Oweesta Native CDFI Loan Funds and Technical Assistance
Oweesta is an intermediary organization that provides financial products and development services for Native Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs). The primary goal is to support Native CDFIs so that they have the capacity to assist individuals, businesses, and organizations with financing and technical assistance for the development of small businesses, affordable housing/home ownership, community facilities, financial education programs, and agriculture/food sovereignty in Native communities.
Services include:
- Training and technical assistance - Assists certified and emerging Native CDFIs with individualized, culturally appropriate training and technical assistance with systematic multi-faceted program delivery
- Lending and capitalization - Offers diverse financial products and development services to Native communities across the nation
Oweesta serves:
- Native CDFIs
- Native nonprofit organizations
- Tribes
- Tribal departments
Services may be provided in urban and rural areas across the country, including reservations, traditional Native lands, Hawaiian homelands, and Alaska Native villages.
Loan amounts vary by product. Consult the Lending & Capitalization page.
The application process varies by product. Consult the Lending & Capitalization page or contact for specific application information.
For complete information about funding programs, including your
application status, please contact funders directly. Summaries are provided
for your convenience only. RHIhub does not take part in application processes
or monitor application status.