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Website Search Results for: rural referral center

332 webpages matched your search. Here are matches 61 - 70:

61. Moms Do Care EMPOWER (MDC-E) - Models & Innovations
Added: Feb 13, 2024

MDC-E is a rural Massachusetts program for pregnant or new parents using substances, on medication for opioid use, or in recovery.

...Center, Pioneer Women's Health, and the Center for Human Development in rural Greenfield, Massachusetts, operate the Moms Do Care EMPOWER (Engaging Mothers for Positive Outcomes with Early Referrals...

62. Urban and Rural Differences in Coronavirus Pandemic Preparedness - Resources
Date: Apr 2020

Examines the variation in hospital bed capacity by region in the U.S. and by metro and non-metro status. Discusses urban and rural differences in hospital resources, including hospital and ICU beds per capita. Provides an interactive map displaying hospital beds per capita and select demographic characteristics of metro and non-metro areas of each state and by hospital referral region.

...Rural Differences in Coronavirus Pandemic Preparedness --- Examines the variation in hospital bed capacity by region in the U.S. and by metro and non-metro status. Discusses urban and rural differences in hospital resources, including hospital...

63. Office-Based Spirometry: Key to Diagnosing Rural COPD Patients - The Rural Monitor - Rural Monitor
Date: Nov 20, 2019

Chronic obstructive lung disease, or COPD, is a disease with a stronghold in rural America: almost double the prevalence and double the mortality rates compared to large urban areas. Though it is a condition with no cure, it's a condition that has treatments — and hope — making proper diagnosis by spirometry imperative. - The Rural Monitor

...rural primary care providers and individuals with COPD symptoms about rural-urban disparities in COPD outcomes…and referral for effective treatments to help manage the disease" through established HRSA-funded Area Health Education Centers...

64. Frontier Extended Stay Clinics - Other

Learn about a completed Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services demonstration program that tested an enhanced clinic model in frontier areas.

...referral centers; or patients who need monitoring and observation for a limited period of time Project Timeline In 2004, Congress appropriated funds to the Federal Office of Rural...

65. Community Paramedicine Models for Referrals for Social Services - RHIhub Toolkit - Toolkits
Added: Jul 16, 2020

Information on community paramedicine programs that focus on connecting patients with resources for food, housing, transportation, and other social services.

...centers Legal services Housing assistance Healthcare coverage, such as applications for Medicaid For more information about addressing social determinants of health in rural communities, please visit the Social Determinants of Health in Rural Communities Toolkit...

66. One-Stop Shop HIV/AIDS Programs - RHIhub Rural HIV/AIDS Toolkit - Toolkits
Reviewed: Apr 8, 2022

Learn how some rural communities use a one-stop shop approach to provide prevention and treatment services, psychosocial support, and other services.

...Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Evidence-Based Interventions and Best Practices for HIV Prevention approaches within Chattanooga and surrounding rural counties. Rural AIDS Action Network (RAAN) offers a range of services and programs...

67. Violence and Abuse in Rural America Overview - Topic Guides
Reviewed: Jan 24, 2024

Features information on violence, abuse, and human trafficking in rural areas. Examines barriers to addressing intimate partner violence, health outcomes related to violence and abuse, strategies for identifying and supporting victims in healthcare settings, impacts on vulnerable populations, and effects of adverse childhood experiences, harassment, stalking, and bullying in rural areas.

...Center on Aging offers a screening protocol and tool for older adults that has been tested and implemented in rural primary care practices. Routine screening for intimate partner violence and referrals...

68. Resources Needed for Implementing Telehealth Programs - RHIhub Toolkit - Toolkits
Reviewed: Jun 8, 2023

Describes the resources needed to implement or expand telehealth programs in rural communities.

...rural communities. --- View more Resources Needed for Implementing Telehealth Programs Rural programs may require several different kinds of resources, such as physical space, staffing, technology, and partnerships, to implement and expand telehealth services. Physical Space...

69. Farm Assessment and Rehabilitation Methods (FARM) Program - Models & Innovations
Reviewed: Feb 21, 2024

The FARM program helps disabled or ill farmers continue to operate and work their Wisconsin farms.

...Center educates and guides FARM about the medical influence and options for a disabled farmer. Services offered FARM Rural Rehabilitation Specialists assist clients with information, referral...

70. Meadows Diabetes Education Program - Models & Innovations
Reviewed: Sep 5, 2023

A clinical care/diabetes education program to help patients learn self-management skills to lower their blood sugar, cholesterol, and blood pressure.

...referral. Classes in Spanish were available upon request. The program ended in 2022. This program received support from a 2012-2015 Federal Office of Rural Health Policy (FORHP) Rural Health Care Services Outreach grant...