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Rural Health Information Hub

STEP 4: Dissemination

Step 1: Identifying an Intervention Step 2: Funding an Intervention Evaluation and Sustainability Dissemination

You want to share your experience with other rural stakeholders and help build the rural evidence base.

  • Review Disseminating Best Practices in RHIhub's Rural Community Health Toolkit.
  • Share your story with RHIhub for inclusion in Rural Health Models and Innovations.
  • Write a journal or newspaper article about your program. For example, this article features a FORHP-funded program:
    Kunz, S., Ingram, M., Piper, R., Wu, T., Litton, N., Brady, J., Knudson, A. (2017). Rural Collaborative Model for Diabetes Prevention and Management: A Case Study. Health Promotion Practice. Abstract