Dissemination Methods and Audiences
Once the dissemination objective and the audience are identified, there are a variety of ways to share the content. Many rural services integration programs are sharing program information through their organization's website, social media, toolkits, training materials, and conferences.
For common methods of dissemination and key audiences for program information, see Methods of Dissemination in the Rural Community Health Toolkit.
Resources to Learn More
Bridging Rural Health Research and Policy:
Dissemination Strategies
Presents key strategies for disseminating findings from rural health research to impact the community and
influence policy.
Author(s): Mueller, K., Coburn, A., Wakefield, M.., McBride, T., Slifkin, R., & MacKinney, C.
Organization(s): Rural Policy Research Institute (RUPRI)
Date: 8/2007
Community Tool Box, Chapter 6:
Communications to Promote Interest
Offers in-depth guidance on developing and tailoring a communication plan for a general application.
See also: Chapter 7:
Encouraging Involvement in Community Work,
Chapter 39: Using
Evaluation to Understand and Improve Initiative,
Chapter 46: Planning for
Long-Term Institutionalization
Organization(s): The Community Tool Box
of Rural Health Research: A Toolkit
Provides researchers a set of resources to help package and disseminate research findings. Describes multiple
modes of information dissemination and offers examples where applicable.
Author(s): Schroeder, S. & Bauman, S.
Organization(s): Rural Health Research Gateway
Date: 2019
Disseminating Program Achievements and
Evaluation Findings to Garner Support
Defines information dissemination and provides explanation concerning the need for it, avenues and modes of it,
audience appropriateness of it, and optimal timing of it.
Organization(s): Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Date: 8/2018