Alaska Native-Serving and Native Hawaiian-Serving Institutions Education Competitive Grants Program
Kellyann Jones-Jamtgaard
Dorissel Resto
This program provides grants to promote and strengthen the ability of Alaska Native-Serving Institutions and Native Hawaiian-Serving Institutions to carry out education, applied research, and related community development programs. This program to address educational needs, as determined by each institution, within a broadly defined area of Food, Agricultural, Natural Resources, and Human (FANH) Sciences.
The program supports:
- Activities of collaborative membership of Alaska Native-Serving or Native Hawaiian-Serving Institutions to enhance educational equity for underrepresented students
- Strengthening institutional education capacities, including libraries, curriculum, faculty, scientific instrumentation, instruction delivery systems, and student recruitment and retention, in order to respond to identified state, regional, national, or international educational needs in the FANH sciences
- Undergraduate and graduate students from underrepresented groups in order to prepare them for careers related to food and agricultural sciences and beginning with the mentoring of students from K-12, and continuing with the provision of financial support for students through their attainment of a doctoral degree
- Cooperative initiatives between at least 2 or more Alaska Native-Serving or Native Hawaiian-Serving Institutions, which may work in cooperation with one or more other entities including units of State government and private sector organizations, to maximize the development and use of resources, such as faculty, facilities, and equipment, to improve FANH education program
Projects that integrate social and biological sciences to address many of the challenges facing agriculture and rural communities are a priority, such as:
- Increasing global demand for food production in the face of limited natural resources
- Improving health and reducing obesity by engaging in healthy lifestyles and consuming healthy diets
- Alleviating poverty by fostering economic opportunity
Eligible applicants are public and private, nonprofit Alaska Native-Serving and Native Hawaiian-Serving Institutions of higher education.
Award ceiling: $1,500,000
Award floor: $150,000
Project period: 36-48 months
Estimated number of awards: 3
Estimated total program funding:
Links to the full announcement, application instructions, and the online application process are available through
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Organizations (2)
- U.S. Department of Agriculture, view details
- National Institute of Food and Agriculture, view details
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