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Rural Health Information Hub

Applying for Grants to Support Rural Health Projects – Organizations

Association for Healthcare Philanthropy (AHP)
National association dedicated to advancing and promoting the healthcare development profession. Provides fundraising education and information for healthcare development professionals.
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Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP)
A national membership organization that works to advance philanthropy through advocacy, research, education, and certification programs.
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Foundation Directory Online by Candid
Collects, organizes, and communicates information on U.S. philanthropy. Provides free and fee-based information and resources related to grant-seeking, fundraising, and foundation giving.
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Grant Professionals Association (GPA)
Builds and supports an international community of grant professionals. Acts as a resource for the practice of grantsmanship in all sectors of the field.
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Grantmakers In Aging (GIA)
Membership organization of philanthropies with a common dedication to improving the experience of aging.
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Grantmakers in Health (GIH)
A nonprofit membership organization that works with foundations and corporate giving programs to improve the nation's health.
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Rural Partners Network (RPN)
Collective effort of several federal agencies and civic partners organized to support rural economic development through job creation, infrastructure investment, and community improvement.
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Society of Research Administrators International (SRA)
Dedicated to the education and professional development of research administrators and enhancement of public understanding of the importance of research and its administration. While SRA focuses on research grant administration, its information and tools are potentially applicable to different types of grants.
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The Grantsmanship Center (TGCI)
Offers workshops, publications, and other resources related to grant writing and philanthropy with the mission of helping nonprofit organizations make better communities.
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Last Reviewed: 1/29/2024