North Carolina Rural Building Reuse Program
Hazel Edmond
The North Carolina Rural Building Reuse Program provides grants for local governments to develop older, vacant buildings into assets to attract new or expanding businesses
Funding categories include:
- The renovation of vacant buildings
- The renovation or expansion of a building occupied by an existing North Carolina company wishing to expand in their current location
- The renovation, expansion or construction of healthcare entities that will lead to the creation of new, full-time jobs
Eligible applicants are units of local government located in either a Tier 1 or Tier 2 county, or a rural census tract in a Tier 3 county, as defined by the state's Tier system. Priority will be given to communities with populations less than 5,000.
Grant amount is not stated. The program requires a cash match equal to the grant request amount. The local government must provide at least 5% of the cash match.
Links to the application instructions and other forms are available on the program website.
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For complete information about funding programs, including your
application status, please contact funders directly. Summaries are provided
for your convenience only. RHIhub does not take part in application processes
or monitor application status.