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Rural Health Information Hub

Kentucky Resources

A Community-Engaged, Mixed-Methods Approach to Prioritizing Needs in a Statewide Assessment of Community Cancer Needs
Discusses a community needs assessment (CNA) in Kentucky that addresses cancer incidence and mortality in the state. Reports on feedback from 162 people and presents a concept map focused on health behaviors, education, access, cultural beliefs, and risk factors, including those specific to rural and Appalachian areas.
Author(s): Jessica R. Thompson, Todd Burus, Caree McAfee, et al.
Citation: Preventing Chronic Disease, 21
Date: 12/2024
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Suicide Care in Kentucky Hospitals
Provides an overview of suicide-related visits in Kentucky hospitals and emergency departments, recent changes, and patient demographics. Features statistics including percentages of suicide-related visits in 2017-2023 in rural and urban Kentucky hospitals, and a county-level map showing locations of psychiatric hospitals.
Date: 12/2024
Sponsoring organization: Kentucky Hospital Association
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FY 2024: HRSA's Rural Health Grants – Kentucky Fact Sheet
HRSA Federal Office of Rural Health Policy investments in Kentucky in Fiscal Year 2024. Lists grant recipients, award amounts, award recipient locations, and congressional district.
Date: 11/2024
Sponsoring organization: Federal Office of Rural Health Policy
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Assessing Chronic Pain Among Adults Diagnosed with Diabetes Residing in Rural Appalachia
Examines the associations of comorbidity, disability, and depression with chronic pain among a sample of 356 adults with diabetes in 6 rural Appalachian Kentucky counties. Features demographics and statistics on self-reported health status.
Author(s): Brittany L. Smalls, Adebola Adegboyega, Courtney Ortz, et al.
Citation: Journal of Appalachian Health, 6(3), 79-92
Date: 10/2024
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Psychosocial Factors, Stress and Sleep Among Rural Appalachian Kentucky Residents with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Results of a study examining whether psychosocial factors were associated with perceived stress and self-reported sleep deficiency, among 318 people with type 2 diabetes mellitus in 6 counties in rural Appalachian Kentucky. Features demographics and statistics on the association between perceived stress and sleepiness, and depression with perceived stress.
Author(s): Blake DiPaola, Zoe Taylor, Eric Hennemann, et al.
Citation: Journal of Appalachian Health, 6(3), 50-65
Date: 10/2024
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Charting a Path to Comprehensive Healthcare for Rural Veterans, with Matt Coleman and James VanCleave
An episode of the Exploring Rural Health podcast featuring Matt Coleman, Director of the Kentucky State Office of Rural Health, and James VanCleave, Rural Project Manager, Veterans Services for the KORH. Focuses on their work helping veterans access services and receive care and benefits from the VA and other providers.
Date: 10/2024
Sponsoring organization: Rural Health Information Hub
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Selected Rural Healthcare Facilities in Kentucky
Shows the state's Critical Access Hospitals (CAHs), Rural Emergency Hospitals (REHs), and Rural Health Clinics (RHCs), as well as Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) sites and short term/PPS (Prospective Payment System) hospitals located in rural areas.
Date: 10/2024
Sponsoring organization: Rural Health Information Hub
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Increasing Vaccine Confidence in Rural Communities of South-Central Kentucky
Provides educational resources, data, and advice for community leaders and healthcare professionals to promote vaccine confidence in rural south-central Kentucky. The included toolkit provides in-depth discussion of rural attitudes toward vaccination, strategies for effective communication, and information on rural vaccination disparities.
Additional links: Getting to "YES" for Routine Vaccines: A Toolkit to Increase Vaccine Confidence for Rural Communities in Kentucky
Date: 08/2024
Sponsoring organization: American Lung Association
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2024 Workforce Survey Report: The Status of Kentucky's Hospital Workforce
Provides an in-depth look at non-physician direct care positions in inpatient or hospital-related outpatient departments in Kentucky as of 2023. Includes statistics on vacancies, benefits, and pay, with breakdowns by rural and urban areas.
Author(s): Maik Schutze
Date: 08/2024
Sponsoring organization: Kentucky Hospital Association
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Community-Level Factors and their Associations with Changing Opioid Overdose Fatality Rates in Kentucky, 2019–2021
Identifies associations between community-level factors and opioid overdose fatality rates in Appalachian and non-Appalachian Kentucky counties, and examines how these associations have changed from 2019 to 2021. Discusses societal changes that occurred due to COVID-19, including social isolation, and which may be linked to an increase in overdose deaths. Features statistics with breakdowns by metropolitan, adjacent-to-metropolitan, and nonmetropolitan areas.
Author(s): Shawn R. Nigam, Philip M. Westgate, Svetla Slavova, Rachel Vickers-Smith, Katherine L. Thompson
Citation: Journal of Appalachian Health, 6(1), 90-115
Date: 07/2024
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Additional resources are available. See a full list of Kentucky Resources.

Last Updated: 1/6/2025