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Rural Health Information Hub

Minnesota Funding & Opportunities

For information about funding programs that are available nationwide, please browse by type, by topic, or by sponsor.

Great Plains Center for Agricultural Health Community-Track Pilot Project Grants
Grants for community-based projects working to prevent agricultural injury and illness through training and educational campaigns. Priority will be given to projects addressing the conditions of work related to stress and mental health, the prevention of slips/trips/falls and other traumatic injuries, and chemical safety.
Geographic coverage: Indiana, Iowa, Illinois, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, Ohio, Wisconsin
Letter of Intent (Required): Apr 1, 2025
Application Deadline: Jun 6, 2025
Sponsor: Great Plains Center for Agricultural Health
Minnesota Grain Storage Facility Safety Cost-Share Program
A program that helps farmers in Minnesota buy, ship, and install safety equipment for farm grain bins and silos.
Geographic coverage: Minnesota
Application Deadline: Jun 30, 2025
Sponsor: Minnesota Department of Agriculture
American Connection Corps
A 1-year fellowship program that trains and mobilizes leaders to work in rural and emerging communities to coordinate broadband development and digital inclusion.
Geographic coverage: Available in 28 states.
Applications accepted on an ongoing basis
Sponsors: AmeriCorps, Lead for America
Community Innovation Grants
Funding for nonprofits working to create sustainable changes in communities within the Bush Foundation service area. Priority is given to proposals from rural communities.
Geographic coverage: Minnesota, North Dakota, and South Dakota
Applications accepted on an ongoing basis
Sponsor: Bush Foundation
Dakota Main Street Loan Program
Direct loans for businesses in North Dakota and Minnesota, including healthcare-related businesses, to be used for working capital, inventory, and small equipment.
Geographic coverage: North Dakota and Minnesota
Applications accepted on an ongoing basis
Sponsor: Dakota Business Lending
Grants and Technical Assistance for Coal Communities Applying for Federal Funding
Funding and technical assistance to help coal communities submit competitive federal applications for community-led transition projects.
Geographic coverage: Available in 16 states
Applications accepted on an ongoing basis
Sponsor: Just Transition Fund
Minnesota Mental Health Cultural Community Continuing Education Grants for Individual Providers
Grants for mental health providers in Minnesota pursuing a course of study, through post-secondary training or continuing education, that is expected to lead to recognition as a board-approved supervisor to individual practitioners pursuing licensure as a mental health professional.
Geographic coverage: Minnesota
Applications accepted on an ongoing basis
Sponsor: Minnesota Department of Health - Office of Rural Health and Primary Care
Minnesota Workplace Safety Consultation and Grant Program
Technical and financial assistance for qualifying employers in Minnesota to support projects designed to reduce the risk of injury and illness to their workers. Farming and grain handling facilities are among the priority industries.
Geographic coverage: Minnesota
Applications accepted on an ongoing basis
Sponsor: Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry
North Central Region Extension Collaboration and Implementation Grants
Funding for land grant institutions Extension programs working to creating resilient communities and economies, developing leadership and civic engagement, and promoting community health and wellness in rural areas of the North Central Region of the U.S.
Geographic coverage: The 12 states in the north central region.
Applications accepted on an ongoing basis
Sponsor: North Central Regional Center for Rural Development
North Central Regional Center for Rural Development Fellows Program
Fellowships for faculty or staff from Land Grant Institutions to collaborate with NCRCRD staff on research and/or outreach projects that will enhance rural development in the North Central Region.
Geographic coverage: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, Wisconsin
Applications accepted on an ongoing basis
Sponsor: North Central Regional Center for Rural Development

Last Updated: 10/16/2024