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Rural Health Information Hub

RHIhub This Week - August 28, 2024

New in the Rural Monitor

Rural Louisiana Programs Create Healthier Schools
by Allee Mead
Two FORHP Delta States Rural Development Network grantees are improving children's health in rural Louisiana schools. The Adolescent Pre-Diabetes Prevention Program screens high school students and provides Healthy Lifestyle lessons, while the EatMoveGrow program increases nutrition and physical activity opportunities in elementary schools.

Updated RHIhub Topic Guide

Social Determinants of Health for Rural People
Our recently updated topic guide provides information and resources on the social determinants of health for rural populations and the related impacts on their health outcomes and living conditions. It includes a new question on the Vital Conditions for Health and Well-Being Framework.

 New in Our Online Library
 Information from around the web

Recent News

Data Shows Rural Disparities in Traffic Deaths
Aug 27, 2024 -- Analyzes Fatal Accident Report System (FARS) data to discuss traffic death comparisons for rural and urban counties. Notes reasons for the disparity including emergency response times, speed limits, and risky driving behavior.
Source: The Daily Yonder

Building Eastern North Carolina's Community Health Workforce One Haircut at a Time
Aug 26, 2024 -- Provides overview of Shackle Free Buzz, a program in rural eastern North Carolina that trains barbers and beauticians as community health ambassadors. Describes the social significance of barber shops and beauty salons in many rural Black communities. Highlights various topics addressed by the program, including vaccine hesitancy, health-related social needs, and chronic disease awareness.
Source: NC Health News

Leveraging Telehealth to Provide Equitable Pediatric Mental Health Care
Aug 23, 2024 -- Describes the establishment of the National Rural Adolescent and Child Health (NRACH) ECHO Training Center in 2022. Notes that, due to a shortage of rural psychologists, rural children often seek care from primary care doctors for mental health issues. Highlights services offered by the NRACH ECHO Training Center, including virtual medical education for rural primary care doctors on a variety of mental health issues and treatment approaches.
Source: National Rural Health Association

Long Drives, Fewer Visits and Lost Ties: Rural Minnesota Residents Struggle to Adapt When a Nursing Home Closes
Aug 22, 2024 -- Discusses the impact of nursing home closures on social networks for rural Minnesota residents and their families. Discusses funding challenges and policy measures attempting to address workforce recruitment and retention issues driving the closures.
Source: MinnPost

Promotoras De Salud: Helping Community Health Workers Care for Older Adults
Aug 22, 2024 -- Discusses the role of community health workers (CHW) in rural and border communities in Texas, particularly for older adults and Spanish speakers. Highlights a training for CHWs focusing on age-friendly health services using the 4M Framework.
Source: National Rural Health Association

UI Telepsychology Training Clinic Takes Grassroots Approach to Reaching Rural Communities
Aug 22, 2024 -- Reports on a free telepsychology clinic for rural Iowans. Discusses the lack of mental health services due to workforce shortages in the state, rural specific stressors, and stigma. Highlights the value of training the behavioral health workforce with and in rural communities.
Source: Iowa Capital Dispatch

Better Local Healthcare for Florida's Rural Panhandle with USDA
Aug 21, 2024 -- Highlights a Critical Access Hospital in rural Florida using U.S. Department of Agriculture grants to offer advanced healthcare equipment, expanded facilities, and new services to the local community. Discusses the support offered by the USDA while applying for grant funding.
Source: Rural Development, United States Department of Agriculture

Funding & Opportunities

National Health Service Corps Students to Service Loan Repayment Program
Loan repayment assistance for medical, nursing, physician assistant, and dental students who agree to provide services in eligible Health Professional Shortage Areas of greatest need.
Geographic coverage: Nationwide and U.S. Territories
Application Deadline: Nov 7, 2024
Sponsors: Bureau of Health Workforce, Health Resources and Services Administration, National Health Service Corps, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

AmeriCorps State and National Grants
Funding for programs that are designed to strengthen communities and solve local problems, including those found in rural and underserved areas. Funding priorities include serving historically underrepresented communities, environmental stewardship, services for veterans, access to youth mental health and substance abuse services, and civic bridgebuilding.
Geographic coverage: Nationwide and U.S. territories
Application Deadline: Jan 23, 2025
Sponsor: AmeriCorps

Rural Economic Development Loan and Grant Program (REDL and REDG)
Loans and grants to assist in the economic development of rural areas, including funds for healthcare facilities and equipment, telecommunications networks, and job creation projects.
Geographic coverage: Nationwide
Application Deadline: Jun 30, 2025
Sponsors: U.S. Department of Agriculture, USDA Rural Development

