High-Priority Research in Tobacco Regulatory Science (R01 Clinical Trial Optional)
Application: Jun 6, 2025
A list of program contacts is available on the program website.
High-Priority Research in Tobacco Regulatory Science (R01 Clinical Trial Optional) provides grants to support biomedical and behavioral research that will provide scientific data to inform regulation of tobacco products to protect public health. Projects must focus on one or more of the high-priority research topics related to addiction, behavior, health effects, product composition and design, or toxicity. Research topics include:
- Product Composition and Design - Understanding the chemical constituents in tobacco products and measurement methods across diverse products
- Toxicity - Understanding how tobacco products and changes to tobacco product characteristics affect their potential to cause morbidity and mortality
- Addiction - Understanding the effect of tobacco product characteristics on addiction and abuse liability
- Health Effects - Understanding the short and long term health effects of tobacco products
- Behavior - Understanding the knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors related to tobacco product use and changes in tobacco product characteristics
Projects may focus on populations or groups that bear disproportionate burden of tobacco product risk harm. Vulnerable populations include:
- Youth and young adults
- Individuals from lower socioeconomic backgrounds
- Racial/ethnic minorities
- Sexual minorities
- Rural populations
- Individuals who are pregnant or trying to become pregnant
- Military and veterans
- People who are or have been incarcerated
- People with mental health conditions or substance use disorders
Eligible applicants include:
- Higher education institutions
- Public/state controlled institutions
- Private institutions
- Nonprofit organizations
- With 501(c)(3) status
- Without 501(c)(3) status
- Native American tribal organizations
- Faith-based or community-based organizations
- Regional organizations
- Governments
- State
- County
- City or township
- Special districts
- Federally recognized Indian/Native American tribal governments
- Indian/Native American tribal governments (other than federally recognized)
- Eligible agencies of the federal government
- U.S. territory or possession
- Other
- Independent school districts
- Public housing authorities
- Indian housing authorities
- Non-domestic entities and non-domestic components of U.S. entities
- Small businesses
- For-profit organizations
Award ceiling: $500,000 per year
Project period: 5 years
Links to the full announcement, application instructions, and online application process are available through grants.gov.
While not required, potential applicants are encouraged to email a letter of intent to TRSP@nih.gov at least 60 days prior to the application due date. The earliest application submission date is May 6, 2025.
This opportunity expires on June 7, 2025.
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Organizations (2)
- U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, view details
- National Institutes of Health, view details
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application status, please contact funders directly. Summaries are provided
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