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Rural Health Information Hub

Rural Agricultural Health and Safety – Organizations

Agricultural Safety and Health Council of America (ASHCA)
Addresses ongoing and emerging occupational safety and health issues affecting U.S. agriculture.
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AgriSafe Network
Supports a network of trained agricultural health and safety professionals that assure access to preventive services for farm families and the agricultural community.
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Central States Center for Agricultural Safety and Health (CS-CASH)
Focuses on research, intervention, education, and outreach activities to meet the needs of farmers, including non-traditional farmers, their family members, and workers. A NIOSH Agricultural Safety and Health Center located at the University of Nebraska Medical Center, College of Public Health.
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Supports behavioral health awareness for farmers, farmworkers, and ranchers in the Northeast through a service provider network. Offers mental health resources and trainings.
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EPA Office of Pesticide Programs
Responsible for evaluating new pesticides and enforcing pesticide requirements. Part of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
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Great Lakes Center for Farmworker Health and Wellbeing
Works to measure, support, and promote the health an wellbeing of migrant and seasonal farmworkers. Center is a NIOSH funded Center for Agricultural Safety and Health and is located at the University of Illinois Chicago.
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Great Plains Center for Agricultural Health
A NIOSH Agricultural Safety and Health Center located at the University of Iowa College of Public Health focusing on prevention of agricultural injury and illness, and improvement of safety and health among agricultural communities through scientific research, education, outreach and intervention programs.
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High Plains Intermountain Center for Agricultural Health and Safety (HICAHS)
Focuses on research, education, prevention, and intervention programs to improve the health and safety of individuals working in agriculture, forestry and fishing in the Great Plains and Rocky Mountain regions of Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, and Wyoming. A NIOSH Agricultural Safety and Health Center located at Colorado State University.
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International Society for Agricultural Safety and Health (ISASH)
Dedicated to the professional development of agricultural safety and health professionals. Provides national and international leadership in preventing agricultural injuries and illnesses to the agricultural community.
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National AgrAbility Project
Consists of a national project and state/regional projects, each involving collaborative partnerships between land grant universities and various nonprofit disability services organizations to enhance quality of life for farmers, ranchers, and other agricultural workers with disabilities. Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)
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National Agricultural Library (NAL)
One of the world's largest and most accessible agricultural information collections. Part of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Contains a section on Living in Rural America.
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National Center for Farmworker Health (NCFH)
Dedicated to improving the health status of farmworker families by providing information services, training and technical assistance, and a variety of products to community and migrant health centers, as well as other organizations and individuals involved in farmworker health.
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National Children's Center for Rural and Agricultural Health and Safety (NCCRAHS)
A NIOSH Agricultural Safety and Health Center located in Marshfield, Wisconsin providing health and safety services related to children and adolescents living in rural areas and working in agricultural environments.
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National Education Center for Agricultural Safety (NECAS)
Works to prevent illnesses, injuries, and deaths among farmers and ranchers, agricultural and horticultural workers, their families, and their employees. Offers safety education and proactive prevention programs.
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National Farm Medicine Center (NFMC)
Conducts research on agricultural health and safety topics. Includes four units: National Children's Center for Rural and Agricultural Health and Safety; Midwest Agricultural Research Center; Environmental Microbiology Laboratory; Reproductive Toxicology Laboratory.
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National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
Responsible for conducting research and making recommendations for the prevention of work-related disease and injury. Part of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), it provides an information service on workplace health and safety issues.
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National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA)
Provides programs and funding to advance research, education, and extension programs to address agricultural issues facing the U.S. Collaborates with county, state, and regional extension offices on topics, such as the environment, human health and well-being, and communities, to ensure the viability of agriculture.
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Northeast Center for Occupational Safety and Health (NEC)
A NIOSH Agricultural Safety and Health Center located at the New York Center for Agricultural Medicine and Health promoting health and safety research, education, and prevention activities in the high-risk areas of farming, commercial fishing, and logging in the Northeast.
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Pacific Northwest Agricultural Safety and Health Center (PNASH)
Conducts research and promotes health and safety best practices for producers and workers in farming, fishing and forestry in the Pacific Northwest. NIOSH Agricultural Safety and Health Center located at the University of Washington.
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Progressive Agriculture
Provides a variety of support for communities selected to participate in the Progressive Agriculture Safety Day™ program.
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Southeast Center for Agricultural Health and Injury Prevention (SCAHIP)
Works to address agricultural and forestry safety concerns across the Southeastern U.S. through data surveillance, outreach, and evaluation. A NIOSH Agricultural Safety and Health Center located at the University of Kentucky.
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Southeastern Coastal Center for Agricultural Health and Safety (SCCAHS)
Works to address agricultural, fishing, and forestry health and safety concerns in 10 coastal states and territories through research, outreach, and educational resources. A NIOSH Agricultural Safety and Health Center lead by the University of Florida in partnership with 5 other universities in Florida, Georgia, and the U.S. Virgin Islands.
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Southwest Center for Agricultural Health, Injury Prevention, and Education (SW Ag Center)
Seeks to improve health and safety of the agricultural, fishing, and forestry workforce in Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas through research, education, and strategic partnerships.
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Upper Midwest Agricultural Safety and Health Center (UMASH)
A collaboration of the University of Minnesota School of Public Health and College of Veterinary Medicine, the National Farm Medicine Center of the Marshfield Clinic, and the Minnesota Department of Health focusing on occupational health and safety issues in animal agriculture production.
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Western Center for Agricultural Health and Safety (WCAHS)
A NIOSH Agricultural Safety and Health Center located at the University of California, Davis working as a comprehensive, multidisciplinary program conducting research and outreach to protect and improve the health and safety of farmers, farmworkers and consumers.
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Last Reviewed: 8/1/2024