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Rural Health Information Hub

Arizona Resources

HIV/AIDS in Arizona: 2023 Annual Report
Report offering analysis of HIV and AIDs surveillance data in Arizona in 2022. Breaks down data by county, race, and, gender. Includes rural and urban comparisons and discussion of trends over time.
Author(s): Ashleigh Horton, Mercedes Seschillie-Sadow, Maxwell Short
Date: 2023
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Arizona Department of Health Services
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Arizona AHEC Annual Report, 2023
Highlights the Arizona Area Health Education Centers' (AzAHEC) 2023 program achievements. Provides details and statistics related to several of the program's education, training, and rotation
Date: 2023
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Arizona Area Health Education Center Program
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The University of Arizona Center for Rural Health Annual Report FY 2022-2023
Highlights the Center for Rural Health's accomplishments, and describes challenges and opportunities for improving the health of rural Arizonans in the upcoming year. Discusses the State Office of Rural Health, Arizona Rural Hospital Flexibility program (AzFLEX), the Arizona Small Rural Hospital Improvement Program (AzSHIP), and other programs.
Date: 2023
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Arizona Center for Rural Health
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Arizona State Health Assessment 2022 Annual Update
Offers data and visualizations of county and state-level health data, covering maternal and infant health, child and adolescent health, health conditions in adults, healthy aging, tribal health, community health, and COVID-19 response. Includes links to county health plans and assessments. Serves as a supplemental update to the 2019 Arizona State Health Assessment.
Date: 2023
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Arizona Department of Health Services
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Quantifying Arizona's Primary Care Shortage Using Health Professional Shortage Area (HPSA) Data
Report describing the shortages of primary care physicians in Arizona. Data include shortages in both tribal nations and at a county-level.
Date: 2023
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Arizona Center for Rural Health
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U.S. Census Updates: Arizona's Rural Population
Table comparing the urban and rural population levels in Arizona between the 2010 and 2020 Censuses. Includes county-level data.
Date: 2023
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Arizona Center for Rural Health
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Describing The Primary Care Shortage in Arizona: Summary of Health Professional Shortage Area Data
Describes the Primary Care Physician (PCP) Health Professional Shortage Area (HPSA) data for the state of Arizona. Provides county-level data for population living in a PCP HPSA.
Date: 2023
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Arizona Center for Rural Health
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Improving Maternal Health Outcomes To Reduce Maternal Mortality and Severe Maternal Morbidity
Report highlights the Inter-Tribal Council of Arizona's Maternal Health Innovation (MHI) Program's goals and strategies for achieving them. Details the current state of maternal health in the Council's 21 tribe area and explores the barriers to maternal care, as well as a program timeline.
Date: 10/2022
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Inter Tribal Council of Arizona, American Indian Research Center for Health
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Arizona Medically Underserved Areas: Biennial Report 2022
Biennial report for Arizona containing a list of Primary Care Areas (PCAs) by county, maps of medically underserved areas, and a list of Arizona State Loan Repayment Program sites. Describes methodology for designating PCAs as Medically Underserved Areas (AzMUAs), including ratio of population to primary care, travel distance to a primary care physician, and health insurance status, among other factors.
Date: 10/2022
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Arizona Department of Health Services
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Arizona Health Workforce Profile: Physician Specialty
Examines the physician workforce in Arizona, with data on specialty, those who completed their undergraduate medical education (UME) in Arizona, and the distribution of specialties across Arizona, further broken down by rural versus urban.
Date: 09/2022
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Arizona Center for Rural Health
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Additional resources are available. See a full list of Arizona Resources.

Last Updated: 4/22/2024