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Rural Health Information Hub

Cooperative Agreements with Technical Assistance Providers for the Thriving Communities Program (TCP)

This funding record is inactive. Please see the program website or contact the program sponsor to determine if this program is currently accepting applications or will open again in the future.

Assistance Listing: 20.942
U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT)
Nov 28, 2023

The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) will provide funding for eligible applicants to provide technical assistance, planning, and capacity building services to help disadvantaged communities with infrastructure projects that enable their communities and neighborhoods to thrive. Rural, tribal, and other disadvantaged communities are a priority.

There are 2 program types for this opportunity:

  1. Thriving Communities National (TCP-N) Program: will provide support at a national level to help communities scope, develop, and deliver transportation projects that advance community stabilization or revitalization
  2. Thriving Communities Regional Pilots (TCP-R) Program will advance transformative infrastructure projects in disadvantaged communities or jurisdictions located within a specific state, tribe, or metropolitan region that face barriers to implementation

Technical assistance providers will work with selected recipient communities to plan and develop transportation and community revitalization activities that:

  • Increase mobility
  • Reduce pollution from transportation sources
  • Expand affordable transportation options
  • Facilitate efficient land use
  • Preserve or expand jobs
  • Improve housing conditions
  • Enhance connections to healthcare, education, and food security
  • Improve health outcomes

TCP-N applicants must demonstrate capacity to develop and provide technical assistance, planning, and capacity building to a range of communities located across multiple states and regions. Eligible entities include:

  • Nonprofit organizations
  • Philanthropic entities
  • For-profit organizations
  • Academic institutions

TCP-R applicants are those involved with transportation issues at the regional or metropolitan level. Eligible entities include:

  • State and local government agencies
  • Tribes
  • Statewide planning nonprofit organizations
  • Governmental planning organizations
  • Economic development and transportation organizations
Geographic coverage
Amount of funding

Award range:

  • TCP-N: $4,000,000 - $5,000,000
  • TCP-R: $1,000,000 - $2,000,000

Estimated number of awards:

  • TCP-N: 3-5 awards
  • TCP-R: 4 awards

Project period: 36 months
Estimated total program funding: $22,000,000

Application process

Links to the full announcement, application instructions, and the online application process are available through and the program website.

Tagged as
Infrastructure · Needs assessment methods and resources · Networking and collaboration · Planning and strategy methods and resources · Transportation

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