Rural Tribal Health – Resources
Selected recent or important resources focusing on Rural Tribal Health.
Electronic Case Reporting Roadmap - For Tribes and Tribal Epidemiology Centers
Report discusses the benefits of electronic case reporting (eCR) for tribal public health authorities and epidemiology centers (TECs). Highlights challenges in implementing eCR as well as the benefits of electronic disease surveillance conducted by Tribes and TECs. Presents guidance on the planning, implementation, and funding of tribal eCR.
Date: 12/2024
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: National Indian Health Board
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Report discusses the benefits of electronic case reporting (eCR) for tribal public health authorities and epidemiology centers (TECs). Highlights challenges in implementing eCR as well as the benefits of electronic disease surveillance conducted by Tribes and TECs. Presents guidance on the planning, implementation, and funding of tribal eCR.
Date: 12/2024
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: National Indian Health Board
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Staffing Shortages Limited IHS's Capacity To Effectively Administer Much-Needed Sanitation Projects Funded by the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act
Explores Indian Health Service (IHS) efforts to expand staffing and capacity to administer and oversee Sanitation Facilities Construction (SFC) projects funded by the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) in fiscal year 2023. Identifies challenges IHS experienced that threatened its ability to complete projects and meet sanitation needs in a timely manner. Offers recommendations to IHS to related to recruitment, retention, and housing of SFC staff.
Additional links: Report Highlights
Date: 12/2024
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Office of Inspector General (HHS)
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Explores Indian Health Service (IHS) efforts to expand staffing and capacity to administer and oversee Sanitation Facilities Construction (SFC) projects funded by the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) in fiscal year 2023. Identifies challenges IHS experienced that threatened its ability to complete projects and meet sanitation needs in a timely manner. Offers recommendations to IHS to related to recruitment, retention, and housing of SFC staff.
Additional links: Report Highlights
Date: 12/2024
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Office of Inspector General (HHS)
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Indian Health Service Strategic Plan Fiscal Years 2025-2029
Highlights the strategic plan for the Indian Health Service's 2025-2029 fiscal years. Features operational goals for workplace safety, cultural competency, workforce recruitment and retention, access to care, program management, healthcare facility infrastructure, and partnerships.
Date: 12/2024
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Indian Health Service
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Highlights the strategic plan for the Indian Health Service's 2025-2029 fiscal years. Features operational goals for workplace safety, cultural competency, workforce recruitment and retention, access to care, program management, healthcare facility infrastructure, and partnerships.
Date: 12/2024
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Indian Health Service
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American Indian and Alaska Native Population for Nonmetropolitan Counties
Printable map that shows the percent of the U.S. population by county who are American Indian or Alaska Native. Data source: U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey (ACS) 5-Year Estimates
Date: 12/2024
Type: Map/Mapping System
Sponsoring organization: Rural Health Information Hub
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Printable map that shows the percent of the U.S. population by county who are American Indian or Alaska Native. Data source: U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey (ACS) 5-Year Estimates
Date: 12/2024
Type: Map/Mapping System
Sponsoring organization: Rural Health Information Hub
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Tribal Epidemiology Centers: Strengthening American Indian and Alaska Native Public Health through Data, Collaboration, and Innovation
Provides an overview of tribal epidemiology centers (TECs), focusing on their impact on the availability and quality of public health surveillance data for American Indians and Alaskan Natives. Discusses challenges with collecting data for this population and strategies TECs are using to address these issues. Offers examples of public health best practices from TECs related to cancer, behavioral health, substance use, infectious diseases, and more.
Date: 11/2024
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Tribal Epidemiology Centers
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Provides an overview of tribal epidemiology centers (TECs), focusing on their impact on the availability and quality of public health surveillance data for American Indians and Alaskan Natives. Discusses challenges with collecting data for this population and strategies TECs are using to address these issues. Offers examples of public health best practices from TECs related to cancer, behavioral health, substance use, infectious diseases, and more.
Date: 11/2024
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Tribal Epidemiology Centers
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Culturally-Safe Maternal Care for Indigenous Women
Podcast episode discussing the role that culturally safe care can play in addressing maternal healthcare needs among Indigenous women. Describes the importance of awareness of cultural and spiritual practices in creating a safe cultural environment for Indigenous women.
Date: 11/2024
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: American Hospital Association
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Podcast episode discussing the role that culturally safe care can play in addressing maternal healthcare needs among Indigenous women. Describes the importance of awareness of cultural and spiritual practices in creating a safe cultural environment for Indigenous women.
