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Rural Health Information Hub

Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics Training Program

This funding record is inactive. Please see the program website or contact the program sponsor to determine if this program is currently accepting applications or will open again in the future.

Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Number: 93.877
Health Resources and Services Administration, Maternal and Child Health Bureau, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Jan 19, 2023

For programmatic or technical questions:
Rita Maldonado, MPH

For grants management or budget questions:
LaToya Ferguson


The Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics (DBP) Training Program provides funding to train healthcare professionals to use valid and reliable screening and diagnostic tools, in addition to providing evidence-based interventions for children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and other developmental and behavioral concerns.

The specific goal of the program is to support DBP fellowships that prepare providers for leadership roles as teachers, investigators, and clinicians, and provide other trainees—including pediatric practitioners, residents, and medical students—with biopsychosocial knowledge and clinical expertise.

Program objectives include:

  1. Recruit and train 10 long-term trainees (LTTs), including 5 DBP fellows and 5 other LTTs, over the 5-year period of performance
  2. Conduct one activity per year to address equity and improve access to DBP services
  3. Provide training to a minimum of 200 short- and medium-term trainees per year
  4. Train a minimum of 150 practicing providers through continuing education per year
  5. Provide a minimum of 10 technical assistance (TA) activities per year to strengthen systems of care for children who may have autism/developmental disabilities (DD) and their families

Awardees should ensure trainees in this program:

  • Receive an appropriate balance of academic, clinical, and community opportunities
  • Demonstrate a capacity to evaluate, diagnose (or rule out), develop, and provide evidence-based interventions to individuals with ASD/DD
  • Demonstrate an ability to use a family-centered approach
  • Are culturally competent
  • Are ethnically diverse

Training should be structured on comprehensive, interdisciplinary service models in a variety of institutional and rural/urban community-based settings, with a client population representative of the cultural, linguistic, social, and ethnic diversity of the community. Telehealth and tele-consultation are encouraged to expand the reach of the training programs to practicing professionals in rural and underserved areas.


Public or nonprofit agencies, including institutions of higher education, tribes, and tribal organizations are eligible to apply.

Geographic coverage
Amount of funding

Award ceiling: $283,000 per year
Project period: 5 years
Estimated number of awards: 15
Estimated total program funding: $4,287,000

Application process

Links to the full announcement, application instructions, and the online application process are available through

Tagged as
Access · Children and youth · Culture and cultural competency · Families · Health disparities · Health occupations · Health screening · Health workforce education and training · Interprofessional training of the health workforce · Leadership · People with disabilities · Racial and ethnic groups · Telehealth

Organizations (3)

For complete information about funding programs, including your application status, please contact funders directly. Summaries are provided for your convenience only. RHIhub does not take part in application processes or monitor application status.