Data Sources & Tools Relevant to Rural Health
Source/ Tool |
Topics | Ease of Use |
Geographic Level of Data | Frequency Updated |
Update of the Rural-Urban Chartbook Rural Health Reform Policy Research Center Individual data tables (Excel) |
Data from many federal sources on the following topics: Demographics Health behaviors and risk factors Mortality rates Healthcare access and use Other health measures |
Printed report Excel spreadsheet |
National Regional 5 levels of urbanization / rurality |
Infrequent. The 2014 edition updates a 2001 report from the CDC. |
American Community
(ACS) U.S. Census Bureau Access current ACS data via Other Data Tools for accessing ACS data |
Demographic Age and sex Ancestry Disability Commuting to work Education Employment Family/relationships Health insurance Income and earnings Language Origins Population change Poverty Veterans Housing - financial and physical characteristics |
A variety of tools are available, for varying levels of expertise and purpose | National State County Community Rural-specific Public Use Microdata Area ZIP Code Tabulation Area Full list of geographic areas |
Data estimates are released every year 1-year estimates for areas with population of 65,000 or more 5-year estimates for areas with population below 65,000 |
Area Health
Resources Files (AHRF) Health Resources and Services Administration |
Data from many sources on the following topics: Healthcare facilities Healthcare utilization Healthcare workforce Health professions training Demographics Social determinants of health Rural classifications |
Available via a straightforward online dashboard. Data also available for download in SAS and ASCII format. | National State County |
See AHRF Data Download Documentation for years of data available. |
of Rural and Small-Town America Economic Research Service (ERS) US Department of Agriculture |
Population change overall and by demographic group ACS data BLS data 60 socioeconomic indicators |
Easy, web-based interface | County | Ongoing, as new data is available |
BEA Regional
Economic Accounts Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) Access BEA Interactive Regional Data: GDP & Personal Income Access per capita income via BEARFACTS Regional Fact Sheets |
Employment Per capita income Income by industry (including healthcare) |
Somewhat complex and powerful web-based tool and county-level customizable
mapping. Easy printable fact sheets for income data |
State County Metropolitan/Nonmetro |
Annual |
Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System
(BRFSS) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention For state-level data access options, see BRFSS State Coordinators |
Health behaviors of adults, including: Chronic diseases and conditions Health-risk behaviors Use of preventive health services |
Accessing BRFSS county-level data directly requires data analysis
expertise Comparing counties within a state is considered appropriate by the CDC. Comparing individual counties across state lines is not considered appropriate due to the methodological constraints of the sample. CDC web-based tools do not provide county-level details. Easier-to-use tool that includes BRFSS data:
National State County (Public release data not available for any county with fewer than 10,000 residents) |
Annual |
CDC WONDER Centers for Disease Control and Prevention |
Public health Births Mortality |
A complex but fairly user-friendly web-based system that offers many options to
narrow results. Results may vary depending on how and when different fields are selected. |
National State County (births) Rural (mortality) |
Most data collected annually Selected data monthly or weekly |
Census Business Builder Regional Analyst
Edition U.S. Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce |
Data for regional planning from a variety of sources covering: Businesses Demographics Socioeconomic data Housing |
Easy, web-based interface |
State County City ZIP code |
Annual and every 5 years, depending on source |
CMS Medicare Provider Data
Catalog Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services |
Access to the data sets used on the Medicare Care Compare website,
covering: Hospitals Nursing homes Physicians and clinicians Home health Hospice Others providers |
Datasets available for download. Statistical expertise required. | Varies by data set | Each data set includes documentation on updates by date. |
