Tribal Transportation Program Safety Funds
This funding record is inactive. Please see the program website or contact the program
sponsor to
determine if this program is currently accepting applications or will open again in the future.
For programmatic or technical
Adam Larsen
For legal questions:
Michelle Andotra
The Tribal Transportation Program Safety Funds (TTPSF) program awards funding to tribal governments for the purposes of transportation projects related to safety, safety planning, and safety/infrastructure. The TTPSF program emphasizes the development of strategic Transportation Safety Plans using a data-driven process as a means for tribes to determine how transportation safety needs will be addressed in Tribal communities. Projects should have outcomes that address the prevention and reduction of death or serious injuries in transportation related incidents.
A detailed list of eligible activities is available in the application instructions.
Project examples:
- Converting an intersection to a roundabout
- Roadway improvements that provide separation between pedestrians and motor vehicles or between bicyclists and motor vehicles, including medians, pedestrian crossing islands, protected bike lanes, and protected intersection features
- Flattening roadside slopes
- Reconstructing a horizontal curve
- Installation of a skid-resistant surface at an intersection or other location with a high frequency of crashes
- Improving intersection sight distance
- Other infrastructure improvements that reduce the risk of serious injury crashes
Eligible applicants are federally recognized native American tribal governments.
Development of new tribal safety plans: Up to $15,000
Update existing tribal safety plans over 3 years old: Up to $10,000
Funding for other eligible activities: Variable
The total funding available is $24,518,400.
Links to the full announcement, application instructions, and the online application process are available through and the TTPSF website.
For complete information about funding programs, including your
application status, please contact funders directly. Summaries are provided
for your convenience only. RHIhub does not take part in application processes
or monitor application status.