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Rural Health Information Hub

Rural Health
Funding by Topic: Community and economic development

Summaries of funding programs are provided by RHIhub for your convenience. Please contact the funder directly for the most complete and current information.

Resident Instruction Grants Program for Institutions of Higher Education in Insular Areas Inactive
Grants to institutions of higher education in U.S. territories, commonwealth, and freely associated states designed to strengthen the capacity to carry out resident instruction, curriculum, and teaching programs in the food and agricultural sciences as well as to upgrade agriculture and food science facilities and equipment necessary to conduct tropical and subtropical agricultural research.
Geographic coverage: Atlantic Territory and Commonwealth and the Pacific Territories, Commonwealth, and Freely Associated States
Application Deadline: May 15, 2023
Sponsors: National Institute of Food and Agriculture, U.S. Department of Agriculture
Washington Rural Broadband Program Inactive
Low interest loan or loan/grant packages to build infrastructure to provide high-speed, open-access broadband service to rural underserved communities in Washington for the purpose of community economic development.
Geographic coverage: Washington
Application Deadline: May 15, 2023
Sponsor: Washington State Department of Commerce
Indigenous Communities Fellowship Inactive
Fellowships for Native individuals who propose innovative solutions to address barriers and issues that are experienced by indigenous communities. The primary question fellows are asked to solve is, "How are Indigenous innovators in the U.S. building upon traditional knowledge and technology to meet the social, environmental, and economic goals of their communities?"
Geographic coverage: Nationwide and U.S. territories
Application Deadline: May 9, 2023
Sponsor: Massachusetts Institute of Technology
HUD Section 4 Capacity Building Grants: Rural and Tribal Communities Inactive
Grants to build the technical and administrative capacity of community development corporations, community housing development organizations, and Native American organizations to carry out community development and affordable housing activities.
Geographic coverage: Nationwide and U.S. Territories
Application Deadline: Apr 28, 2023
Sponsor: Enterprise Community Partners, Inc.
Citizens' Institute on Rural Design: Request for Host Applicants Inactive
Opportunity to host a leadership workshop and/or participate in a learning cohort that connects rural communities to design resources, enabling communities to act on ideas for improvements to a community's streets, buildings, public spaces, or landscapes to address the specific physical, environmental, social, and economic challenges facing rural areas.
Geographic coverage: Nationwide
Application Deadline: Apr 21, 2023
Sponsors: Housing Assistance Council, National Endowment for the Arts
AmeriCorps Seniors Native Nations and Indigenous Elders Senior Demonstration Program Inactive
Funding for projects that engage adults ages 55 and older in volunteerism in underserved indigenous and native communities. Program priorities include public health, climate, the environment, education, and economic opportunity.
Geographic coverage: Nationwide and U.S. Territories
Application Deadline: Apr 5, 2023
Sponsor: AmeriCorps
Iowa Rural BOOST Pilot Grant Program Inactive
Funding and customized technical assistance to rural communities to support economic and business development efforts.
Geographic coverage: Iowa
Application Deadline: Mar 1, 2023
Sponsor: Iowa Economic Development Authority
GATHER Food Sovereignty Grants Inactive
Grants for projects that lead to self-directed, well-resourced, community supported food systems in Native communities.
Geographic coverage: Nationwide
Application Deadline: Feb 28, 2023
Sponsor: First Nations Development Institute
Carolyn Watson Rural Oklahoma Community Foundation Grants Inactive
Grants for projects in eligible rural Oklahoma counties in the areas of health and safety, economic development, literacy, libraries, arts, culture, and history.
Geographic coverage: Specific rural counties in Oklahoma
Application Deadline: Feb 17, 2023
Sponsor: Carolyn Watson Rural Oklahoma Community Foundation
AmeriCorps Seniors Workforce Development Senior Demonstration Program Inactive
Funding for demonstration projects that engage adults ages 55 and older, using service opportunities, certification, training, and mentoring as the avenue that will lead to employment in skilled, professional, and/or para-professional career employment. Public health is a focus area, and rural communities are a priority.
Geographic coverage: Nationwide and U.S. Territories
Application Deadline: Feb 1, 2023
Sponsor: AmeriCorps