Date: 11/2024
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: American Hospital Association
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CY 2025 Medicare Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment System and Ambulatory Surgical Center Payment System Final Rule (CMS 1809-FC)
Fact sheet providing an overview of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) final rule regarding updates and changes to the Medicare payments for hospital outpatient and Ambulatory Surgical Center (ASC) services for calendar year 2025. Summarizes provisions regarding changes to Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) and partial hospital program rate setting; incorporating an add-on payment to the Medicare outpatient hospital all-inclusive rate (AIR) for certain high-cost drugs for people with Medicare who receive care at Indian Health Service (IHS) or tribal hospitals; updates to the Hospital Outpatient Quality Reporting (OQR), Ambulatory Surgical Center Quality Reporting (ASCQR), and Rural Emergency Hospital Quality Reporting (REHQR) Programs; a new Conditions of Participation (CoPs) for hospitals and Critical Access Hospitals (CAHs) for obstetrical services; Medicaid and CHIP continuous eligibility; Medicaid clinic services "four walls" exceptions; and more.
Date: 11/2024
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
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Fact sheet providing an overview of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) final rule regarding updates and changes to the Medicare payments for hospital outpatient and Ambulatory Surgical Center (ASC) services for calendar year 2025. Summarizes provisions regarding changes to Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) and partial hospital program rate setting; incorporating an add-on payment to the Medicare outpatient hospital all-inclusive rate (AIR) for certain high-cost drugs for people with Medicare who receive care at Indian Health Service (IHS) or tribal hospitals; updates to the Hospital Outpatient Quality Reporting (OQR), Ambulatory Surgical Center Quality Reporting (ASCQR), and Rural Emergency Hospital Quality Reporting (REHQR) Programs; a new Conditions of Participation (CoPs) for hospitals and Critical Access Hospitals (CAHs) for obstetrical services; Medicaid and CHIP continuous eligibility; Medicaid clinic services "four walls" exceptions; and more.
Date: 11/2024
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
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"American Indian 101": Understanding the History And Contemporary Experiences of Native People in a United States Health Policy Context
Provides information about the history of American Indian/Alaska Natives (AI/ANs) in the U.S. healthcare system, AI/AN data collection, and healthcare delivery in the Indian Health Service (IHS). Provides data on insured versus uninsured AI/ANs, insurance type, insurance via Medicaid expansion, and more.
Author(s): Quin Mudry Nelson
Date: 11/2024
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: State Health Access Data Assistance Center
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Provides information about the history of American Indian/Alaska Natives (AI/ANs) in the U.S. healthcare system, AI/AN data collection, and healthcare delivery in the Indian Health Service (IHS). Provides data on insured versus uninsured AI/ANs, insurance type, insurance via Medicaid expansion, and more.
Author(s): Quin Mudry Nelson
Date: 11/2024
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: State Health Access Data Assistance Center
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Ask Your Relative: A Mixed Method Analysis of the Sexual Health and Healthy Relationship Q&As Submitted by American Indian Alaska Native Young Adults
Analyzes the Ask Auntie/Ask Your Relative (AYR) Q&A service that provides sexual health information to American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) youth. Provides information on AYR usage, types of questions asked, and answers and resources provided. Discusses the importance of cultural relevant resources to reduce sexual health disparities among AI/AN youth.
Author(s): Stephanie Craig Rushing, Amanda Gchachu Kakuska, Jane Manthei, et al.
Citation: BMC Public Health, 24, 3067
Date: 11/2024
Type: Document
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Analyzes the Ask Auntie/Ask Your Relative (AYR) Q&A service that provides sexual health information to American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) youth. Provides information on AYR usage, types of questions asked, and answers and resources provided. Discusses the importance of cultural relevant resources to reduce sexual health disparities among AI/AN youth.
Author(s): Stephanie Craig Rushing, Amanda Gchachu Kakuska, Jane Manthei, et al.
Citation: BMC Public Health, 24, 3067
Date: 11/2024
Type: Document
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CMS-Approved Waivers Break New Ground for Medicaid Coverage of American Indian and Alaska Native Traditional Health Care Practices
Provides an overview of Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) approved 1115 waivers that allow Medicaid agencies to cover American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) traditional healthcare practices in four states: Arizona, California, New Mexico, and Oregon. Describes who can access traditional healthcare practices under these waivers, where traditional healthcare services can be provided, who will be certified to provide these services, and implementation support.
Author(s): Anne Smithey
Date: 10/2024
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Center for Health Care Strategies
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Provides an overview of Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) approved 1115 waivers that allow Medicaid agencies to cover American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) traditional healthcare practices in four states: Arizona, California, New Mexico, and Oregon. Describes who can access traditional healthcare practices under these waivers, where traditional healthcare services can be provided, who will be certified to provide these services, and implementation support.
Author(s): Anne Smithey
Date: 10/2024
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Center for Health Care Strategies
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Last Updated: 1/17/2025