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Rural Health Information Hub

AmeriCorps Seniors Workforce Development Senior Demonstration Program

This funding record is inactive. Please see the program website or contact the program sponsor to determine if this program is currently accepting applications or will open again in the future.

Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Number: 94.017
Feb 1, 2023

AmeriCorps Seniors Workforce Development Senior Demonstration Program (WFD) will provide funding for demonstration projects that engage adults ages 55 and older, using service opportunities, certification, training, and mentoring as the avenue that will lead to employment in skilled, professional, and/or para-professional career employment.

Priority will be given to proposals that:

  • Support older adults in obtaining permanent employment in skilled labor, professional or paraprofessional careers in fields such as education, healthcare, engineering, and law
  • Provide training and/or certification for employment, and supports such as mentorship, coaching, transportation, and other forms of support
  • Provide mentoring and/or coaching in regular increments, including during pre- and post- employment placement
  • Provide a competitive stipend to remove barriers for older adults' service

Public Health Careers Track: Applicants interested in addressing immediate public health needs, reducing health disparities in their communities, and building the public health workforce may propose a program that aligns with Public Health AmeriCorps.

AmeriCorps Seniors intends to build a diversified portfolio, including a meaningful representation of:

  • Geographic diversity
  • Rural communities
  • Small and medium programs
  • Innovative community strategies
  • Focus areas

Eligible applicants include:

  • Tribes
  • Institutions of higher education
  • Local governments, including city or county health public health departments
  • Nonprofit organizations, including state-recognized tribal organizations
  • State service commissions
  • States
  • U.S. territories
Geographic coverage
Nationwide and U.S. Territories
Amount of funding

Estimated award range: Not stated
Project period: July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2026
Estimated total program funding: $5,000,000

Applicants are required to match funds equal to 10% of their requested program budget with cash or in-kind funds.

Tagged as
Community and economic development · Community engagement and volunteerism · Health disparities · Public health

Organizations (1)

For complete information about funding programs, including your application status, please contact funders directly. Summaries are provided for your convenience only. RHIhub does not take part in application processes or monitor application status.