CMS Data & Research | A range of CMS programs | Starting point to access a wide variety of CMS data files. | ||
County Health Rankings &
Roadmaps Robert Wood Johnson Foundation |
Compiles and standardizes data from a variety of national sources on these
topics: Health factors Health behaviors Clinical Care Social and economic factors Physical environment Health outcomes Length of life Quality of life |
Easy, web-based interface Can download ranking data as Excel file |
County (Some data may not be available for all counties) |
Annual |
Resilience Estimates (CRE) U.S. Census Bureau |
Risk factor score based on individual and household factors that may impact the ability to deal with and recover from disaster. | Interactive, web-based interface | State County Census tract |
Current Population
Survey (CPS) U.S. Census Bureau & Bureau of Labor Statistics Access via IPUMS-CPS Access via CPS Data Tools |
Labor force statistics, including: Unemployment rate Earnings Demographics Health insurance Disability status |
Web-based tools are complex and require expertise to use effectively and
appropriately. To access rural-specific data via IPUMS-CPS, in the Household variables menu select “Core” and then “Geographic.” Choose “Metro” from the list. For guidance in using this tool, see the IPUMS-CPS Frequently Asked Questions. |
State County Rural |
Monthly (March data serves as national benchmark for various indicators) IPUMS-CPS: Annual Social and Economic Supplement (ASEC) data each September; Basic monthly survey data | U.S. Census Bureau |
Centralized access to a variety of U.S. Census Bureau data | Both guided and advanced search options are available | National State County Community Rural-specific |
Ongoing, as new data is available |
Data.CMS.Gov Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services |
Central data portal for information on a wide range of CMS programs and providers. | Web-based interface with a variety of controls and options | Varies by data set | | Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) |
HRSA program data, including: Rural health Loans and scholarships Shortage areas Health centers External data on: Demographics (ACS) Healthcare facilities (CMS) |
Powerful, complex web-based data portal and map tool for creating custom data
views and maps Variety of other tools and publications |
Varies by data set | Shortage areas as frequently as daily CMS facilities updated quarterly |
Data Resource Center for Child &
Adolescent Health Child and Adolescent Health Measurement Initiative (CAHMI) |
Data from the National Survey of Children’s Health and the National Survey
of Children with Special Health Care Needs on: Child health indicators Family life indicators |
Most useful for researchers. State-level rural data is available for some states, but only in the public use files, not via the web interface. Analyzing requires the ability to statistically account for the weighted nature of the survey. | National State |
Annual |
of Veterans Affairs Opioid Prescribing Data U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs |
VA facility opioid-dispensing rates | Easy-to-use map and table | VA facilities | 2012-2018 |
State Fact Sheets Economic Research Service (ERS) US Department of Agriculture |
Data from ERS, Census, BLS, BEA on: Population Food security Income Poverty Education Employment |
Easy, printable list of relevant information | National State Rural-specific |
Ongoing, as new data is available |
Access Research Atlas Economic Research Service (ERS) US Department of Agriculture |
Data from a range of sources on: Food access indicators |
Easy, web-based interface Downloadable data that can be merged into GIS software at the 2010 Census Tract level for use with other spatial layers. |
Census tracts | |
Environment Atlas Economic Research Service (ERS) US Department of Agriculture |
Data from a range of sources on: Access to healthy food Food security Obesity rates Physical activity Demographics |
Easy, web-based interface Data can also be downloaded and merged into GIS software. |
State County (not available for all data) |
National Household Food Acquisition and Purchase Survey Economic Research Service (ERS) US Department of Agriculture |
Food items and prices for households and individuals Food and nutrition assistance program benefits Local food environments |
