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Rural Health Information Hub

Butte Child Evaluation Center

  • Need: Before 2000, Butte and southwest Montana saw around 1,300 cases of child abuse a year, with only a 20% conviction rate for perpetrators of sexual abuse.
  • Intervention: Multiple agencies in the community came together to address the issue of child abuse by forming the Butte Child Evaluation Center (CEC), a Children's Advocacy Center.
  • Results: During a 3-year grant cycle, over 200 interviews and exams were performed on victims of sexual abuse and the Butte CEC became the first program in Montana to be accredited by the National Children's Alliance.


Before 2000, the Child and Family Services Division (CFSD) of Butte had an average of 1,300 cases of child abuse a year. They had a low conviction rate for perpetrators of child sexual abuse (around 20%), and there were 220 registered sexual and violent offenders in Butte, a large number for a community of 33,000.

In order to address the issue of child abuse in Butte and southwest Montana, multiple organizations came together under the Southwest Montana Community Health Center to create the Butte Child Evaluation Center (CEC):

  • St. James Healthcare
  • Head Start
  • Early Head Start
  • School District #1
  • Butte-Silver Bow Law Enforcement
  • Silver Bow County attorney's office

The Butte CEC serves as a trauma-informed responsive agency that provides a one-stop shop for victims of child abuse and their families.

The Center received support from a 2000-2003 Federal Office of Rural Health Policy Rural Health Care Services Outreach grant. Currently, much of the funding comes from the Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) through the Montana Board of Crime Control.

The Butte Child Evaluation Center waiting room.

Services offered

The Butte CEC offers several components to address the problem of child abuse:

Public Safety:

  • Education of local groups and school administrators on signs of child abuse, interventions by CEC, and mandatory reporting.
  • Parent education on child abuse prevention and internet safety.
  • Addresses vicarious and secondary trauma in professions that assist victims of trauma.

Clinical Evaluation and Therapy:

  • Butte CEC performs forensic interviews and forensic medical exams on victims of abuse including sexual abuse, physical abuse, drug endangered children, witnesses to violence, internet crimes against children, and neglect in a 6-county area.
  • On-site trauma therapy for the victim and the non-offending care provider is offered.
  • Butte CEC works closely with CFSD for foster care and transitional planning meetings, specifically with their mental health providers.

A goal of Butte CEC is to provide a place that will take care of all the victim's needs in a child-centered environment, particularly retelling about the abuse, limiting the chance of retraumatizing the child.

Victim Advocacy

The Butte Child Evaluation Center exam room.
  • The Butte CEC provides access to victim advocacy for all children and families that come to the Center.
  • The Butte CEC Victim Advocates collaborates with the County Attorney Victim Advocate.


The Butte Center for Child Evaluation has provided:

  • Over 200 forensic interviews and exams every year since 2021
  • Increased prosecution rates for perpetrators of sexual abuse in Silver Bow, Beaverhead, and Deer Lodge Counties
  • Therapy and case management services to an increasing number of children and families
  • Safety skills, taught in school programs, to most school-aged children
  • Comprehensive services to two satellite clinics in Anaconda (30 miles from Butte) and Dillon (60 miles from Butte)

Butte CEC became the first program in Montana to be accredited by the National Children's Alliance. In 2017 and again in 2022, the Center received re-accreditation under supervised guidelines. The Center is 1 of 10 Accredited Child Advocacy Centers in Montana.

In 2017, Dr. Jessie Salisbury, the Butte CEC former medical director, received the Outstanding Victim Advocate of the Year Award from the Montana Attorney General's office. She is the first physician to receive this award.

The Montana Standard published the article Karen Sullivan's column: Child Evaluation Center fulfills vital function that explains more about the center.

In 2018, Butte CEC celebrated its 20-year anniversary.


The Center uses nationally-recognized models and curriculum to guide their practices, which play a part in making it a success. Other sites wishing to replicate this program may be interested in these models. The Butte CEC used:

  • Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) best practice therapy model for treating trauma including evidence-based assessment, TF-CBT, and PCIT.
  • The nationally-recognized personal safety curriculum Talk About Touch. Pricing and training information for this curriculum can be found on the Committee for Children website.
  • National Children's Alliance (NCA) standards to develop the Child Evaluation Center.

Butte CEC has been NCA accredited since 2007 and has served as a model to help other child advocacy programs in Montana become accredited.

Former Director Michelle Miller was instrumental in bringing evidence-based care to the state and, in doing so, has made Butte CEC a success. She is now working for the National Children's Alliance coordinating mental health projects for NCA.

Contact Information

Rene Knapp, Director/Advocate at the Butte Child Evaluation Center
Southwest Montana Community Health Center

Abuse and violence
Children and youth
Mental health
Trauma-informed care

States served

Date added
May 14, 2009

Date updated or reviewed
August 16, 2024

Suggested citation: Rural Health Information Hub, 2024. Butte Child Evaluation Center [online]. Rural Health Information Hub. Available at: [Accessed 14 March 2025]

Please contact the models and innovations contact directly for the most complete and current information about this program. Summaries of models and innovations are provided by RHIhub for your convenience. The programs described are not endorsed by RHIhub or by the Federal Office of Rural Health Policy. Each rural community should consider whether a particular project or approach is a good match for their community’s needs and capacity. While it is sometimes possible to adapt program components to match your resources, keep in mind that changes to the program design may impact results.