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Rural Health Information Hub

Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act Program

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Applications accepted on an ongoing basis

The Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act Program (WIFIA) provides secured, direct loans and loan guarantees for eligible water infrastructure projects.

Eligible projects include:

  • Wastewater projects that are eligible under the Clean Water State Revolving Fund
  • Drinking water projects that are eligible for the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund
  • Projects that enhance energy efficiency in the operation of a public water system or publicly owned treatment works
  • Projects for repair, rehabilitation, or replacement of a treatment works, community water system, or aging water distribution or waste collection facility
  • A brackish or sea water desalination project, including chloride control, a managed aquifer recharge project, a water recycling project, or a project to provide alternative water supplies to reduce aquifer depletion
  • A project to prevent, reduce, or mitigate the effects of drought
  • The acquisition of real property or an interest in real property
  • A combination of eligible projects listed above

Eligible applicants include:

  • Corporations
  • Partnerships
  • Joint ventures
  • Trusts
  • Federal, state, and local governmental entities/agencies
  • Tribal governments or consortia of tribal governments
  • State infrastructure financing authorities
  • Clean Water and Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (SRF) programs
Geographic coverage
Amount of funding

The minimum project size for large communities is $20,000,000.

The minimum project size for small communities (population of 25,000 or less) is $5,000,000.

Loan amounts provided through this program may not exceed 80% of a project's eligible costs.

In addition, technical assistance may be provided to prospective borrowers, especially small and disadvantaged communities.

Application process

Links to additional guidance and application instructions are available on the program website.

Begin the process by requesting access to EPA's SharePoint site through an email to

Applicants must submit a letter of interest through the SharePoint site, and selected borrowers will be invited to submit a full application.

Tagged as
Capital funding · Infrastructure · Public health

Organizations (1)

For complete information about funding programs, including your application status, please contact funders directly. Summaries are provided for your convenience only. RHIhub does not take part in application processes or monitor application status.