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Rural Health Information Hub


State Office of Rural Health

Indiana State Office of Rural Health

Phone: 317.233.7734

Promotes the rural healthcare workforce and delivery systems in the state of Indiana and helps to coordinate efforts and resources. Supports the Critical Access Hospital (CAH) Medicare Rural Hospital Flexibility (Flex) Program and the Small Rural Hospital Improvement Program (SHIP). Part of the Indiana State Department of Health's Office of Primary Care.
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Indiana Nonmetro Population

Estimated population
1,487,745 (21.8%)
People living in nonmetro areas

Indiana Rural Healthcare Facilities

Critical Access Hospitals
Rural Emergency Hospitals
Rural Health Clinics
Federally Qualified Health Centers*
Short Term/PPS Hospitals*
*Sites according to (October 2024), showing only locations outside of U.S. Census Bureau Urban Areas with a population of 50,000 or more

Selected Social Determinants of Health for Rural Indiana

6.8% of Indiana residents lack any health insurance (Kaiser, 2022). According to the USDA Economic Research Service, the average per capita income for all Indianans in 2021 was $56,497, with the rural per capita income at $49,861. The ERS reports, based on 2021 ACS data, that the poverty rate in rural Indiana is 11.9%, compared with 12.2% in urban areas of the state. 12.4% of the rural population has not completed high school, while 9.6% of the urban population lacks a high school diploma according to 2017-2021 ACS data reported by ERS. The unemployment rate in rural Indiana is at 2.8% while in urban Indiana it is at 3.0% (USDA-ERS, 2022).

For a national comparison, please see an overview of the United States.

Data Sources
Kaiser Family Foundation State Health Facts; USDA Economic Research Service: State Fact Sheets


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Last Reviewed: 6/19/2024