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Rural Health Information Hub

Telehealth and Health Information Technology in Rural Healthcare – Organizations

American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA)
Represents over 103,000 health information management (HIM) professionals. Provides HIM standards and practices, advocacy, education, resources, and professional development opportunities. AHIMA is one of the four cooperating parties responsible for the ICD-10 coding guidelines.
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American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA)
Works to advance the science, education, and profession of informatics. Provides networking, advocacy, and professional development opportunities. Supports the use for health information technology to promote health and healthcare.
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Assistant Secretary for Technology Policy/Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ASTP/ONC)
Supports the adoption of health information technology (HIT) and promotes nationwide health information exchange to improve healthcare.
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Promotes access to medical care for consumers and health professionals through telehealth for network members. Offers events, education, policy information, and advocacy. Formerly known as the American Telemedicine Association.
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California Telehealth Resource Center (CTRC)
One of the telehealth resource centers funded by the federal Office for the Advancement of Telehealth (OAT). Assists healthcare organizations, healthcare networks, and healthcare providers in the implementation of cost-effective telehealth programs to serve rural and medically underserved areas and populations in California.
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Center for Connected Health Policy: The National Telehealth Policy Resource Center (CCHP)
One of the telehealth resource centers funded by the federal Office for the Advancement of Telehealth (OAT). Assists healthcare organizations, networks, and providers with the integration of telehealth technologies. Analyzes and reports on telehealth policy issues and provides telehealth policy resources throughout the U.S.
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Center of Excellence for Telehealth and Aging (CE4TA)
Aims to advance age-inclusive telehealth for older adults. Offers providers and organizations practical tools, resources, and a community of leaders to support delivering high-quality telehealth services. A partnership among West Health Institute, the University of Virginia Department of Geriatrics, and the Mid-Atlantic Telehealth Resource Center (MATRC).
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Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
Regulates interstate and international communications by radio, television, wire, satellite, and cable in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and U.S. territories. The primary authority for communications law, regulation, and technological innovation in the U.S.
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Great Plains Telehealth Resource and Assistance Center (gpTRAC)
One of the telehealth resource centers funded by the federal Office for the Advancement of Telehealth. Assists healthcare organizations, networks, and providers in the implementation of cost-effective telehealth programs to serve rural and medically underserved areas and populations. Includes North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin, and Nebraska.
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Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS)
Leads and transforms healthcare public policy and industry practices through advocacy, education, and professional development. Supports initiatives designed to promote the contributions of information and management systems to ensure quality patient care, including rural specific resources and tools.
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Heartland Telehealth Resource Center (HTRC)
One of the telehealth resource centers funded by the federal Office for the Advancement of Telehealth (OAT). Assists healthcare organizations, healthcare networks, and healthcare providers in the implementation of cost-effective telehealth programs to serve rural and medically underserved areas and populations. Includes Kansas, Missouri, and Oklahoma.
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Mid-Atlantic Telehealth Resource Center (MATRC)
One of the telehealth resource centers funded by the federal Office for the Advancement of Telehealth (OAT). Assists healthcare organizations, healthcare networks, and healthcare providers in the implementation of cost-effective telehealth programs to serve rural and medically underserved areas and populations. Includes Virginia, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, West Virginia, Kentucky, Maryland, Delaware, North Carolina, and the District of Columbia.
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National Consortium of Telehealth Resource Centers (NCTRC)
Provides assistance, education, and information to those providing or interested in providing healthcare at a distance. Works to expand the availability of healthcare to underserved populations through the use of telehealth.
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National Rural Health Resource Center (NRHRC)
Provides technical assistance and information resources addressing the transition to value and population health, collaboration and partnership, performance improvement, health information technology, and workforce. Rural Health Innovations (RHI), a subsidiary of the National Rural Health Resource Center, enhances the health of rural communities by providing products and services with a focus on excellence and innovation.
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National Telehealth Technology Assessment Resource Center (TTAC)
Serves as a national telehealth resource center funded by the Office for the Advancement of Telehealth (OAT). Assists healthcare organizations, networks, and providers with assessing and implementing cost-effective telehealth technology to serve rural and medically underserved populations.
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Northeast Telehealth Resource Center (NETRC)
One of the telehealth resource centers funded by the federal Office for the Advancement of Telehealth (OAT). Assists healthcare organizations, networks, and providers in the implementation of cost-effective telehealth programs to serve rural and medically underserved areas and populations. Includes Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York. Rhode Island, and Vermont.
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Northwest Regional Telehealth Resource Center (NRTRC)
One of the telehealth resource centers funded by the federal Office for the Advancement of Telehealth (OAT). Assists healthcare organizations, healthcare networks, and healthcare providers in the implementation of cost-effective telehealth programs to serve rural and medically underserved areas and populations. Includes Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming.
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NTCA: The Rural Broadband Association
Represents independent and community-based telecommunications companies in rural America. Provides advocacy, education, training, and other benefits and services to its members.
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Office for the Advancement of Telehealth (OAT)
Promotes wider adoption of telehealth services to increase access to quality healthcare services for underserved areas through grants, technical assistance, policy development, and evaluation of telehealth programs. Part of the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA).
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Pacific Basin Telehealth Resource Center (PBTRC)
One of the telehealth resource centers funded by the federal Office for the Advancement of Telehealth. Assists healthcare organizations, healthcare networks, and healthcare providers in implementing cost-effective telehealth programs to serve rural and medically underserved areas and populations. Includes Hawaii and the Pacific Basin.
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Rural Telementoring Training Center (RTTC)
Provides training, technical assistance, and resources for rural and remote healthcare telementoring programs.
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South Central Telehealth Resource Center (SCTRC)
One of the telehealth resource centers funded by the federal Office for the Advancement of Telehealth (OAT). Assists healthcare organizations, networks, and providers in the implementation of cost-effective telehealth programs to serve rural and medically underserved areas and populations. Includes Arkansas, Mississippi, and Tennessee.
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Southeastern Telehealth Resource Center (SETRC)
One of the telehealth resource centers funded by the federal Office for the Advancement of Telehealth (OAT). Assists healthcare organizations, healthcare networks, and healthcare providers in the implementation of cost-effective telehealth programs to serve rural and medically underserved areas and populations. Serves Alabama, Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands.
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Southwest Telehealth Resource Center (SWTRC)
One of the telehealth resource centers funded by the federal Office for the Advancement of Telehealth (OAT). Assists healthcare organizations, healthcare networks, and healthcare providers in the implementation of cost-effective telehealth programs to serve rural and medically underserved areas and populations. Includes Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, and Nevada.
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TexLa Telehealth Resource Center (TexLa)
One of the telehealth resource centers funded by the federal Office for the Advancement of Telehealth (OAT). Assists healthcare organizations, healthcare networks, and healthcare providers in the implementation of cost-effective telehealth programs to serve rural and medically underserved areas and populations in Texas and Louisiana.
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Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC)
Supports access to broadband services needed to work, learn, heal, and communicate. Collects and delivers funding through four programs focused on places where broadband and connectivity needs are critical. These programs - High Cost, Lifeline, Rural Health Care, and the E-rate (schools and libraries) Program - serve people in rural, underserved, and difficult-to-reach areas.
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Upper Midwest Telehealth Resource Center (UMTRC)
One of the telehealth resource centers funded by the federal Office for the Advancement of Telehealth (OAT). Assists healthcare organizations, healthcare networks, and healthcare providers in the implementation of cost-effective telehealth programs to serve rural and medically underserved areas and populations. Includes Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, and Ohio.
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Last Reviewed: 4/12/2024