Mississippi Models and Innovations
These stories feature model programs and successful rural projects that can serve as a source of ideas. Some of the projects or programs may no longer be active. Read about the criteria and evidence-base for programs included.
Effective Examples
I Got You: Healthy Life Choices for Teens (IGU)

Updated/reviewed February 2024
- Need: To improve awareness of behavioral and mental health issues by students in rural, east central Mississippi.
- Intervention: An intensive community mental health outreach program was implemented for students in rural Mississippi.
- Results: As of 2018 and on a yearly basis, 6,000 7th and 8th grade students receive mental health education on a variety of topics which improves their ability to recognize mental health issues, high risk behaviors, and manage their own choices.
Other Project Examples
Updated/reviewed February 2024
- Need: To reduce farm injuries and improve EMS and fire/rescue's response to these injuries in rural Louisiana and Mississippi.
- Intervention: AGRIMEDIC is a two-day training for first responders.
- Results: 810 first responders have received training.
Mississippi Rural Health Fellowship Certification
Updated/reviewed January 2023
- Need: A way to recognize Mississippi healthcare professionals and medical students for their rural-specific experience and expertise.
- Intervention: The Mississippi Rural Health Association created a certification that recognizes rural health experience and also fosters a greater understanding of rural-specific policies, regulations, and needs in the healthcare field.
- Results: Fellowship recipients receive statewide recognition for the time and dedication they have put into improving rural health in Mississippi.
University of Mississippi Medical Center's Center for Telehealth

Updated/reviewed January 2020
- Need: Rural areas in Mississippi often lack adequate access to specialty healthcare services such as emergency medicine, stroke neurology, pediatric specialists and psychiatrists.
- Intervention: The University of Mississippi Medical Center created the Center for Telehealth to deliver quality specialty services through telehealth video conferencing and remote monitoring tools to the underserved areas of Mississippi.
- Results: The program has been successfully implemented throughout many of the state's rural hospitals and has reduced transfers and geographic barriers for patients.
Last Updated: 2/26/2024