Restricted-use data files Requires statistical expertise |
County Census tract Census block group |
Infrequent. FoodAPS-1 released in 2016 based on 2012-2013 survey; FoodAPS-2 is planned |
HDPulse Data
Portal National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities |
Health disparities data from federal sources on the following topics: Mortality Health insurance Socio-demographics Health screening Risk factors |
Easy-to-use web-based system | State County |
Annual |
Health, United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Data Finder: Select “Metropolitan and nonmetropolitan” under Population Subgroups. |
Data from a range of sources on: Health status and determinants Healthcare utilization Access Expenditures |
Publication with charts/tables Supporting Excel files available on the website |
National State Rural-specific |
Annual |
Healthcare Cost and
Utilization Project (HCUP) Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Access via HCUPnet HCUP Fast Stats, including Opioid-Related Hospital Use |
Hospital care data from a set of databases on: Inpatient utilization Emergency department utilization Access Cost Quality Outcomes |
Easy, web-based access Public-use and fee-based versions |
National State & County (for participating states, some providing estimates only) Rural (location of patient residence) Sets/groups of hospitals, including rural hospitals |
Ongoing, as new data is available |
HealthLandscape American Academy of Family Physicians Free, but registration required |
Data from a variety of sources showing: Healthcare facilities Health status Health insurance Employment and income Demographics |
Somewhat complex but powerful web-based interactive mapping | State County |
Interactive Atlas of Heart Disease
Stroke Centers for Disease Control and Prevention |
Data from a variety of federal sources on: Heart disease Stroke Social determinants of health Health services Healthcare costs Healthcare facilities |
Fairly straightforward web-based mapping system | National State County Census tract |
KFF State Health Facts KFF Build a Custom State Report |
Data from a variety of public and private sources on: Demographics Healthcare costs Health insurance Health status Women's health Medicaid and Medicare Healthcare providers |
Easy, web-based access | State | Ongoing, as new data is available Focuses on issues of current concern, so may have limited trending data for a given topic |
KIDS COUNT Data Center Annie E. Casey Foundation |
Data on children's health and well-being, from a variety of national and state
covering: Demographics Economic well-being Education Family and community Health Safety and risk behaviors |
Easy to navigate website | State County Congressional District |
Annual |
Local Area Unemployment Statistics
(LAUS) Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) Access LAUS Tables Access LAUS Map Access LAUS Customized Tables |
Employment Unemployment |
Basic tables available on website Easy-to-use maps Somewhat complex web-based search tool |
County | Monthly |
Tract Data Base Brown University |
1970-2010 Census and recent American Community Survey data with standardized tract boundaries | Files available for download, requires data expertise | Census tract | |
Medicare Disparities Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services |
Provides data on Medicare beneficiaries on: Health disparities Chronic conditions Health outcomes Healthcare utilization Cost Patient safety |
Easy-to-use web-based system | State County Hospital (with option to compare hospitals) |
Medicare Fee-For-Service data for 2012-2022 and Medicare Advantage data for 2018 |
Saturation and Utilization State-County Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Market Saturation and Utilization Core-Based Statistical Areas (CBSA) |
Medicare provider services and utilization for: Ambulance Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) Home health Hospice Physical and occupational therapy Skilled nursing facilities More |
Data can be viewed online, downloaded, or accessed via API | National State County Core-Based Statistical Area (CBSA) |
Selected date ranges available |
Measure of America Access Measure of America Maps |
Data from a variety of sources on topics related to: Health Education Income |
Easy, web-based map tool.