Advancing Healthcare for Older Adults from Populations that Experience Health Disparities (R01 - Clinical Trial Optional)
Funding for innovative, multi-level healthcare research for older adults from populations that experience health disparities.
Geographic coverage: Nationwide and U.S. Territories
Application Deadline: Jan 8, 2028
Sponsors: National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities, National Institutes of Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Disaster Water Grants Program
Grants to help rural communities handle expenses related to presidentially declared disasters that damaged water systems. Water systems include all water resource infrastructure, including drinking water, wastewater, storm drainage, and solid waste facilities.
Geographic coverage: Nationwide and U.S. Territories
Applications accepted on an ongoing basis
Sponsors: U.S. Department of Agriculture, USDA Rural Development, USDA Rural Utilities Service

Rural Community Development Program
Technical assistance to help regional and tribal organizations manage safe water systems in rural communities.
Geographic coverage: Nationwide
Applications accepted on an ongoing basis
Sponsors: Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

New Resources

2024 Chartbook: Supporting Native Elders in Their Communities: Title VI Native American Aging Programs and Services
Offers findings from the 2023 Title VI Native American Aging Program Survey. Discusses service provision, nutrition and traditional foods, services and supports for caregivers, transportation, elder abuse, program staffing and funding, and partnerships.
Sponsoring organization: USAging
Date: 2024

Active Social Engagement and Health among Older Adults: Assessing Differences by Cancer Survivorship Status
Evaluates whether recent cancer survivorship affects the relationship between active social engagement and health-related quality of life among older adults, utilizing data from 2,914 survey participants in seven states. Includes data on physical and mental health-related quality of life in rural versus urban populations.
Author(s): Jennifer L. Moss, Veronica Bernacchi, Erin Kitt-Lewis
Location: Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 22, 67
Date: 08/2024

Adverse Childhood Experiences: Health Care Utilization And Expenditures In Adulthood
Uses 2021 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey-Household Component data to estimate healthcare utilization and expenditures for adults with and without adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) in addition to various health conditions and behaviors. Exhibit 1 includes prevalence and relative risk of various demographic and geographic factors by number of ACEs. Discusses policy implications of study findings.
Author(s): Thomas M. Selden, Didem M. Bernard, Sandra L. Decker, Zhengyi Fang
Location: Health Affairs, 43(8)
Date: 07/2024

Challenges and Opportunities for Workforce Programs in Rural Areas: Evidence from HPOG 2.0
Provides an overview of the non-tribal Health Profession Opportunity Grants (HPOG) 2.0 program location and statistics, services delivery strategies, participant receipts of support services, and participant outcomes. Includes comparative data on rural versus non-rural HPOG 2.0 programs.
Sponsoring organization: Administration for Children and Families
Date: 08/2024

Changes to Population Distribution and Commuting Patterns Blur the Line Between Rural and Urban
Highlights the change in commuting patterns between rural workers and urban areas and describes the impact on rural communities and economies. Discusses the multiple definitions of rural.
Sponsoring organization: U.S. Census Bureau
Date: 08/2024

Countermeasures that Work: An Introductory Resource for Rural Communities
Provides safety countermeasures related to speed, alcohol-impaired driving, and seat belts/child restraints in rural communities. Includes effectiveness ratings of countermeasures as well as program examples.
Sponsoring organization: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
Date: 07/2024

Discharge Disposition for Home Health Care Patients with Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementia: The Role of Living Arrangements and Rural Living
Examines rural versus urban differences in living arrangements and their impact on discharge disposition of patients with Alzheimer's disease and related dementia (ADRD). Analyzes 531,269 Medicare fee-for-service patient records with data breakdowns for living arrangement, such as living alone, living at home with others, or living in a congregate setting, as well as sociodemographic and health condition variables. Discusses rural versus urban disparities when a patient discharges to their community or an institution and the impact of social support on ADRD patients.
Author(s): Daniel Jung, Jeong Ha (Steph) Choi, Kerstin Gerst Emerson
Location: Journal of Rural Health
Date: 08/2024

Disparities Impact Statement
Guidance for healthcare providers and other healthcare focused organizations to identify and address health disparities among various people groups including rural and tribal communities. Offers a 5 step process for developing an action plan by identifying disparities, defining health equity goals, establishing a health equity strategy, determining organizational needs, and tracking progress.
Sponsoring organization: Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
Date: 08/2024

Examining Rurality and Social Determinants of Health among Women with GDM: A 15-Year Comprehensive Population Analysis
Examines maternal demographic characteristics, including rurality, and risk of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) development over time. Utilizes birth record vital statistics of 589,605 women with live births in Kansas from 2005 to 2019. Compares rural and urban trends in maternal overweight, obesity, and GDM.
Author(s): Umama Ali, Laila Cure, Rhonda K. Lewis, et al.
Location: BMC Women's Health, 24, 467
Date: 08/2024

