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Rural Health Information Hub

Oregon Rural Medical Practitioner Insurance Subsidy Program

Oregon Health Authority, Oregon Office of Rural Health
Applications accepted on an ongoing basis

The Oregon Rural Medical Practitioner Insurance Subsidy Program offers reimbursement for medical malpractice insurance policy premiums to physicians and nurse practitioners who practice in rural Oregon.


Physicians and nurse practitioners an active Oregon license who work in rural areas and provide services to patients who use Medicare or medical assistance are eligible to apply.

Applicants with coverage provided by a healthcare facility must reimburse the healthcare facility the amount of the premium that is credited to the applicant.

Geographic coverage
Amount of funding

Reimbursement is allowed for policy limits not exceeding $1 million per occurrence and $3 million aggregate. Reimbursement is offered at the following rates:

  • 80%:
    • Physicians specializing in obstetrics
    • Nurse practitioners certified for obstetric care
  • 60%:
    • Doctors specializing in family or general practice who provide obstetrical services
  • 40%:
    • Doctors or nurse practitioners working in general practice, internal medicine, geriatrics, pulmonary medicine, pediatrics, general surgery, anesthesiology, or family practice without obstetrics
  • 15%:
    • All other physicians and nurse practitioners not listed above
Application process

Links to the online affidavit submission process for physicians and nurse practitioners are available on the program website.

The current funding and administrative rules are effective through December 31, 2022.

Providers must renew each year, and affidavits are accepted year-round. The program operates quarterly within a calendar year. Affidavits received October 1 to December 31 will count towards the next full calendar year. Affidavits received January 1 or later will be applied to the next possible quarter.

Tagged as
Nurse practitioners and other advanced practice registered nurses · Physicians · Recruitment and retention of health professionals · Oregon

Organizations (2)

For complete information about funding programs, including your application status, please contact funders directly. Summaries are provided for your convenience only. RHIhub does not take part in application processes or monitor application status.