Thematic Working Groups in the North Central Region
Maria Marshall
The North Central Regional Center for Rural Development (NCRCRD) offers funding for multistate working groups focused on the NCRCRD's three rural development thematic areas of creating resilient communities and economies, developing leadership and civic engagement, and promoting community health and wellness that integrates research and Extension. Multistate working groups may focus on one theme and one system. However, work across themes and systems is highly encouraged. Working groups must be representative of the North Central Region (NCR) including:
- A minimum of 6 NCR states represented
- Faculty and/or staff from land grant colleges or universities
- Balance between research and outreach
Eligible applicants include current faculty and staff of land grant institutions (LGIs) in the North Central Region (NCR).
Award ceiling: $50,000
Project period: 3 years
A link to the application instructions is available on the program website.
Contact Maria Marshall to discuss a proposal and for application instructions.
For complete information about funding programs, including your
application status, please contact funders directly. Summaries are provided
for your convenience only. RHIhub does not take part in application processes
or monitor application status.