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Resources Search Results for: maternal child health

110 Resources webpages matched your search. Here are matches 81 - 90:

81. Optimizing Postpartum Care in Rural Communities: Insights from Women in Arizona and Implications for Policy
Date: Feb 2024

Analyzes the postpartum care needs of women living in rural Arizona. Reports on interview feedback from 30 women structured around themes of maternity care and networks of care, structural support and systems, and health information and literacy. Discusses potential implications for policy and practice related to rural postpartum care.

...Child Health Journal, 28, 1148-1159 Date 02/2024 Type Document Tagged as Access · Health literacy · Healthcare quality · Maternal...

82. Maternal Health Literacy Progression Among Rural Perinatal Women
Date: Jan 2014

Reports on a study of the progression of maternal health literacy in low-income women who received home visits from Registered Nurse Case Managers (RNCMs) in rural Georgia. Breaks down data by participant demographics, level of prenatal and postpartum depression scores, and birth outcomes.

...Maternal and Child Health Journal, 18(8), 1881-1892 Date 01/2014 Type Document Tagged as Health...

83. Rural/Urban Differences in Children's Health
Date: Oct 2020

Examines differences in child health conditions by rural and urban residency. Explores differences in mental and behavioral health, weight status and physical activity, adverse childhood experiences, and access to healthcare.

...Maternal and Child Health Bureau Tagged as Access · Behavioral health · Children and youth · Health disparities...

84. Evaluation of a Family Connects Dissemination to Four High-Poverty Rural Counties
Date: May 2022

Results from the Family Connects postpartum home visiting program, conducted in 4 high-poverty rural eastern North Carolina counties from September 2014 through December 2015. Features statistics on Family Connects' impact on infant and parental health and well-being, with breakdowns by intervention group and comparison group. and well-being, with breakdowns by intervention group and comparison group. Author(s) W. Benjamin Goodman, Kenneth A, Dodge, Yu Bai, Robert A. Murphy, Karen O'Donnell Citation Maternal and Child...

85. Rural Children's Health and Health Care
Date: Feb 2022

Examines differences in child health conditions by rural and urban residency. Explores differences in use of preventative dental and medical services by poverty rate, adverse childhood experiences, overweight and obesity, food insecurity, and physical activity.

...Maternal and Child Health Bureau Tagged as Abuse and violence · Children and youth · Food security...

86. First Trimester Prenatal Care Initiation Among Hispanic Women Along the U.S.-Mexico Border
Date: Dec 2017

Reports on a study to determine what factors, including barriers, influence pregnant and parenting Hispanic women from counties within the U.S.-Mexico border region to seek first trimester prenatal care – care associated with improved birth outcomes.

...Maternal and Child Health Journal, 21(Suppl 1), 11–18 Date 12/2017 Type Document Tagged...

87. Associations Between Neighborhood Characteristics and Physical Activity Among Youth Within Rural–Urban Commuting Areas in the US
Date: Dec 2012

Examines rural versus urban associations in physical activity and neighborhood characteristics. Includes data on youth participating in physical activity 5 or more days per week for a minimum of 20 minutes at a time by Rural-Urban Commuting Area. Table 2 covers age group, sex, race/ethnicity, youth health, youth activities, family, and household characteristics., youth activities, family, and household characteristics. Author(s) Laurin Kasehagen, Ashley Busacker, Debra Kane, Angela Rohan Citation Maternal and Child...

88. The Health and Well-Being of Children in Rural Areas: A Portrait of the Nation 2011–2012
Date: Apr 2015

Describes data from the National Survey of Children's Health demonstrating the health and well-being of children, as well as the family environment and the characteristics of the community that affect rural children and their families.

...Maternal and Child Health Bureau Tagged as Access · Children and youth · Health insurance · Mental health...

89. Medicaid Disenrollment Patterns Among Children Coming into Contact with Child Welfare Agencies
Date: Jun 2016

Analyzes Medicaid claims from 36 states over a 4-year period to assess retention of health insurance coverage for children involved with the child welfare system. Identifies associations between insurance loss and sociodemographic factors, such as age, race/ethnicity, rural versus urban residence, and other factors.

...Maternal and Child Health Journal, 20(6), 1280-1287 Date 06/2016 Type Document Tagged as Child...

90. Differences in Human Papillomavirus Vaccination Among Adolescent Girls in Metropolitan Versus Non-metropolitan Areas: Considering the Moderating Roles of Maternal Socioeconomic Status and Health Care Access
Date: Feb 2016

Compares the rate of human papillomavirus (HPV) in girls aged 12-17 in metropolitan and nonmetropolitan areas of the U.S. Analyzes cross-sectional data form the 2008-2010 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System. Discusses the maternal role as a determining factor in vaccination initiation and completion.

...maternal role as a determining factor in vaccination initiation and completion. Author(s) Shannon M. Monnat, Danielle C. Rhubart, Sherrie Flynt Wallington Citation Maternal and Child Health...