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Rural Health Information Hub

Partnering for Vaccine Equity

This funding record is inactive. Please see the program website or contact the program sponsor to determine if this program is currently accepting applications or will open again in the future.

National Association of County and City Health Officials
Jun 30, 2023

The Partnering for Vaccine Equity Program will provide funding and technical assistance to increase the capacity of local health departments (LHDs) to increase vaccination uptake and address inequities in influenza and COVID-19 vaccination coverage among racial and ethnic minority adults.

Two different types of projects are available.

Scope of Work (SOW) A - Communications Campaign to Strengthen COVID-19 and Influenza Uptake required activities:

  • With the support of NACCHO, conduct CDC's Rapid Community Assessment activity designed to identify communities at-risk for low vaccine uptake, better understand the local community's vaccine needs and decisions, identify areas of intervention, and prioritize potential intervention strategies
  • Plan and implement a communications campaign to promote influenza and COVID-19 vaccination uptake using lessons learned from the Rapid Community Assessment activity
  • Develop a workplan with identified program activities, outcomes, and goals
  • Participate in scheduled calls with NACCHO to monitor project progress, engage in peer networking, share best practices and resources, and receive technical assistance
  • Designate at least one LHD staff member to complete NACCHO's Roots of Health Inequity course module(s) and incorporate learnings in LHD practice or strategies
  • Partner with NACCHO to develop new and/or update existing materials and share subject matter expertise focused on adults from racial and ethnic minority groups experiencing inequities in influenza and COVID-19 vaccination coverage and uptake
  • Participate in evaluation activities and document project outcomes

SOW B -Enhanced Communications Campaign- Coordinating and Collaborating with Partners to Develop Strategies to Strengthen COVID-19 and Influenza Uptake required activities:

  • Completion of all activities listed above in SOW A in addition to the activities outlined below
  • Identify and implement an intervention beyond a communications campaign that enhances collaboration and coordination of adult immunization services with partner(s) in the jurisdiction
  • Develop a work plan and corresponding evaluation plan with identified program activities, outcomes, and goals
  • Develop and share documentation of collaborating and coordinating with partner(s) to improve adult immunization services
  • Final report documenting methods, results, conclusions, and lessons learned

Eligible applicants are city, county, metropolitan, district, and tribal health departments.

Geographic coverage
Amount of funding

$75,000 for SOW A and $150,000 for SOW B

The project period is one year.

Application process

Links to additional guidance and the application instructions are available on the program website.

Submit through the online application portal.

Applicant webinar recording

Tagged as
COVID-19 · Evaluation methods and resources · Health disparities · Infectious diseases · Planning and strategy methods and resources · Public health · Racial and ethnic groups · Vaccination

Organizations (1)

  • National Association of County and City Health Officials, view details

For complete information about funding programs, including your application status, please contact funders directly. Summaries are provided for your convenience only. RHIhub does not take part in application processes or monitor application status.