related to buying and eating food, including sensory appeal, safety, accessibility, weight control, convenience, and organic and comfort food. Research findings were used to design and implement a healthy retail intervention within two tribally owned and managed convenience stores.
Author(s): Marianna S. Wetherill, Mary B. Williams, Micah L. Hartwell, et al.
Citation: Appetite, 128, 14-20
Date: 09/2018
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Rapid Repeat Births Among Oklahoma Teens
Provides data on teenage pregnancies in Oklahoma with a focus on repeat pregnancies within 18 months. Includes data breakdowns by rural/urban location, obesity, Medicaid status, education level, age group, and race/ethnicity. Addresses birth control use, characteristics of fathers, pregnancy intention, and more.
Date: 08/2018
Sponsoring organization: Oklahoma State Department of Health
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The Economic Impact of Rural Residency Programs in Oklahoma
Provides an overview of the economic impact of 6 rural residency programs on their communities and the state of Oklahoma. Poster presented at the 2018 National Rural Health Association Annual Conference.
Author(s): Lara Brooks, Brian Whitacre, Chad Landgraf
Date: 05/2018
Sponsoring organization: Oklahoma State University Center for Rural Health
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Infant Sleep-Surface Sharing and Other Safe Sleep Practices among Oklahoma American Indian Mothers
Reports on a study of infant sleep environment by maternal race/ethnicity and demographics in Oklahoma in response to higher rates of infant mortality among American Indian mothers, particularly due to sleep-related conditions. Offers recommendations for outreach and education efforts among the American Indian community.
Date: 04/2018
Sponsoring organization: Oklahoma State Department of Health
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Competition and Premium Costs in Single-insurer Marketplaces: A Study of Five Rural States
Examines participation in the individual health insurance market from 2010, before the passage of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), through 2017 and analyzes premium changes in 5 rural states with a single-insurer health insurance marketplace. States include Alabama, Alaska, Oklahoma, South Carolina, and Wyoming.
Author(s): Jon R. Gabel, Heidi Whitmore, Matthew Green, Sam Stromberg
Date: 03/2018
Sponsoring organization: Commonwealth Fund
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Developing Smokeless Tobacco Prevention Messaging for At-Risk Youth: Early Lessons from "The Real Cost" Smokeless Campaign
Presents the findings of two separate qualitative research studies – strategic concept testing and creative concept testing - conducted with youth at risk or who had experimented with smokeless tobacco (SLT), to support the development of health messaging to inform youth on the consequences of SLT use. Focus groups were conducted with 252 rural male youth ages 12-17 from states with high prevalence of SLT associated with the target audience.
Author(s): Matthew W. Walker, Sarah A. Evans, Cameron Wimpy, Amanda T. Berger, Alexandria A. Smith
Citation: Health Equity, 2(1), 167–173
Date: 2018
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Oklahoma Health Care Authority Strategic Plan 2018-2022
Offers a strategic plan for Oklahoma's Medicaid program, SoonerCare. Includes a focus on ensuring access and developing new providers and services for members in rural areas.
Date: 2018
Sponsoring organization: Oklahoma Health Care Authority
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Catalyzing Medicaid-Public Health Collaboration to Reduce Childhood Obesity
Explains cross-sector interventions tested by 5 states - Arizona, Maryland, Oklahoma, Oregon, and Texas - participating in the Center for Health Care Strategies' Innovations in Childhood Obesity Initiative. Each state profile highlights how Medicaid and public health agencies are using innovative approaches to address childhood obesity in their high-risk communities. The Texas initiative focuses on childhood obesity in the rural, low-income population along the U.S./Mexico border.
Author(s): Alexandra Maul, Stephen A. Somers
Date: 11/2017
Sponsoring organization: Center for Health Care Strategies
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Stepping into the Breach: How States and Insurers Worked Together to Prevent Bare Counties for 2018
Examines 6 states - Iowa, Nevada, Ohio, Oklahoma, Tennessee, and Washington - that faced the prospect of having counties with no participating insurers ahead of the 2018 plan year open enrollment period. Shares insights from interviews with insurers and state regulators, focusing on how administrative and/or legislative actions and media coverage affected insurers' decisions to remain in the Marketplace. Includes a discussion on the challenges associated with risk assessment and rate setting in low-population, rural counties.
Author(s): Kevin Lucia, Jack Hoadley, Sabrina Corlette, Dania Palanker, Olivia Hoppe
Date: 11/2017
Sponsoring organizations: Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Urban Institute
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Physician Supply Key to Oklahoma's Health and Wealth: Recommendations for Physician Training, Recruitment, Retention Strategies
Provides an overview of the physician shortage in Oklahoma. Discusses its impacts on population health and the economy, issues contributing to the shortage, and difficulty recruiting and retaining physicians, particularly in rural areas. Offers policy recommendations to help improve physician supply, including funding for rural training tracks, loan repayment programs, building data collection capacity, and identifying factors to help low-volume rural practices succeed.
Date: 09/2017
Sponsoring organization: Governor's Council for Workforce and Economic Development, Healthcare Workforce Subcommittee
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