Supportive Services for Veteran Families Program
Adrienne Nash Melendez
The Supportive Services for Veteran Families Program offers funding for nonprofit organizations and consumer cooperatives that provide supportive services for very low-income veterans and their families residing in permanent housing to remain stably housed and to rapidly transition those not currently in permanent housing to stable housing.
Examples of program funding uses include, but are not limited to:
- Child care
- Emergency housing assistance
- Transportation
- Rental assistance
- Utility-fee payment assistance
- Security deposits
- Utility deposits
- Moving costs
- General housing stability assistance
Private nonprofit organizations and consumer cooperatives that provide supportive services for very low-income veterans and their families residing in or transitioning to permanent housing are eligible to apply.
Award ceiling: $6,800,000
Award floor: $118,000
Project period: Up to 3 years for rural
and tribal communities and U.S. territories
Estimated number of awards: 200
Estimated total program funding:
Award amounts vary by applicant type and project location.
- Priority 1:Expand services to tribal and rural communities and U.S. territories
Priority 2: Existing grantees that
have at least one of the following accreditations:
- 3-year accreditation from the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF) in Employment and Community Services
- Rapid Rehousing and Homeless Prevention standards, a 4-year accreditation in Housing Stabilization and Community Living Services from the Council on Accreditation (COA)
- 3-year accreditation in The Joint Commission's (JC) Behavioral Health Care: Housing Support Services Standards
- Priority 3: Existing grantees that do not qualify for Priority 2
Links to additional guidance, application instructions, and the online application portal are available on the program website and
Related Content
News (1)
- VA: Funding Opportunity Under Supportive Services for Veteran Families, view details
Organizations (1)
- U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, view details
For complete information about funding programs, including your
application status, please contact funders directly. Summaries are provided
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