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Rural Health Information Hub

Delaware Chart Gallery

18-24 Year Olds Without a High School Diploma, 2023

Map showing county-level data on the percentage of 18- to 24-year-olds without a high school diploma.

Diagnosed Diabetes Prevalence, 2021

Map showing county-level data on the proportion of the population that has diagnosed diabetes.

Health Professional Shortage Areas: Dental Care, by County, October 2024

Map showing county-level data on Dental Care Health Professional Shortage Areas (HPSAs), indicating counties that are entirely in a HPSA, partially in a HPSA, or not in a HPSA.

Health Professional Shortage Areas: Mental Health, by County, October 2024

Map showing county-level data on Mental Health Professional Shortage Areas (HPSAs), indicating counties that are entirely in a HPSA, partially in a HPSA, or not in a HPSA.

Health Professional Shortage Areas: Primary Care, by County, October 2024

Map showing county-level data on Primary Care Health Professional Shortage Areas (HPSAs), indicating counties that are entirely in a HPSA, partially in a HPSA, or not in a HPSA.

Leisure-Time Physical Inactivity, 2021

Map showing county-level data on the percentage of the population that is physically inactive during leisure time.

Life Expectancy at Birth, 2014

Map showing county-level data on life expectancy at birth.

Low Access to Healthy Food, 2019

Map showing county-level data on the percent of the population living in areas with low access to healthy food, more than 1 mile (urban areas) or 10 miles (rural areas) from the nearest supermarket.

Males per 100 Females, 2023

Map showing county-level data on the number of males per 100 females.

Median Household Income, 2023

Map showing county-level data on median household income.

Last Reviewed: 8/6/2024