Zoom in or enter ZIP code for a county profile County data can be downloaded by submitting a download agreement. |
National maps with county-level data County profiles |
Varies by data source |
Medical Expenditure Panel Survey
(MEPS) Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) |
Healthcare access Health services utilization Healthcare costs and payment methods Healthcare quality Health insurance coverage and cost |
Easy to access summary tables Somewhat complex web-based system Downloadable files require advanced data skills and do not contain metropolitan / nonmetropolitan identifiers. More granular data is available through the Federal Statistical Research Data Centers. |
National State Metropolitan / Nonmetropolitan |
Geographic Comparisons Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services |
Medicare fee-for-service per capita costs Medicare Advantage facility utilization |
Fairly straightforward, web-based tool In the county dashboard, select a state by clicking the map. |
National State County |
Annual |
Part D Opioid Prescribing Mapping Tool Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services |
Opioid prescribing rates based on Medicare Part D claims | Straightforward map-based system | State County ZIP code Rural/Urban |
2022 data, plus change since 2017 |
National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey (NAMCS) National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) Results and Publications |
Data on ambulatory medical care services, including services provided by office-based physicians, hospital emergency and outpatient departments, and ambulatory surgery centers | Data is available in reports and tables on specific topics. Data is only to be used on one stratification level at a time; drilling down beyond the presented stratifications breaks the sampling scheme. |
National Rural/Urban based on patient ZIP code |
Reports issued throughout the year |
NACo County Explorer National Association of Counties |
Wide range of topics, including: Health status Local health departments Healthcare access Social determinants of health |
Easy-to-use web-based system | County | |
AtlasPlus National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD and TB Prevention (NCHHSTP) |
HIV/AIDS Viral hepatitis Tuberculosis Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) Social determinants of health |
Somewhat complex web-based system that offers various narrowing options depending on the data | National State County |
NCHS Data Query
System National Center for Health Statistics |
Wide range of topics, including: Healthcare access Behavioral health Disability status Health conditions Health insurance status Mortality Oral Health |
Easy-to-use web-based system | Varies by visualization, may include: National State Metropolitan / Nonmetropolitan |
Data from a variety of sources. Year ranges available vary |
NCHS Data Visualization
Gallery National Center for Health Statistics |
Natality, including teen births Mortality, including drug overdose mortality with urban-rural trends by state |
Interactive data visualization tools and downloadable accompanying data sets | Varies by visualization, may include: Nation State County |
Varies by visualization |
National Center for Veterans Analysis and
Statistics US Department of Veterans Affairs |
Veteran population VA benefit utilization |
Downloadable files Static maps |
National State County |
National Environmental
Public Health Tracking Network Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Data Query Tool Info by Location (County) |
Environmental health topics and related health effects: Air quality Heat exposure Pesticide exposure Asthma Cancer COPD Heart disease |
Easy, web-based interface | National State County |
Annual |
National Health Interview
Survey National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) Access Adult, Teenager, and Child Summary Health Statistics Access NHIS Data Access NHIS Early Release Program |
Health status Health behaviors Health insurance coverage |
Easy to access summary tables and online dynamic report of quarterly key health indicators | Metropolitan / Nonmetropolitan Large MSA (Metropolitan Statistical Area), small MSA, not in an MSA |
Annual |
IPUMS National Historical Geographic
System (IPUMS NHGIS) Minnesota Population Center, University of Minnesota |
Historical Census data GIS-compatible boundary files |
Free, but registration required to view data. Somewhat complex system for selecting files. Video tutorial available. |
Nation State County Place Census tract Rural |
Census Data from 1790-present |
on Drug Use and
Health (NSDUH)
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration Access Drug Use and Health Detailed Tables, 2023 |
Mental health conditions and services Substance use incidence and treatment |
Detailed tables available on website. For rural data, look for tables that list "Geographic Characteristics" | National State Regions within states Rural-specific |
Annual |
Neighborhood Atlas | Area Deprivation Index (ADI) state and national rankings, factoring in income, education, employment, and housing quality | Easy, web-based interface Data available for download |
Census Block Groups | Currently offers 2021 ADI data, which is based on the
ACS 2017-2021 data. 2015 and 2020 ADI are also available for download. |
Net Migration Patterns for U.S.
