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Rural Monitor Search Results for: mmwr

8 Rural Monitor webpages matched your search. Here are matches 1 - 8:

1. New CDC Series Looks at Rural Health Topics - The Rural Monitor
Date: Feb 22, 2017

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention will focus on rural health issues in a special series of its Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) that will run throughout 2017. Learn about the impetus for the series, topics that will be featured, and upcoming webinars to share findings from the series. - The Rural Monitor

...MMWR). The first data report in the MMWR Rural Health Series , on leading causes of death...

2. Rural Unintentional Injuries: They're Not Accidents – They're Preventable - The Rural Monitor
Date: Nov 29, 2017

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's 2017 MMWR Rural Series has featured several reports highlighting rural unintentional injuries as one of the top 5 leading causes of death. What are these "unintentional injuries"? How often are rural residents killed by them? Here's a look at the three leading causes of rural unintentional injuries. - The Rural Monitor

...MMWR Rural Series has featured several reports highlighting rural unintentional injuries as one of the top 5 leading...

3. CDC as a Rural Resource: Q&A with Diane Hall - The Rural Monitor
Date: Mar 20, 2019

CDC Senior Policy Analyst Diane Hall discusses the CDC's work in rural health and the importance of data collection and storytelling. - The Rural Monitor

...MMWR) Rural Health Series . What has been the national response to the series and what...

4. Effective Communication and Consistency in Increasing Rural Vaccination Rates - The Rural Monitor
Date: Sep 25, 2019

Vaccination rates for rural children and adolescents are lower than for their urban counterparts. A nurse practitioner in Louisiana and a former professor in Kentucky share how they've increased vaccination rates in their communities. - The Rural Monitor

...MMWR) article from October 2018, children younger than three years old living outside of metropolitan...

5. Top 10 Rural Monitor Articles of 2017 - The Rural Monitor
Date: Dec 27, 2017

The year's most-read list includes articles on the health literacy, tick-borne diseases, COPD, American Indian health disparities, and a variety of innovative rural health approaches. - The Rural Monitor

...MMWR Rural Series has featured several reports highlighting rural unintentional injuries as one of the top 5 leading...

6. The Death Certificate: A Document to be Honored and Accurate - The Rural Monitor
Date: Aug 8, 2018

An in-depth look at death certificates shows how this vital statistic document can impact rural healthcare, rural healthcare policy, and public health interventions. - The Rural Monitor

...MMWR study addressing death certificate inaccuracies in selected Missouri metropolitan hospitals. That report, looking at 2009-2012 death...

7. What's MAT Got to Do with It? Medication-Assisted Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder in Rural America - The Rural Monitor
Date: Mar 21, 2018

An important aspect of the opioid crisis is opioid use disorder. This in-depth story focuses on the science behind the disorder and the use of an evidence-based treatment: MAT, or medication-assisted treatment. - The Rural Monitor

...MMWR report provides a granular look at urban and rural opioid data. From 1999 to 2015, the study...

8. "Doing Something Exceptional": Rural Communities and Colorectal Cancer Screening - The Rural Monitor
Date: Jul 12, 2017

Colorectal cancer stands out as a cancer with increased incidence and mortality rates in rural areas – rates that are likely influenced by lack of screening. Using different approaches, two rural healthcare organizations in Idaho and Kentucky show how they are saving lives by improving colorectal cancer screening rates in their communities. - The Rural Monitor

...MMWR Rural Health Series report delivering focused details on rural-urban cancer incidence and death...