The Future of Acute Hospital Care at Home
Describes the Acute Hospital Care at Home (AHCAH) model and explores barriers to participation including rural-specific concerns. Offers current and future policy reform recommendations related to rural hospital participation and flexibilities.
Sponsoring organization: Bipartisan Policy Center
Date: 07/2024

Identifying Our Needs: A Survey of Elders Cycle VIII (2020 - 2023) - 2024 Data Book
Report presents data on the health and wellness of American Indian and Alaska Native Elders. Explores data through a number of measures, such as general health, healthcare access, weight and nutrition, and memory and disability, among other measures.
Sponsoring organization: National Resource Center on Native American Aging
Date: 2024

MedPAC Comment on CMS's Proposed Rule on the Home Health Prospective Payment System for CY 2025
Comments on a July 3, 2024, Federal Register proposed rule related to Medicare payment policies for home health agencies. Includes comments regarding permanent and temporary budget-neutrality adjustments, the plan of care development and scope of services home health patients receive, and the proposed adoption of the core-based statistical area (CBSA) delineations for the home health wage index.
Sponsoring organization: Medicare Payment Advisory Commission
Date: 08/2024

MedPAC Comment on CMS's Proposed Rule on the Payment System for End-Stage Renal Disease for CY 2025
Comments on a July 5, 2024, Federal Register proposed rule related to Medicare payment policies for end-stage renal disease (ESRD). Includes comments addressing modifications to the outlier policy, updates to the low-volume payment adjustment (LVPA), and updates to the wage index methodology.
Sponsoring organization: Medicare Payment Advisory Commission
Date: 08/2024

NCHS Rapid Surveys System: Round 3 - Family Health History, Genetic Testing for Cancer and Heart Disease, and Sexual Health
Interactive data on family health history, genetic testing for cancer and heart disease, and sexual health among adults between January and February 2024. Includes tables and charts on information gathering and sharing habits, healthcare utilization, and more. Breaks down data by various demographics including urbanicity.
Sponsoring organization: National Center for Health Statistics
Date: 2024

Practice Outcomes for the First Decade of Rural Pharmacy Education (RPHARM) Program Graduates
Analyzes the practice characteristics of 2014-2023 graduates of the Rural Pharmacy Education (RPHARM) Program at University of Illinois Chicago (UIC) College of Pharmacy. Provides information on the RPHARM program, number of graduates, and practice characteristics of graduates, including practice type and rurality of location.
Author(s): Heidi R. Olson, Allison E. Schriever, Kevin O. Rynn, Martin MacDowell
Location: BMC Medical Education, 24, 909
Date: 08/2024

Report to the Secretary of Health and Human Services: Encouraging Rural Participation in Population-Based Total Cost of Care (PB-TCOC) Models
Summarizes findings from the Physician-Focused Payment Model Technical Advisory Committee's (PTAC) review of information on best practices for addressing rural health challenges and encouraging rural participation in value-based care and PB-TCOC models. Describes the importance of addressing challenges affecting patients and providers in rural communities, developing financial incentives and glide paths to encourage rural participation in value-based care, and measuring and incentivizing value-based care and social determinants of health for patients in rural areas. Identifies areas where areas where additional research is needed, considerations for policymakers, and potential next steps.
Sponsoring organization: HHS Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation
Date: 06/2024

Rural and Urban Differences in Marijuana Use Following Passages of Medical Marijuana Laws
Presents a study on differences in marijuana use in rural and urban areas after the legalization of medical marijuana. Compares marijuana usage in rural and urban areas and breaks down data by race, gender, sexual identity, and marijuana use, among other factors.
Author(s): E. Morgan, C. Dyar
Location: Public Health, 234, 64-70
Date: 09/2024

Rural Maternity Innovation Summit Reports
Findings from a March 2024 Clifton, Texas summit that brought together leaders from six innovative and sustainable rural maternity programs. The site report provides case studies, sharing information on maternity services, staffing, financial strategies, and more. The leader report shares strategies and identifies leadership competencies, values, and character traits that support the leaders' abilities to meet the challenges in providing sustainable rural maternity services in rural communities.
Sponsoring organization: University of Colorado School of Medicine Rural Program
Date: 2024

Strategies Used to Reduce Harms Associated with Fentanyl Exposure among Rural People Who Use Drugs: Multi-Site Qualitative Findings from the Rural Opioid Initiative
Explores strategies utilized by rural people who use drugs to reduce fentanyl-related harm. Analyzes interviews with 349 people who recently used opioids or injection drugs in 10 states. Discusses awareness of fentanyl contamination, highlights perspectives on common harm reduction strategies, and describes public health applications. Includes state-by-state comparisons of participant demographic data.
Author(s): Suzan M. Walters, Robin Baker, David Frank, et al.
Location: Harm Reduction Journal, 21, 154
Date: 08/2024

