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Rural Health Information Hub

NRHA Rural Hospital CMO Certification Program

National Rural Health Association
Oct 8, 2024

The National Rural Health Association provides a rural hospital leadership and certification program for rural hospital Chief Marketing Officers (CMOs).

Training topics include:

  • Leadership
    • Interpersonal leadership
    • Intrapersonal leadership
    • Organizational leadership
    • Community leadership
    • Negotiating
  • Operations
    • Regulatory compliance
    • Data analytics and predictive analysis
    • Working with a Board of Directors
  • Finance
    • Fee for service
    • Population health
    • Budgeting for clinicians
    • Cost report 101
  • Clinical and Quality
    • Physician and patient outcomes
    • Physicians and providers
    • Quality
    • Physician engagement
    • Non-clinical leader engagement
    • Nursing engagement

The program is designed for individuals who are working as or are interested in working as a Chief Marketing Officer at a rural hospital.

Geographic coverage
Nationwide and U.S. Territories
Amount of funding

Tuition is $8,900.

Application process

A link to the online application is available on the program website.

Tagged as
Governance of healthcare organizations · Health workforce education and training · Healthcare business and finance · Healthcare executives · Healthcare quality · Hospitals · Leadership · Legislation and regulations · Networking and collaboration · Statistics and data

Organizations (1)

For complete information about funding programs, including your application status, please contact funders directly. Summaries are provided for your convenience only. RHIhub does not take part in application processes or monitor application status.