Counties Applied Population Laboratory, University of Wisconsin-Madison |
Population Age Sex |
Easy web-based interface | County | 1950-2010 2010-2020 Beta Release (learn more) |
PLACES: Local Data for Better
Health Centers for Disease Control and Prevention |
Chronic disease related data covering: Health status Health outcomes Prevention Health risk behaviors Social determinants of health |
Easy, web-based interface Data available for download |
County Place Census tract ZIP code |
Annual |
Population and
Housing Unit Estimates U.S. Census Bureau |
Age Sex |
Excel downloads available | National State County Cities and towns |
Annual |
Area Measures Economic Research Service |
Poverty area measures for: High poverty Extreme poverty Persistent poverty Enduring poverty |
Excel and CSV downloads available |
County Census tract |
Decennial Census data for 1960 (county) or 1970 (census tract) through 2000 and American Community Survey 5-year periods for 2007-11, 2015-19, and 2017-21. |
QuickFacts U.S. Census Bureau For detailed information, see: QuickFacts: What's New & FAQs |
Data from multiple Census Bureau censuses, surveys, and programs on the
following topics: Demographics Housing Education Economy Income and Poverty Businesses |
Easy-to-use Good starting place for beginner data users Easy to compare multiple geographies Includes tables, maps, charts |
National State County Cities and towns with population of 5,000 or more ZIP code |
Ongoing, as new data is available |
Rural Health Mapping Tool NORC at the University of Chicago |
Data from multiple federal sources covering: Mortality Health conditions Healthcare access COVID-19 Social determinants of health |
Straightforward map-based system | Rural-urban County |
Data from a variety of sources. Year ranges available vary |
Rural Population Health in the United States:
A Chartbook [not currently available online] North Carolina Rural Health Research Program |
Data from six national data sources on the following topics: Healthcare access Health outcomes and risks Mortality Social determinants of health Demographics |
Printed report with maps and charts, some complex | National Census region State |
One time report published February 2023. |
Differences Among Older Adults University of Minnesota Rural Health Research Center |
Data on adults age 65+ covering: Demographics Socioeconomic data Healthcare access and use Health behaviors and health status |
Printed report | National Rural-urban |
One-time report published August 2020. Uses data from the 2013-2017 ACS, 2015 National Health and Aging Trends Study, and 2016 Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey. |
Area Health Insurance Estimates (SAHIE) U.S. Census Bureau Access SAHIE Interactive Data Tool |
Health insurance coverage by age, sex, and income | Straightforward web-based tool Easy-to-find national maps showing county-level data |
State County |
Updated annually, but base data may not be as current for all rural areas, because it uses ACS data. |
Small Area Income
and Poverty
Estimates (SAIPE) U.S. Census Bureau Access SAIPE Interactive Data Tool Access SAIPE State and County Maps 2022 |
Annual model-based estimates for poverty (including children in poverty) Median household income |
Straightforward web-based tool Easy-to-find national maps showing county-level data |
State County School District |
Updated annually, but base data may not as current for all rural areas, because it uses ACS data. |
State Cancer Profiles National Cancer Institute |
Cancer burden Screening and risk factors Demographic data |
Easy-to-use web-based system, including mapping | National State County |
Data comes from state public health surveillance systems, so is updated as complete national data is available. State websites may offer more detailed and more current data. |
U.S. Diabetes
Surveillance System Centers for Disease Control and Prevention |
Diabetes and related health concerns, including: Burden of diabetes Preventive care Health status and disability Risk factors End-stage renal disease Social determinants of health |
Interactive, customizable map and charts for accessing data. Select “indicators” to view the data options. |
National State County |
Annual |
Dispensing Rate Maps Centers for Disease Control and Prevention |
Retail opioid, naloxone, and buprenorphine prescription dispensing | Straightforward map-based system | State County |
Annual |
Why Not The Best? IPRO |
Data from a range of sources on: Quality Patient experience Outcomes Health status |
Easy system for comparing regions and hospitals | State Hospital Referral Region County Hospital Groups of hospitals, including "average rural" and by bed size |
Ongoing, as new data is available |
WISQARS Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Explore Fatal Injury Data Visualization Metro/nonmetro: Fatal Injury Reports |
Fatal and nonfatal injury Violent death Cost of injury Social determinants of health |
Web-based system with a variety of search options | National Region State County Metropolitan / Nonmetropolitan |
Data from a variety of sources. Year ranges available vary. |
Last Updated: 03/13/2025
Last Reviewed: 10/14/2024