Open Calls for Contributions

Call for Proposals: 2024 CARE Conference: Addressing the Health Care Needs of Amish & Plain Communities
Deadline: Sep 6, 2024
Center for Appalachia Research in Cancer Education (CARE)
Event Dates: Nov 12 - 15, 2024
Lore City, OH
Conference Website

Upcoming Events

CMS Virtual All Tribes Listening Session on the Obstetrical Services Proposed Provisions in the CY 2025 Outpatient Prospective Payment System (OPPS) Proposed Rule
Aug 28, 3:00 p.m. Eastern
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
Appalachian Regional Commission 101
Aug 29, 11:00 a.m. Eastern
ReImagine Appalachia
Safe Systems: Increasing Physical Activity Through Community Design in States & Communities
Aug 29, 2:00 p.m. Eastern
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Household Food Security in the United States in 2023
Sep 4, 1:00 p.m. Eastern
USDA Economic Research Service
Uplifting Cultural Healing Practices for Recovery and Wellness in AI/AN Communities
Sep 4, 1:00 p.m. Eastern
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
National Advisory Committee on Rural Health and Human Services Meeting
Sep 4 - 6
Agenda includes a discussion of the opioid crisis and its impact on rural families.
Health Resources and Services Administration
Supporting Elders in Indian Country: New Data and Tools from the Latest Title VI Program Survey
Sep 10, 2:00 p.m. Eastern
2024 Annual NOSORH Meeting
Sep 10 - 12
National Organization of State Offices of Rural Health
Niagara Falls, NY
Council on Graduate Medical Education Meeting
Sep 12, 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Eastern
Health Resources and Services Administration
Maternal Mental Health Research: Elevating Women's Voices to Improve Maternal Mental Health
Sep 16, 12:00 - 4:30 p.m. Eastern
National Institutes of Health
Children, Youth and Families At Risk (CYFAR) Listening Session #1
Sep 17, 3:00 p.m. Eastern
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) Tribal Technical Advisory Committee (TTAC) Meeting
Sep 17 - 18
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
Children, Youth and Families At Risk (CYFAR) Listening Session #2
Sep 18, 4:00 p.m. Eastern
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Native Peers Working in Multiple Settings to Promote Healing Through Culture
Sep 23, 1:00 p.m. Eastern
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
Improving Access to Prevention, Treatment, and Recovery Support
Sep 25, 1:00 p.m. Eastern
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
2024 North Dakota Advancing Health Equity Conference
Oct 2
University of North Dakota School of Medicine & Health Sciences
2024 41st Annual Oregon Rural Health Conference
Oct 2 - 4
Oregon Office of Rural Health
Bend, OR
2024 Annual Colorado Rural Health Conference
Oct 2 - 4
Colorado Rural Health Center
Broomfield, CO
2024 Annual Oklahoma Rural Health Conference
Oct 2 - 4
Rural Health Association of Oklahoma
Tulsa, OK
2024 Annual National Association for Home Care and Hospice Conference and Expo
Oct 20 - 22
National Association for Home Care and Hospice
Tampa, FL
2024 Transforming Community and Rural Healthcare Symposium
In-Person, Virtual
Oct 21 - 22
Mayo Clinic Health System
Rochester, MN
National Advisory Council on Migrant Health (NACMH) Meeting
Oct 22 - 23
Health Resources and Services Administration
2024 AgrAbility National Training Workshop Encore Webinar
Oct 23, 3:00 p.m. Eastern
National AgrAbility Project
2024 3rd Annual Texas Rural Health Conference
Oct 23 - 24
University of Texas at Arlington Center for Rural Health and Nursing
Arlington, TX
18th Annual Caregiver Conference on Alzheimer's and Dementia in Native Americans
Oct 24
Banner Alzheimer's Institute
Laveen, AZ
2024 Agriculture Rescue Training Event
In-Person, Virtual
Oct 25 - 26
Rural Firefighters Delivering Agriculture Safety & Health (RF-DASH)
Marshfield, WI

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The Rural Health Information Hub is seeking your comments on how our services have helped you in your efforts to improve healthcare and population health in rural communities. Have the RHIhub services helped you to stay informed, get a grant, find the proper federal agency contact or other expert, or otherwise changed your life?

Please send an email telling how RHIhub has impacted you to Your stories may be used in testimony, budget documents and presentations concerning the Rural Health Information Hub.