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Website Search Results for: Food Security

1090 webpages matched your search. Here are matches 901 - 910:

901. Food Insecurity in the Rural United States: An Examination of Struggles and Coping Mechanisms to Feed a Family among Households with a Low-Income - Resources
Date: Dec 2022

Analyzes the barriers and strategies of low-income rural families around food insecurity. Reports on interviews with 153 primary grocery shoppers about their experiences related to affordability and adequacy of meals, difficulty in obtaining food and managing household food needs, and more. Includes demographic information about participants as well as selected quotes relating to their food insecurity experiences. insecurity experiences. Author(s) Carmen Byker Shanks, Lauri Andress, Annie Hardison-Moody, et al. Citation Nutrients, 14(24), 5250 Date 12/2022 Type Document Tagged as Families · Food security...

902. America's Eating Habits: Food Away From Home - Resources
Date: Sep 2018

Examines how eating out and the availability of food options affect U.S. diets. Addresses rural/urban differences, socioeconomic factors, and relevant federal programs. Covers school lunch programs, quick-service restaurants, and full-service restaurants, including maps showing restaurant availability and growth by county.

...Tagged as Access · Food security and nutrition · Policy · Rural-urban differences · Schools · Statistics and data...

903. Super Stores' Impact on the Availability of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program-Approved Stores - Resources
Date: Jun 2021

Examines the effect of new super stores on the survival of existing traditional stores and the cost savings accruing to Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) beneficiaries. Features statistics including SNAP redemptions and share of redemptions by store type from 1992–2017, and impact of super store entry on the number of SNAP-approved stores with breakdowns by urban and rural areas.

...Research Service Tagged as Access · Food security and nutrition · Rural-urban differences · Statistics and data...

904. Amber Waves - Resources
Reviewed: Apr 2024

Monthly publication of the Economic Research Service. Covers the ERS research and analysis on economic and policy issues related to agriculture, food, the environment, and rural America. Coverage includes topics related to the social determinants of health for rural people., the environment, and rural America. Coverage includes topics related to the social determinants of health for rural people. Type Journal/Newsletter Organization USDA Economic Research Service Tagged as Food security...

905. Beyond Nutrient Intake: Use of Digital Food Photography Methodology to Examine Family Dinnertime - Resources
Date: May 2019

Examines the feasibility of utilizing food photography (Remote Food Photography Method or RFPM) with rural, low-resource families to examine the context of family mealtime, including meal timing, location, concordance in child-parent meals, level of preparation, and meal quality. Reviews mealtimes of 31 parent-child pairs in rural Colorado. Discusses the methodology's potential utility for both assessment and intervention.

...Tagged as Families · Food security and nutrition · Research methods and resources · Statistics and data · Colorado...

906. South Carolina By the Numbers: The SC Hospital Association Data Portal - Resources
Added: Jan 2024

Interactive report providing hospital quality of care metrics and county-by-county data on population health, health behaviors, and demographics in South Carolina. Provides statistics on health status, population and demographics, health workforce supply, broadband access, mental health, poverty, food environment, smoking, and more. environment, smoking, and more. Type Website Organization South Carolina Hospital Association Tagged as Behavioral health · County-by-county data · Educational attainment · Food security...

907. Understanding the Rural Food Environment: Perspectives of Low-income Parents - Resources
Date: Apr 2011

Describes barriers rural, low-income families face to access quality, affordable, and healthful food. Concludes that remedies used in urban areas will not help to fix the problem of food deserts in rural areas. deserts in rural areas. Author(s) Anush Yousefian, Al Leighton, Kimberly Fox, David Hartley Citation Rural and Remote Health, 11(2), 1631 Date 04/2011 Type Document Tagged as Families · Food security...

908. The Motivations and Needs of Rural, Low-Income Household Food Gardeners - Resources
Date: Jan 2020

Results of a study using surveys, interviews, and garden visits to households in rural, western Pennsylvania to explore behavior and motivations of rural food gardeners, and the challenges they face. Discusses the financial, spiritual, and ecological value of gardening, and opportunities for community support.

...Food Systems, and Community Development, 9(2), 55-69 Date 01/2020 Type Document Tagged as Community and faith-based initiatives · Food security...

909. Home Food and Activity Assessment: Development and Validation of an Instrument for Diverse Families of Young Children - Resources
Date: Sep 2014

Outlines and tests an assessment tool that measures the home food and activity environments of geographically and economically diverse families of preschool aged children in rural Colorado.

...Food security and nutrition · Obesity and weight control · Statistics and data · Wellness, health promotion, and disease...

910. FNS: Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP): Disaster Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (D-SNAP); Withdrawal - News
Date: Sep 27, 2024

Notice from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) withdrawing the May 10, 2016, proposed rule titled "Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP): Disaster Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (D-SNAP)." This rule would have amended the SNAP regulations to establish procedures for planning, requesting, and operating D-SNAP. FNS is withdrawing this proposed rule to maintain the flexibility to adapt D-SNAP to unique disaster situations. This withdrawal is effective September 27, 2024. Source: Federal Register.

...Emergency preparedness and response · Food security and nutrition · Income support and assistance · Legislation and regulations...