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Rural Health Information Hub

Virtual Living Room - Using Technology to Address the Critical Healthcare Needs of Veterans in Rural Areas

Foundation for Rural Service, NTCA: The Rural Broadband Association, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
Applications accepted on an ongoing basis

Virtual Living Room is a grant program that combines rural technology, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) resources, and local support to provide solutions to improve healthcare access for veterans in rural areas.

Communities that are located more than an hour away from a VA clinic or hospital can provide a private, comfortable location for veterans to access VA medical system telehealth and other online resources.


To be eligible to apply for funding, the community must be located more than an hour away from a VA clinic or hospital. The applicant of record must be a member of NTCA: The Rural Broadband Association.

Virtual Living Room venue locations should be comfortable, private, have adequate electricity, and have broadband service provided by the NTCA member. Venue examples include a Veterans of Foreign War lodge, American Legion, library, firehouse, church, and/or community center.

Geographic coverage
Amount of funding

Award amounts are not specified.

Application process

To apply, follow the instructions listed on the program website.

  1. Assess community need
  2. Contact and establish a relationship with the local VA
  3. Locate a suitable venue
  4. Formalize relationships
  5. Apply for funding
  6. Share the story

Additional information and links are provided for each step in the process.

Tagged as
Access · Broadband · Telehealth · Veterans

Organizations (3)

For complete information about funding programs, including your application status, please contact funders directly. Summaries are provided for your convenience only. RHIhub does not take part in application processes or monitor application status.