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Rural Health Information Hub

Missouri Firearm Injury and Death Prevention Planning Grants

Missouri Foundation for Health
Applications accepted on an ongoing basis

Brian Washington


The Missouri Foundation for Health will provide grants to engage key individuals in Missouri in planning, preparing, and building support for firearm injury and death prevention efforts.

Preference will be given to applications that propose to engage populations that have not been or minimally involved in or served by firearm injury and death prevention (FID) efforts. Examples include, but are not limited to, addressing community violence in rural areas, firearm-related domestic violence efforts, understanding impacts of FID on immigrant populations, and addressing firearm suicide prevention in Black or Latino populations.

Activities have included:

  • Identifying and engaging key partners and community members
  • Supporting opportunities to build knowledge and awareness among key players
  • Implementing planning activities to better understand the impact of FID on the community and for identifying potential solutions and next steps
  • Engaging in strategic planning with community
  • Developing and/or maintaining community collaborations and/or coalitions to address FID
  • Supporting a wide range of asset and capacity building and organizational resiliency activities to assist organizations and communities in their efforts to begin to address FID
  • Identifying and designing mechanisms to engage and center community when developing interventions and promote a culture of power sharing with those most impacted by the topic area
  • Informing future FID efforts with the learning from these projects
  • Designing communication strategies and approaches

Applicants must be 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organizations, government entities, and nonprofit organizations with a fiscal sponsor.

Geographic coverage
Amount of funding

Award amounts are not stated.

Application process

Potential applicants must meet with foundation staff to discuss readiness, needs, and potential fit. Email Brian Washington to schedule a conversation.

Tagged as
Abuse and violence · Injuries · Mortality · Needs assessment methods and resources · Networking and collaboration · Planning and strategy methods and resources · Public health · Suicide and suicide prevention · Missouri

Organizations (1)

For complete information about funding programs, including your application status, please contact funders directly. Summaries are provided for your convenience only. RHIhub does not take part in application processes or monitor application status.