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Rural Health Information Hub

Oregon Organizations

Comagine Health
A healthcare quality consulting organization that serves as the Quality Improvement Organization (QIO) for Idaho, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, and Washington. Also provides services to state Medicaid organizations, Federally Qualified Health Centers, (FQHCs), and others.
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Northwest (Region 10) Rural Opioid Technical Assistance Collaborative (NW ROTAC)
Offers training, resources, and technical assistance on rural opioid misuse prevention, treatment, and recovery for Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington.
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Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board (NPAIHB)
Assists Northwest tribes in improving health status and quality of life for member tribes and Native Americans. Helps deliver culturally appropriate and holistic healthcare.
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Northwest Regional Primary Care Association (NWRPCA)
Serves community and migrant health centers in Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington by providing education, training, workforce development, community health improvement, and business model services for organization members.
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Northwest Regional Telehealth Resource Center (NRTRC)
One of the telehealth resource centers funded by the federal Office for the Advancement of Telehealth (OAT). Assists healthcare organizations, healthcare networks, and healthcare providers in the implementation of cost-effective telehealth programs to serve rural and medically underserved areas and populations. Includes Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming.
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Oregon Area Health Education Centers (Oregon AHEC)
Works to improve the education, training, and distribution of healthcare professionals in rural and underserved areas throughout Oregon.
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Oregon Association of Hospitals and Health Systems (OAHHS)
Serves as a statewide, nonprofit trade association that works closely with local and national government leaders, business and citizen coalitions, and other professional healthcare organizations to improve community health and enhance Oregon's healthcare industry.
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Oregon Dental Association (ODA)
Works to promote the dental profession and the highest standards of oral health and oral healthcare. Provides members continuing education and advocacy.
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Oregon Department of Human Services (DHS)
Assists Oregon children, families in need, older adults, and people with disabilities to achieve well-being and independence through opportunities that protect, empower, respect choices, and preserve dignity. Includes the Office of Equity and Multicultural Services, Office of Developmental Disability Services, and Services for Seniors and People with Disabilities.
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Oregon Graduate Medical Education Consortium (OGMEC)
A consortium that consists of hospitals, physician groups, health systems, and medical schools that have come together with the mission of creating primary care residency programs in Oregon hospitals and other institutions outside of the Portland Metro area.
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Oregon Health Authority (OHA)
Supports the healthcare system in Oregon by improving health with a focus on quality, reliability, and availability of healthcare. Includes the Office of Addictions and Mental Health Services, Office of Health Information Technology, and the Public Health Division.
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Oregon Office of Rural Health (ORH)
Works to improve the quality, availability, and accessibility of healthcare for rural Oregon residents. Offers assistance to hospitals, clinics, and communities to strengthen the rural healthcare delivery system. Provides technical assistance to rural communities, recruits healthcare providers, and serves as a clearinghouse for information and data on rural health issues.
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Oregon Primary Care Association (OPCA)
Provides members advocacy on public policy and assistance to help decrease health disparities and increase access to comprehensive healthcare for low income and vulnerable people in Oregon.
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Oregon Public Health Association (OPHA)
Works to improve and promote the overall health of the residents of Oregon by providing opportunities for collaboration, education, professional development, and advocacy.
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Oregon Rural Health Association (ORHA)
Promotes high quality, accessible, and financially sustainable healthcare in rural Oregon. Advocates for rural health, serves as a unified voice for rural health in the state, and encourages the development of appropriate health resources for rural Oregon.
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Oregon Rural Practice-based Research Network (ORPRN)
Works in partnership with communities and practitioners to improve the health of rural populations in Oregon through health research and promotion.
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Oregon State University Rural Studies Program
Studies multi-disciplinary issues and policy analysis on the challenges facing rural communities. Specializes in food security and food systems; rural poverty; community vitality; and rural wealth creation.
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Pacific Northwest Agricultural Safety and Health Center (PNASH)
Conducts research and promotes health and safety best practices for producers and workers in farming, fishing and forestry in the Pacific Northwest. NIOSH Agricultural Safety and Health Center located at the University of Washington.
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Rural Community Assistance Corporation (RCAC)
Helps rural communities in Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming improve community infrastructure through housing, water, and wastewater program initiatives. Offers numerous services including loans for housing and environment.
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U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development: Oregon (HUD)
Works to increase home ownership, support community development, and increase access to affordable housing. The HUD state office provides information about HUD housing programs and local contacts for the state.
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USDA Rural Development Oregon State Office
Works to improve the economy and quality of life in rural Oregon. Provides information about Rural Development programs and applications for financial assistance.
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Western Regional Agricultural Stress Assistance Program (WRASAP)
Provides resources, funding opportunities, and events to support mental health and farm stress assistance in the Western U.S.
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Western Rural Development Center (WRDC)
Participates in rural development research and extension projects cooperatively with universities in the West. Serves Washington, Utah, Wyoming, Nevada, Idaho, Hawaii, California, Arizona, Alaska, Oregon, New Mexico, Montana, Colorado, and 4 U.S. Pacific Territories.
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Last Reviewed: 1/7/2025