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Rural Health Information Hub

Sierra Health Foundation Responsive Grants

Sierra Health Foundation
Jul 9, 2024

The Sierra Health Foundation Responsive Grants Program will provide funding for communities and organizations in California that promote health and racial equity to address health disparities and the social determinants of health. The Foundation will prioritize projects that have been impacted by California's state budget funding gaps.

Priority areas:

  • Health
  • Homelessness and housing
  • Economic security
  • Education
  • Justice system
  • Workforce and climate change

Project examples include, but are not limited to:

  • Increasing access to and quality of health services by supporting infrastructure of clinics that serve medically underserved populations
  • Increasing bilingual community health workers in underserved neighborhoods where English is a second language through internship and leadership development classes
  • Providing infrastructure support for crisis lines
  • Increasing access to shelter in rural communities through shelter operational support
  • Addressing homelessness by supporting street outreach
  • Increasing food access through organizational support to food pantries
  • Reducing domestic violence through prevention and outreach activities
  • Increasing assistance for people with disabilities through housing support programs
  • Increasing access to higher education through programs designed to provide support for low-income students and students of color, such as housing, food and transportation programs
  • Creating and/or supporting coalitions to address racial and gender equity by advocating for justice reform
  • Promoting clean air and preventing pollution through education or enforcement of relevant air quality policies
  • Supporting community groups or coalitions advocating for increased and equitable walking/biking safety and access

Eligible applicants include 501(c)(3), 509(a)(1), and 509 (a)(2) organizations, as well as tribal and urban Indian entities.

Projects must benefit people in Sierra Health Foundation's service area.

Geographic coverage
Amount of funding

Award ceiling: $10,000
Project period: 1 year

Application process

A link to the application instructions is available on the program website.

Submit applications through the online grant portal.

Tagged as
Access · Behavioral health · Community and economic development · Community health workers · Criminal justice system · Educational attainment · Environmental health · Food security and nutrition · Health disparities · Health workforce · Healthcare needs and services · Housing and homelessness · Illicit drug use · Limited English proficient · People with disabilities · Physical activity · Public health · Social determinants of health · Suicide and suicide prevention · Wellness, health promotion, and disease prevention · California

For complete information about funding programs, including your application status, please contact funders directly. Summaries are provided for your convenience only. RHIhub does not take part in application processes or monitor application status.