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Rural Health
Resources by State: Maryland

FY 2024: HRSA's Rural Health Grants – Maryland Fact Sheet
HRSA Federal Office of Rural Health Policy investments in Maryland in Fiscal Year 2024. Lists grant recipients, award amounts, award recipient locations, and congressional district.
Date: 11/2024
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Federal Office of Rural Health Policy
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Case Study for the Child Welfare Study to Enhance Equity with Data (CW-SEED): Talbot County, Maryland, Department of Social Services
Analyzes equity in child welfare systems by providing a case study that examines data use of a department of social services (DSS) in a predominately rural county in Maryland. Discusses processes to compile data, utilization of dashboard data to identify racial/ethnic disparities, dissemination and feedback regarding data, implementation barriers and facilitators, and more.
Author(s): Josie Gemignani, Alex Coccia, Jill Spielfogel, et al.
Date: 10/2024
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Administration for Children and Families
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Selected Rural Healthcare Facilities in Maryland
Shows the state's Critical Access Hospitals (CAHs), Rural Emergency Hospitals (REHs), and Rural Health Clinics (RHCs), as well as Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) sites and short term/PPS (Prospective Payment System) hospitals located in rural areas.
Date: 10/2024
Type: Map/Mapping System
Sponsoring organization: Rural Health Information Hub
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Assessing SNAP Participants' Fitness for Work: Final Report
Examines how assessments are made and implemented regarding Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) work requirements. Discusses variations of work requirements for able-bodied adults without dependents (ABAWDs) across 4 case study states: Georgia, Maryland, Texas, and Wisconsin. Includes SNAP applicant characteristics and determinations for work requirements by demographic information and urbanicity of metropolitan, micropolitan, or rural. Provides feedback from rural SNAP staff regarding difficulties assessing SNAP participants' fitness for work.
Additional links: Appendices, Summary
Author(s): Chrissy Steigelman, Irma Castañeda, Jackie Kauff, Katherine Allison-Clark, Johnny Willing
Date: 08/2024
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: USDA Food and Nutrition Service
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Appalachian Diseases of Despair
Provides information on Appalachian mortality disparities due to overdose, suicide, and alcoholic liver disease/cirrhosis among people ages 15-64. Utilizes data from the 2022 Multiple Cause of Death database broken down by Appalachian state, region, gender, and metropolitan or nonmetropolitan status.
Date: 08/2024
Type: Document
Sponsoring organizations: Appalachian Regional Commission, East Tennessee State University Center for Rural Health Research, NORC Walsh Center for Rural Health Analysis
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Patient Perspectives on Cancer Care during COVID-19: A Qualitative Study
Analyzes the COVID-19 pandemic's impact on cancer patients' care experiences and mental health. Utilizes interview data from 15 rural Maryland patients who received a cancer diagnosis or treatment between January 2020 and October 2022. Discusses access to care, consistency of care, telehealth use, social isolation, patient advocacy, COVID-19 precautions, and more.
Author(s): Krista Y. Chen, Olivia Stanford, Jennifer A. Wenzel, Robert L. Joyner, Adrian S. Dobs
Citation: PLoS ONE, 19(7), e0306035
Date: 07/2024
Type: Document
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The Appalachian Region: A Data Overview from the 2018-2022 American Community Survey Chartbook
State- and county-level information on population, age, race and ethnicity, housing occupancy, education, labor force, employment, transportation, income, health insurance coverage, disability, and veteran status, for the 13 Appalachian states. Features statistics with breakdowns by 5 levels of population density. Includes data explorer options for Appalachian categories such as population and age, education, income and poverty, computer and broadband access, rural Appalachia versus rural America, and employment and commuting.
Additional links: Full Report
Author(s): Sara Srygley, Nurfadila Khairunnisa, Diana Elliott
Date: 06/2024
Type: Website
Sponsoring organizations: Appalachian Regional Commission, Population Reference Bureau
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Implementation Characteristics That May Promote Sustainability of a Rural Physical Activity Initiative: Examination of Play Streets Through the Lens of Community Implementers
Discusses implementation of Play Streets, a community-based initiative to create safe physical activity areas for children and families, from interviews with program team members in rural Maryland, North Carolina, Oklahoma, and Texas. Highlights factors influencing program effectiveness and sustainability, including community engagement, partnerships, and more.
Author(s): Marilyn E. Wende, M. Renée Umstattd Meyer, Cynthia Perry, et al.
Citation: Implementation Science Communications, 5, 48
Date: 05/2024
Type: Document
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Evaluation of the Maryland Total Cost of Care Model: Progress Report
Provides an overview of the Maryland Total Cost of Care Model and evaluates the first four years of the program, 2019-2022. Explores the effects of the model on Medicare spending; service use, including preventable hospital use; and healthcare quality measures. Estimates the potential impact of switching Maryland to the Medicare prospective payment system (PPS) on Medicare spending and service use, including implications for rural and safety net hospitals.
Additional links: Appendices, Findings at a Glance, Transformation Spotlight
Date: 04/2024
Type: Document
Sponsoring organizations: Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Mathematica
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Lessons Learned from Efforts to Support Vulnerable Critical Access and Other Rural Hospitals
Provides an overview of state and federal programs, demonstrations, and models designed to support Critical Access Hospitals (CAHs) and other rural hospitals. Describes challenges facing CAHs and rural hospitals, including chronic workforce shortages, high operating and staffing costs, inadequate reimbursement, operational and regulatory issues, and the diverse demographics of rural communities. Discusses lessons learned, the new for a new rural hospital model, and next steps.
Author(s): John Gale, Celia Jewell, Karen Pearson
Date: 02/2024
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Flex Monitoring Team
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